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Everything posted by HoonDing

  1. It's the attack/parry system that's a bit wacko in the beginning... to make your attack succeed, you must roll below your attack value... but regardless of your chance of success enemies will parry/dodge by simply rolling below their own parry/dodge value... making it technically possible for a beggar with a rusty dagger to beat a knight in heavy armor with a 2 metre claymore. But it is interesting since it makes mages at least as powerful in melee as soldiers/warriors... not to mention it makes every fight keeping you on your toes.
  2. Romance "confrontation"? Did I miss anything?
  3. Mirror's Edge is one of the better death simulators I've played. I'm playing Drakensang. The game is good, but the camera & combat rules are completely wacko.
  4. And why do people think that Heavy Rain will be any different? Cage basically takes a psychological thriller, introduces some quick-time events during tense moments of said movie, and dares calling it a 'game'.
  5. Thank you, I was looking out for this origin. Those nobles are gonna be so dead when I play as City Elf. Bit over the top though how that slender Elven woman apparently slaughters an entire castle of guards - like an extreme version of Ruth. It's going to be a toss-up between this origin & Dalish Elf.
  6. When in doubt, pick the one with the biggest boobs.
  7. So Ancel goes back to working on more Rabbids crap.
  8. I spent 22-23 hours just looking around the Citadel for all those green bugs.
  9. *cough* Beneziah *cough* Funny how I first typed Barenziah, though.
  10. It basically looks like a very polished Gothic III, but I'm fine with that. Gothic III's models were nothing to write home about, but the environments looked much better than Oblivion's. Considering their budget is probably minimal compared to Bethesda's or BioWare's, it looks amazing. I don't think I'll get the CE of this game, I'll be getting the CE of Divinity 2 (English version) instead. That game is/was Game of the Year for me.
  11. Apparently it's possible to slaughter the entire cultist village: Haven Leliana speaks in the video, but I can't understand what she's saying.
  12. Well, either way, destroying that urn will be hard to resist for my human-hating City/Dalish Elf. If some bratty henchmen can't handle it - their problem. As for telepathic henchmen, maybe someone of the more sinister ones like Morrigan or the qunari would whisper it into their ear as a way to get rid of them?
  13. I'm now wondering what happens when you leave the religious fanatics at the camp and take along only followers that don't care like the qunari, Morrigan & possibly the dwarf. Instead of attacking, do they put ants or an acid trap in the PC's bed or something?
  14. Does all that drama happen late in the game? It was funny how those followers suddenly went berserk just because they disagreed with the PC's actions.
  15. IF you use Critical Strike, Opila + 'Personal' Crystal combined with improved beam gem lens & expert fencing emitter is most powerful. With Shien you do ridiculous amounts of damage.
  16. Rather than Tiamat, isn't that Takhisis' true form? Takhisis, as in Dark Queen of Krynn?
  17. I have a nagging feeling that that Loghain guy will constitute to a Xanatos Gambit.
  18. Why did the dragons flee? Aren't they supposed to be 'uber' creatures being able to lay waste to entire armies? Oh, and are they sentient?
  19. Photons move exactly at the speed of light... FTL is physically impossible since it implies an infinite mass.
  20. They're dragons possessed by a demon, IIRC.
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