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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Sounds like a good case for a sick day ? Well assuming they don't make those your vacation days - that sure aids in disease spreading here, workers get sick from their diseased children and show up due to not wanting to burn vacation days. Work's instituting one of those nifty password policies, with the remembering 10 past passwords and 2 month duration, ugh.
  2. True enough poking dumb animals can be dangerous, the female cop seems to be less obsessed with showing how hard she is. People did a good number on him though, mocked him online to the point he tried suing people and I think he's gone from the police for it, heh.
  3. I think I'll fire up a wizard and play alongside my MP character, trying to talk to NPCs is impossible when I have to deal with 50% of my party whining about needing to go kill stuff, heh. Pleased that the DH does become more interesting as the game progresses, found her quite boring during the beta.
  4. Heh, G20 police abuse is back in the news, remembered this Cops really watch too much TV.
  5. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-18108246 "Google is facing legal action over its decision to not label the body of water separating Iran and neighbouring Arab Gulf states on its online map service."
  6. http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2012/05/17/opinion-why-the-problem-with-diablo-isnt-diablo/
  7. Malcador


    Rather calming while at work
  8. Conscript some friend and do it. Cousin's going through a divorce, heh, rather amusing what a nutso his soon to be ex-wife is. Never marry a Trinidadian, by the way.
  9. Feh, console untermensch! Still though, impressive collection.
  10. Probably tire of the non-class stuff. I suppose one could level without them and try to grind out PvP/Space - which might be even less fun, in the end.
  11. Is a free weekend coming up, well for anyone here keen on trying this out. Which at this point is probably no one, heh.
  12. Grinding away for epic recipes ?
  13. I'd say Thief 2.
  14. Got up to level 11 with my DH, very fun to play as a group, might get a 4 player game in tonight, hopefully. Seems the internet's reaction is largely
  15. Can't really see them as comparable though, Diablo 3 will stabilize and become playable as the issue is external to the produced game. ME3's ending is static.
  16. All drunks are strange drunks. Only one I enjoyed being around was a coworker, started weeping and asking why I don't like him, that was fun - shame I didn't have a video camera though.
  17. Hm, sticky if you're trying to be within the Church though. Still, most people aren't referring to the sacrament, and I'd hope if it were legal, a church could tell a couple to pound sand and not get into trouble for it.
  18. Not really sure what conversation you're expecting here, heh. If they do make it legal US-wide, better make sure gay divorce works, I think that was a weird sticky wicket up here in Canada.
  19. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-05-15-error-3006-players-discover-game-breaking-bug-in-diablo-3 Don't give the Templar a shield before Joram, I guess.
  20. Woo, all downloaded and ready to play tonight. Well assuming the servers are up.
  21. I'll hazard trying to get a physical copy, should be a store that has it around here.
  22. Yeah, they won due one wonky GK. But the tears from United fans when they lose like that was great. News filtering in after they win their match, hopes dashed etc. :D
  23. She has one of those 'Ask Me Anything' posts on Reddit -
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