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Everything posted by HoonDing

  1. "Walking around without worries" seems a strange comment with all the annoying critters that are constantly on your back in Bethesda games. Anyway, I've finally decided to pre-order DA:O along with Venetica (which is also coming in November). Tee hee.
  2. Maybe I should play it one of these days.
  3. It seems Safiya with the "Vampiric Feast" spell is the Win Button right there. That is, if them vampires wouldn't save against the spell anyway.
  4. Vampire Ancients that can kill your entire party in five seconds.
  5. I checked at my local game-shop and there the release date listed was 16 October. But strangely enough the game wasn't classicfied under 'RPG' but 'Action/adventure'...
  6. I've downloaded the Arkham Asylum demo so I'll see what all the fuzz is about with that game. Also, the new monster patch for Divinity 2 was just released (760 MB) and now finally the graphics can be adjusted to top-notch. Looks like a completely different game now. Pity they didn't fix the lousy ending.
  7. Thought it would fit since that man is the legendary David Gaider.
  8. Big Rigs movie starring Hayden Christensen, Megan Fox & Eric Roberts?
  9. This pic would perhaps have been even more applicable:
  10. Dreamfall was so memorable that I don't even remember the name of the purple-shirted chick... only that she had an annoying voice. The victorious heroes staring in the sunset: Another RPG finished.
  11. At least she didn't spout "I will be your doom!!"
  12. I don't trust that Stony the "Stone Fist" sneaking up on that girl like that.
  13. Hey, collecting all nirnroots in the game takes time.
  14. April Ryan in TLJ is my favourite game character of all time... also the game has the most bitter-sweet ending I've ever experienced - both climactic & anti-climactic. Kate Walker in Syberia, the way she changes throughout the journey culminating in the 'choice' she makes at the end... and also the ending of Syberia 2. A moment involving her & Oscar (the automaton-butler) that was supposed to be emotional didn't do anything to me, though. And heck, Bobbin Threadbare meeting his mother in Loom made me cry when I was an 8-year old kid playing it as one of my first video games ever. EDIT: not to forget, a certain moment in Beyond good & evil involving a ruined, empty lighthouse, Jade & her dog Woof.
  15. Actually, David Eddings (who just passed away in June this year) would have been an excellent writer for BioWare. He always used the same similar stories & characters
  16. When it comes to banter, nothing can beat TLJ & Broken Sword games. Crow's a killer. Pity he's so annoying in Dreamfall.
  17. That's all great, Ragnar, really. Now get back working on Dreamfall Chapters & TLJ 2.
  18. I felt really bad initially upon seeing how Renegade FemShep handled that fanboy in the Citadel... but then I laughed. Same happened with executing the one Asari on Feros & the other one in Virmire.
  19. Leliana coming from a nunnery explains her somewhat extreme reaction when PC-heavily armored dude destroyed the urn in that other video. I'm not sure I'm comfortable with religious fanatics in my party, though. Killing because "the Maker" told her to, and all that... sounds like she's psychotic. Could be useful though to put a belt of deadly fire traps on her and send her into a horde of mooks.
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