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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Beware the Revenge of the Fifth!
  2. Pft very, very little work to find a decent torrent site. Well unless they're hunting porn, but I imagine the DD sites like RS/FS/Oron can pick up the slack for that
  3. Arma 2 or Arrowhead ? Either one is great fun, I mostly spend my time with the editor just making battles and engagements. I'd recommened your get the JSRS sound mod for it too, sounds are a hell of a lot better than the vanilla.
  4. Haha, that's pretty rich. Not so sure on describing it as counterfeiting, it might well work as they do recompile the files with slight changes and so on. And sometimes they try to pass it off as the real deal (who's dumb enough to believe some Chinese store is selling games 80% cheaper than everywhere else I'm not sure).
  5. Yeah I need more interesting photos, that was on a foggy day
  6. Further photos of out my window
  7. Was going at the idea that stealing decrements the amount they have. Not really the case with pirating the game, and is a bit different than slating him as a mugger. Although, I suppose you could consider stealing as getting something for nothing, so may be. The raging on this is always cute though.
  8. Wondering why my coworkers are so cheerful and chit-chatty. Suspecting they're normal, but I'll go with 'insane' as my conclusion. Spent 70% of my day on Wikipedia.
  9. Well, what he did with Gothic wasn't stealing, really. But meh, carry on.
  10. Wait, mkreku is a mugger now ? Hm I guess those "You wouldn't..." anti piracy videos had the right idea.
  11. Luckily, I wear adidas when I play the game. EDIT : Because 'Impossible is Nothing'
  12. Thought that was a ThinkPad at first, was going to commend her choice of laptops. Although probably shouldn't rest that on sheets, for cooling purposes.
  13. http://www.pcgamer.com/2012/05/03/elder-scrolls-online-announced-an-mmo-set-in-the-world-of-skyrim/ Elder Scrolls MMORPG. Yay ?
  14. Mostly military history, so nice flashy stuff like the Greco-Persian Wars, Alexander's campaigns, Rome's war with Carthage, etc. Really did enjoy my Modern Western history course back in high school, covered lead up to the French & American Revolutions then up to pre-WW1. That way, came to learn about Tallyrand, have to love that guy.
  15. I think his point was along the lines of them charging you some insane price related to what they would charge him. Although Austria is in a jerkwater region of the world, it would be a good idea for someone to go buy stuff there and bring it back. Not that feasible I suppose.
  16. Tribes Ascend still, seems less people are playing or something, haven't had a full match in a while at least for TDM.
  17. Probably cheaper than legal means in those countries where most of the pirated content's being bought. Just a cost calculation.
  18. Mechwarrior Online screenshots of the Catapult. Bit different than what I recall from other media, though.
  19. Fittingly referring to periodic episodes. Points for it being random though. Not a sweater, it's a scarf I just tossed on him. They did buy them these sweaters to wear in winter, naturally being women my mother and sister decided that plain colours would be boring and got them zebra striped ones, tartan ones, etc.
  20. Once they're on a Steam sale *nod*
  21. Weirdo.
  22. Then you just kill more mooks.
  23. And STIs.
  24. Might be better to just take stuff down if some one complains, you put the onus on the thoroughly victimized, bleeding media companies to patrol the torrent sites.
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