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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Get room service beforehand.
  2. Leather and latex? I'm sold! See, it's people like you that are the problem But eh, as a hype generator it's ok, I wish we'd see a trailer with more sneaky-sneaky and less Grammaton Cleric type stuff. Although if those ladies are representative of the rest of the ICA's staff, no wonder 47 is their best, heh.
  3. Definitely interested in this, I guess I'll read up on the PnP game.
  4. Never heard of that PnP game, but should be interesting. At least it'll be pretty given it's CDPR.
  5. And the new AAA RPG is based on CyberPunk 2020
  6. CD Projekt's conference. Starts in 15 minutes or so as of my typing this.
  7. New Hitman Absolution trailer. Not really sure what to make of that, but oh well.
  8. Well, they are the same actress, no ? Ah yes, must refresh page before posting.
  9. Bigger image than Blue's, but there it is.
  10. It'd add some variety.
  11. Bah, who cares about drunken hippies.
  12. Preview of summer here, pleasant mix of high humidity, smog, a lingering smell of the city and scowling sweaty people in shades. But am alone in the office for the moment, so utilizing my PC speakers to play Gregorian chants while I debug. :D
  13. PCG has a short article on it, as well http://www.pcgamer.c...ivine-divinity/
  14. I have never even tried the game with a joystick because mouse works just fine. Luckily it doesn't need airfield sized mousepad like x-wing or tie fighter did. Heh, never tried it. But good to know, X-Wing/TIE was annoying as hell for me with a mouse.
  15. Well, minus a new line here and there, pretty much it.
  16. Well, in Mexico they're just shooting or maybe decapitating them, rather than killing via sniper, artillery, etc which is what I meant. Given that one side are not in a uniform, hard to say if the dead are fighters or civilians. The US shouldn't get involved, too much headache strategically (not to mention the cost), hope they don't get sucked into it like Libya.
  17. Ah, it's Florida, that figures. Now it's Cubans, rednecks, old folk and cannibals.
  18. Should give a heads up about the content. Still, Syria's doing it the whole heavy handed approach rather nicely, if reports are true. Heh, while the nature differs, funny to think that body count wise this is par for course in Mexico.
  19. I'd like to be able to play single player even if they lose power or their server dies unexpectedly, to be honest. Not really hysterical, as I guess this will become a trend in the industry.
  20. Was that the cheesy moment with the prayer ? Think you can avoid them all getting killed, at least.
  21. Kinda makes you wonder what was the point of ME2 overall.
  22. Aim to play this with friends has fallen through as they're all on Hell and I'm stil dragging my way through Nightmare Maybe I'll give it a break for a bit.
  23. Not really sold on this causing a radical improvement in the quality of life of RSA, but does look interesting.
  24. ArmA 3 Lighting demonstration.
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