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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Going to give Gabriel Knight 2 a go.
  2. Also, suck it United
  3. Sounds crazy, though, so not worth it.
  4. Civ V, still leaving me a bit cold, but eh, was in the mood for a Civ game.
  5. I'd like to see Rodriguez make that movie.
  6. Playing Wolfenstein 3D on my lunch break, coworkers across from me have no idea what this game is. Sure is running like a hog on my work PC, but I guess that's just due to Java/Flash.
  7. Why are you encouraging him ?
  8. Wolfenstein 3D 20th anniversary so you can play in your browser - http://wolfenstein.bethsoft.com/game_NA.php And some commentary on it by Carmack.
  9. Well that wasn't too bad, really. Wanted to see Tyrael rip guys apart with his wing-tendrils though. Can't wait to see people's bitching over this - maybe about it being 2-D or not dark enough
  10. Ah yes, cops. The mafia with badges and nice uniforms.
  11. Or communists, Liverpool fans..
  12. If I recall they said they'd be ok with 500,000 subscribers.
  13. Heh, it could be worse!
  14. And they used to be so cool. Well, ok, pre-2000.
  15. Couldn't happen here. There wouldn't be enough room in the trains for them to get their instruments out. Cool looking stations and trains though.
  16. So you're getting senile in your old age then ?
  17. But at least you get to learn stuff. My company's training policies have led my team to essentially train ourselves. Means I have to give presentations on some area of our product to my team mates, all at -30 CHR
  18. Can still lose their 'profits', but I suppose that's not a killer. Still not seeing is as safe, but I get your point. Better not hear any moaning about it from any KS'd devs
  19. She's met her goal, real spike in the last few days
  20. I should try that, usually I just channel my work stress into impotent death threats or hatred of our clientele.
  21. Well those fans aren't getting any return, just a product paid for in advance. Not seeing that as pirate safe, although if the games are mostly DRM free, no cracking required.
  22. Not really that silly, facerolling through everything isn't fun. Although there's all that empty scenery to gawk at along the way.
  23. Got a cold, damned coworkers showing up with their diseases.
  24. Hm, I dunno about pirate groups responding faster, as they are dependent on the publisher to release fixes (as far I know, the idea of a scene patch is rather funny). Caring about the product, heh, well maybe - if the release doesn't work as well as another group that's embarassing etc. It's useful for stripping DRM from your bought games if they're acting up or just bothering you somehow, I'm ok with that.
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