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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Heh, GOG's big announcement is a free 'backup' copy of Witcher 2 regardless of where you got it. Ahh ok, my mistake, that was just one of them. Waiting to hear what the 'legendary' game is.
  2. A slideshow, perhaps ?
  3. Tropico 3, the expansion's a bit trickier, so that's good. Sadly I'm getting a freeze-CTD issue on one level, bleh.
  4. I think I'll donate to Jensen's project.
  5. If anyone still cares
  6. Weak, didn't even call me 'son' or 'boy', for shame. As for Ashley's boobs on the hospital scene, there's a mod for that. I guess Bethesda fans don't have a monopoly on this kind of nonsense, hah.
  7. Well hope none of you go and kill yourselves. Rather nice day, will try to enjoy the sunshine and my lack of dying and ignore the clients who I'm fantasizing about murdering on an hourly basis.
  8. I can't believe this isn't butter.
  9. Misinterpreted a sprintf call, got the resulting %s^%s as the opposite of what was intended, forgot as we use a stack based language, it was backwards and that carried through my analysis and I got confused and wasted time as a result. Amaze myself every day!
  10. Well that should be interesting.
  11. Don't post while high, mkay. (Someone had to make that joke)
  12. Agree with Civilization, that Civilopedia was a nice primer on all sorts of things for me. Other than that, not much, the Total War games did prompt me to look into the units and factions and history of the setting a bit, but nothing overly thorough.
  13. Someone should make one to get the rights to Freespace, heh.
  14. http://www.eurogamer...com-on-thursday GOG giving away a "Legendary" RPG on Thursday I guess it'll have Legend in the title. Ah, only to people owning Witcher 2 or buying it, so I guess it's not that cool. Whoops.
  15. I don't necessarily think the DOW2 change is responsible for THQ's troubles. I enjoyed both games, was fun to customize the squad and so on, loss of base building wasn't that big a deal. That Takedown project looks interesting, world needs more 'tactical' shooters in any case.
  16. Tried sorting through my pen collection, but couldn't manage to throw any out. Damn, I'm a pen hoarder now - have four coffee mugs full of them!
  17. Well beat the game on my run through of all three games with a soldier (rather boring class to play, I find). Went with the synthetic flavour of explosion. Heh, yeah Allers is pretty freaking horrible, whoever decided Chobot needed to be included with that performance needs to be canned.
  18. Total Annihilation, directed by Michael Bay.
  19. Hope you packed ammo and knives.
  20. Yeah Tropico 3 is simple to faceroll through, rather un-enjoyable without constant failure and so on. Realized I have far too many games in my 'backlog', most from GoG. Might as well try to nail through Ground Control.
  21. I'd heard it was just a slight upgrade from Tropico 3.
  22. Click on 'Special BBCode', third button from the left on the top row.
  23. http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2012/03/29/mass-effect-3-ending-hinted-at-by-mass-effect-1-after-all/ People are reaching.
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