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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Finished it off, ending was rather 'meh' I found. Overall was a pleasant game, puzzles were not too bonkers and the integrated UHS-like system was a helpful crutch. Still had some "oh I just missed that pixel.." moments. I agree with you on the third game not following up with the second - the ending of that one was ridiculous, the pirate dream.
  2. Farah is British as British can be, listen to him speak. Apparently there is some drama about so-called 'plastic' Brits - basically immigrants. Coverage wise, CTV was as meh as I expected it. The little bit of BBC that I streamed did seem to be pretty good, commentators didn't yap too much and generally seemed excited over anyone winning.
  3. Well fsck no, meant Borderlands, forgot to quote, sorry. Runaway 3 still plodding away, excited as I'm about to find out what happened since the ending of the second game, heh.
  4. To be frank, what exactly were you expecting from the game ?
  5. Rare to see otherwise in a preview.
  6. Odd thing to be concerned by, and not really a revelation based on the two playthroughs they released earlier But you can sneak around and kill your targets with not much collateral, as they showed.
  7. Always like a game where you can kill in neat ways. Wonder what kind of challenge the PC will face though, powers of a deity there.
  8. Had a nice sprint, read two 40k books, Know No Fear and The Primarchs. The former is a case of taking a relatively short story and dragging it out, I did like the jumps in scenes before the ambush at Calth. Guilliman in space with no helmet, well..yeah. Second one was meh. Finally got around to Day of the Jackal, was an entertaining thriller, a bit convenient for Lebel to show up at the right place near the end, but eh. And next up is Leviathan Wakes, I'm hoping this is a decent space opera novel, first time I've bought a book on the back cover so to speak, heh
  9. Knocked off SR3 and Space Marine. SR3 was fun, just car collecting at the moment. Space Marine was, well worth the low price I paid for it, heh, although I behaved like SW Blood Claw and kept thinking 'melee ftw!' and getting killed horribly. Now on to finish the Runaway series, third game is odd to start off from the second, I'm guessing they'll clue me in later on.
  10. That women's semifinal between Canada and US was something. The Canadian crying over the referee is an added bonus.
  11. Was fun watching that live, the NASA guys were really excited when it touched down. Didn't stay up to watchh photos or anything though, damn NASA not doing the landing earlier in EST
  12. Malcador


  13. Got an echo-cardiogram done, kind of cool to watch your heart beat, see your aortic valve operate and so on. Had to be practice for an intern, she fumbled a bit but eh, gotta learn somehow.
  14. They really should have followed up with Ramirez. Maybe he forgot to breathe as Foley wasn't around though..
  15. That site where people post the crap they receive is pretty hilarious. Don't they have controls on Xbox so no random being can IM you ?
  16. Should just remove voice chat from games all together.
  17. Never did play Heavy Gear, heard good things about it. But hey, more mech games the better, I suppose
  18. Kill everyone.
  19. And so the endless fight against The Man continues.
  20. More tempted to go back and finish off my BH.
  21. We did have a discussion at work as to what you toss at a stripper here. Can't be $1 or $2 as those are coins now. Course then it went on to potential means of said stripper to collect the coins. My team's good in some respects, heh.
  22. Thunderstorm here, was watching lightning striking the towers nearby. Sadly storm's over with and past us.
  23. It is funny how people do hate other nationalities for things done in the past, understandable but also silly at the same time.
  24. I just ignored the window in general, remember they feed off attention
  25. Hah, nice.
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