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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. See, they're Shivans!
  2. I appretiate it when I'm not treated like some god who has to know everything. How long have they been reaping? Who cares? They've been at it long enough to give you shivers. The difference between "millions" and "2 million" won't make a difference. Well I don't really need to know everything, but we don't really get much of anything
  3. I only saw some guy's summary over there, heh. Yeah looks like the Indoctrination Theory is dead. Maybe we can just hope they'll explain the Normandy sequence at least. (This is denial, I'm guessing). This is a head shaker for me, it does work for you to not know everything, but in a game where you're just some grunt or something similar - best example is FS2. Shame, really.
  4. Metacritic ? Feh, useless.
  5. Their man Kuchera did similar earlier, went off on people not liking it just because it wasn't happy and you don't end up with the LI. Rather than it being muddled with the bizarre bit with the Normandy - Ashley and Liara got off it but they were with me in London - or just lacking detail (I was expecting some long conversation with Harbinger - who again is pretty useless as an antagonist).
  6. Well just beat it. Nice touch to talk to Jack, Samara, et al during the battle in London. Even forewarned, the bit with the Normandy crashing has me puzzled. Game was a good romp though
  7. That desperation makes it funny.
  8. This is an amusing take on things from the Bioware boards
  9. You only need one, no ?
  10. Even more reason to hate them
  11. At this point, probably would be the best, even with the flak they'll rightly catch for that. As for Bioware being unable to see their error and this is the fan's fault. Ehh, they're smart and sane people right ? Wonder if that indoctrination attempt theory is true.
  12. So I guess we get the conclusion as DLC sometime in the future then, heh. Could see that attitude in their handling of somethings in TOR, as well, criticism is all haters, etc.
  13. Hm, might pay for that.
  14. I wondered my Shepard didn't go for a headshot, rather than shoot him in the chest and let him bleed out that way. As for Kai Leng, I must say I felt ripped off by that fight with him in the temple and his plot induced victory. Finished up Rannoch last night,
  15. I, for one, am disgusted by the naming of this drink.
  16. Now THIS is rich. As for Canada as a superpower, feh, the government here (Tories at least, they like being war hard) may have delusions about Canada's clout on the world stage but I think I will end there.
  17. Oh man, I didn't see that coming. Also, am not Canadian.
  18. Well, this definitely sounds good.
  19. It's IGN. And I guess Chobot counts for something (waste of resources adding that character).
  20. I believe it's a mechanism by which the government can claim land if it's deemed to be for the public good - so like a highway or something. In theory, anyway. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eminent_domain
  21. Hm, wonder if those sex scenes on consoles will make a kerfuffle. There was some fuss about ME's no ?
  22. Wow that's pretty awful for the guy that started on Monday.
  23. Was funny on my first playthrough, I chose Jacob for the vent role. He ended up dying but at least I got a laugh out of the black guy dying first. But yes, it's more work to get the team members killed off than not. I did have Thane die if I took Legion with me after one stage, both were loyal - I guess there's some hidden formula.
  24. And when they apply for grad school they only think they're not idiots
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