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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Demon Hunter was kinda meh, just standing there shooting things. Overall, was sort of fun to play, but I doubt it's worth enough for a buy. Will have to try some MP tonight.
  2. I dunno, most of the internet seems to be wasteful.
  3. Well that was a bust. Installer crashed for some reason after downloading 80%, then got stuck behind this 'Updating Setup Files..' bug with the Agent. Ah well, 15th isn't so far off
  4. What's crap about it ?
  5. It's not like you're 80 and nearing death.
  6. Youtube works. Best voice in my opinion was the female IA's.
  7. Weird, no one notices my new ones when I get them, which to be honest is nice as I need them to see not be fashionable
  8. Yeah, definitely dreaming, they crack every game out there that can be, although the delay depends on the hype.
  9. I'd go to watch a Dortmund game. Well that and the women, naturally.
  10. Funny bit of idiocy
  11. Thinking I'm really sleep deprived or sick. Will have to try to get to bed before 2330 tonight.
  12. I guess when these games get pirated the net-rage will be fiercer than normal.
  13. I liked this one
  14. They are pretty much. Either you get the meshback mother****ers or hipster douchebags. Looks like that Diablo 3 "open" beta was a mistake of some sorts. Netheara posted - "the Diablo III beta is currently unavailable while we work to resolve an issue.
  15. Well, if Wasteland 2 ends up being a buggy mess or poor, the reaction here will be amusing to see. Still, not seeing the donations as foolish, you can gauge how much you can tolerate "losing" well enough, I'd hope.
  16. So now we have another **** like you ? Fantastic!
  17. Tribes Ascend, lots of Tribes Ascend.
  18. That's shock value for you.
  19. Heh, cute touch. My poor bandwidth quota's going to get murdered with this. Bah
  20. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-04-17-ghost-recon-future-soldier-more-realistic-than-cod-says-dev Well thank God, it's more realistic than COD.
  21. How very grimdark, civilians getting burned or disintegrated.
  22. Reminds me of the Asian girl in University saying "I don't even know where Korea is".
  23. Troy, Ronin.
  24. Interesting setting, running around some urban rainforest with a high tech bow.
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