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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. http://www.pcgamer.com/2012/06/07/hitman-absolution-game-director-apologises-for-controversial-trailer/ Well, not apologizing for it just being rather uninspiring and/or just plain bad, just apologizing for offending people by showing women getting offed.
  2. My Wizard has 3k DPS at 53. I think I should go farm Nightmare or something Don't think I have a lot of MF though, bleh.
  3. It's one nice thing CCP does with their dev blogs, too.
  4. I love the horse racing murder mystery genre, myself.
  5. Civ V, am all alone in NA so will have to make the best of this. I wish they put the clock/alarm back in the game though, very useful for going to sleep at a reasonable time.
  6. http://us.battle.net/d3/en/blog/6262208/Patch_103_Design_Preview-6_6_2012#blog Changes in the 1.03 Patch.
  7. 500 then 477. Probably read too fast.
  8. So do you control the character at all or is just the QTE-prompting ? Not interested in that, story may be so but can Youtube that, heh. I did like the bit with the SWAT guys not reacting to suicides, friendly fire and why they have frag grenades.
  9. I've always been Rome in the games, and play on Earth. Limits the content I'm exposed to I suppose, but eh, feels more fun on the "world" map - even though whoever ends up in NA ends up a powerhouse, for the most part, as they're alone.
  10. Yawn inducing.
  11. That LEGO game does look like fun.
  12. That Watchdogs demo was pretty cool.
  13. Civ 3 did add the neat idea of culture, implementation was horrible when waging war. Have fun with Civ 4, I never bothered to look, but hopefully there's some anti-SoD mod
  14. Spent too much time on the practical ?
  15. Missed most of the show, tune in and...what's with the dancing girls ? Oh ok, not live.
  16. Because they each have different weapons and uh...voices. Oh yeah and armpatches.
  17. Heh, "vibrant" community.
  18. That doesn't look too bad.
  19. Gotta love the sleazy "A few years ago the game you bought was the game you got" Nice super cheesy bit with the football game.
  20. Ah, just missed Parker and Stone talking about the game on the GT feed.
  21. Oh good, more cinematic warfare.
  22. Nope, just said it'll be like you're in an episode and mentioned Obsidian's name twice. Holy hell, how much longer for this Usher crap.
  23. Oh cool, they mapped out the town.
  24. FIFA 13's voice commands, brilliant!
  25. Molyneux sure has wacky ideas - http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-06-04-peter-molyneux-unveils-experimental-curiosity-app
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