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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Got to love people getting their back up on behalf of a company. Anyway, I didn't have that many bugs with NV or AP, myself. Was pretty surprised at getting no critical ones in AP, myself.
  2. Quick search shows burial in areas with little or no foot traffic, or placing it in flowing water.
  3. They'll shake it eventually. Maybe after the next 2 games ?
  4. Looks bad in the news carpet bombing the cities with FAEs, though.
  5. Man, imagine how cool it'd be to be able to CC your kids.... errr.
  6. Buy one D&D game, get one free And get ToEE free if you get any D&D game. Mind you, I guess you all have them all already.
  7. Reminded me of the Halo Wars trailer with the serried ranks of guys behind them.
  8. Real World sure is a terrible grind
  9. Got it in one, skippy. The GW2 models don't look that ugly for a MMO-type game.
  10. Hm, well I can't very well tell you why your argument is invalid in this case, here. Also Witcher 2 sold 1.1 million
  11. Damn, you're a slowpoke
  12. You really think that a second invasion is anywhere near likely ? If Argentina are completely insane, well, you guys can have another expedition followed by an easy whipping of an inferior force, with not a lot of dead on your side.
  13. Well, if those reports are true. Afghans don't necessarily seem like really discerning folk.
  14. Well, here's hoping it bombs and takes the studio with it. Wonder if the game is chock full of annoying dubstep too, hmm. Mind you, I'll have to play it now, don't play enough bad games.
  15. Eventually the PVP crowd will migrate to Republic, so it'll be the Alliance-Horde type thing in the warzones, I'm guessing.
  16. Major power wants to keep it that way, seems reasonable enough. Now, did Putin land that jet ?
  17. No, just football fans and pundits. Granted I look at Dutch, Romanian and Russian streams simply that I can ignore the commentators with greater ease. My team always gets the same yarn from them - need British steel, not won anything in 7 years, player X will leave, too many foreigners, etc.
  18. So will he be working on South Park ? Anyway, congratulations on getting a full time posting.
  19. Well, mainly so I can understand their football TV coverage as I watch their streams mostly. Shame I didn't bother to learn other languages earlier in life though.
  20. Civ V is a bit engaging now, the AI's erratic behaviour is a bit annoying as while I'd like to live in peace with my neighbours they continually want to kill me or love at random intervals.
  21. Interesting, sure you didn't end up in a partial premade ? Then again, you're Republic, they generally seemed better in PVP matches. Imperial side usually are rather scatterbrained - Huttball this can still lead to a win though, as it's a contest of who is more disorganized
  22. Well the poor victimized company does get brought up in threads for no reason, hmm, always funny how that works. It will be interesting to see if GW2 sucks any life out of TOR.
  23. Know a very tiny amount of French, 8 years of it in school and lost it all. Do want to learn German or Dutch.
  24. Have begun a conspiracy to bump off English football pundits (well ok, maybe not Alan Smith). Also have a day off today, best election bribe we've ever received from our provincial government - always nice to have a public holiday, although some people seriously argue against it as it costs us productivity.
  25. You mean all the time ? Welcome to MMORPG PVP
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