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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. This will be thrilling, I anticipate. Maybe there'll be a poor Kinect demonstration, at least.
  2. I probably should cut down on my sugar in coffee, right now I use 2-3 packs of brown sugar and 5%. Today, passing time reading up on organized crime on Wikipedia. Was going to go to the bookstore today, but not sure if the mall is closed - some dude got shot and other people injured over the weekend. Earth shattering moment in Toronto, this.
  3. Class specific stuff isn't the total leveling 'experience' though. The rest of it is the same "Go kill X at Y to save Z"
  4. I'm tempted to see that, might look a bit weird with guys speaking Shakespearean English while brandishing M4s, but still.
  5. Glad I drink a lot of water. Probably not that much though, will drink about 2 L while I'm work over the course of ten hours.
  6. Ah, much better from IO in terms of promotional stuff, heh.
  7. Can't be that comfortable to walk in for her. Always am impressed when I watch a lady run for the bus, while wearing high heels though.
  8. Wait, unless I mistake your meaning, when was the 'old' Star Wars (games or othertwise) barebone, gritty and intense, exactly ?
  9. Yep, we're in the end times. Up here we just have some psycho cutting someone up into chunks Interpol hunt 'killer' porn actor
  10. Hm, can it get to the Supreme Court before November I wonder.
  11. Nah, that's more the style of NYPD cops.
  12. Get room service beforehand.
  13. Leather and latex? I'm sold! See, it's people like you that are the problem But eh, as a hype generator it's ok, I wish we'd see a trailer with more sneaky-sneaky and less Grammaton Cleric type stuff. Although if those ladies are representative of the rest of the ICA's staff, no wonder 47 is their best, heh.
  14. Definitely interested in this, I guess I'll read up on the PnP game.
  15. Never heard of that PnP game, but should be interesting. At least it'll be pretty given it's CDPR.
  16. And the new AAA RPG is based on CyberPunk 2020
  17. CD Projekt's conference. Starts in 15 minutes or so as of my typing this.
  18. New Hitman Absolution trailer. Not really sure what to make of that, but oh well.
  19. Well, they are the same actress, no ? Ah yes, must refresh page before posting.
  20. Bigger image than Blue's, but there it is.
  21. It'd add some variety.
  22. Bah, who cares about drunken hippies.
  23. Preview of summer here, pleasant mix of high humidity, smog, a lingering smell of the city and scowling sweaty people in shades. But am alone in the office for the moment, so utilizing my PC speakers to play Gregorian chants while I debug. :D
  24. PCG has a short article on it, as well http://www.pcgamer.c...ivine-divinity/
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