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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. I should get back to playing TF2 or DOD. Playing Tribes Ascend at the moment for my MP-FPS fix.
  2. Yeah, it does suck. I didn't have great hopes for Dark Millennium, maybe it'll be more fun as a SP game. A nice full out RPG in the 40k setting would be fun to play.
  3. And somewhere glass is breaking.
  4. http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2012/03/28/firaxis-talk-xcom-redux-bases-ammo-skills-explained/ More XCOM stuff.
  5. I'll admit, that made me laugh pretty hard.
  6. Interesting to see bullet time in multiplayer.
  7. Oh, this will go some places.
  8. Chuckling at how small talk with coworkers ended up becoming a discussion on the effects of different calibers and types of bullets.
  9. Obama is the Antichrist, man!
  10. Wow, I'm shocked by this. Eventually, the US can start stealing back. Or be creative and let them steal defective plans and such.
  11. http://www.pcgamer.com/2012/03/21/notch-wants-to-make-a-firefly-inspired-sandbox-space-game-like-elite-except-done-right/ Hm, wonder what was 'wrong' with Elite.
  12. Malcador


    Ah, nostalgia.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6PZBSxspvc&feature=player_embedded
  14. Well, a machine gun can be small arms, as that covers things up to a .50 cal gun (12.7mm). Not sure of how that round will do against concrete, heh, if you want an account of the effect of that on a human, Black Hawk Down has a Somali getting shot by three of them and he's torn to three pieces. And yes, like everything else in the news, it's worth being cynical about.
  15. Nothing like spending more time checking parentheses in an exam than actually solving a problem. I enjoyed Prolog, recursion in that is sort of weird but cool at the same time
  16. Ah, the 'entitlement' buzzword. But still, it's IGN so who cares ?
  17. Noticed this a bit late, but Deus Ex series is 75% off. Seems like a good price for HR and DLC.
  18. Given the weird names for their roles, the last one will be called 'Protos'
  19. "Nothing was more heartbreaking than the moment when Dragon Age 2, which was not yet in alpha status, was shipped out the door" Hmmmm.....
  20. Man, you've only had dull relationships then.
  21. Yeah I know, but when that fails that seems to prompt the Reapers to invade, at least seemed that way from my ME2 playthrough (was funny to note the bit about the Reapers are our salvation during the end bit). Ah well, is probably nothing to it at all.
  22. So...what was the point of the Human Reaper again ? Do they ever expand on that?
  23. Decided to watch Wing Commander. This is a bad idea.
  24. Watched mine win, and their rivals for 3rd place lose. Also, got my mouth abused by a hygienist, but at least no cavities.
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