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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. I, for one, am disgusted by the naming of this drink.
  2. Now THIS is rich. As for Canada as a superpower, feh, the government here (Tories at least, they like being war hard) may have delusions about Canada's clout on the world stage but I think I will end there.
  3. Oh man, I didn't see that coming. Also, am not Canadian.
  4. Well, this definitely sounds good.
  5. It's IGN. And I guess Chobot counts for something (waste of resources adding that character).
  6. I believe it's a mechanism by which the government can claim land if it's deemed to be for the public good - so like a highway or something. In theory, anyway. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eminent_domain
  7. Hm, wonder if those sex scenes on consoles will make a kerfuffle. There was some fuss about ME's no ?
  8. Wow that's pretty awful for the guy that started on Monday.
  9. Was funny on my first playthrough, I chose Jacob for the vent role. He ended up dying but at least I got a laugh out of the black guy dying first. But yes, it's more work to get the team members killed off than not. I did have Thane die if I took Legion with me after one stage, both were loyal - I guess there's some hidden formula.
  10. And when they apply for grad school they only think they're not idiots
  11. Guess they will need a kickstarter.
  12. Always the same thing with Europeans.
  13. They really like the "One squad member must unlock/hack/disable this console, cover him!" mechanic.
  14. Well they have to compete overall through history.
  15. Gotta love it when life is cheap.
  16. Another day of clients being utter pricks. Makes it really fun to work with them when you feel like gouging their eyes out or something. At least the weather's gone warm - 15 C or so today, I guess our meek winter is over for now.
  17. Do you mean the leaked script with the Reapers fighting against Dark Energy idea?
  18. Didn't get many bugs in my playthrough, or at least any I really remember (even in a funny way, like ME1 when I somehow slid backward through the world during the Matriarch fight). Combat wasn't too bad, for me, when fighting mooks, I wish they'd somehow put the stances in. The boss fights (especially the last one) I wasn't too taken with but it's just a matter of rotations. \ As for it being a good RPG, I had fun playing it and the branching over Act 2 was well done. I'd wait to see how the console port turns out, but recommend the game.
  19. Using Liara and Garrus/Ashley alot with my Infiltrator, working out well with squad cryo ammo.
  20. Speaking of Kelly, big whoops for not looking around for her, overhear a conversation how she gets executed after telling a Cerebus guy her name (which...is pretty stupid of her really). Also realized Thane died, I guess I missed his emails, ah well, never liked him that much.
  21. That and it's fun to apply logic to things.
  22. But he'll make us his bitch.
  23. And his twenty clone Shepards.
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