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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Was fun watching that live, the NASA guys were really excited when it touched down. Didn't stay up to watchh photos or anything though, damn NASA not doing the landing earlier in EST
  2. Malcador


  3. Got an echo-cardiogram done, kind of cool to watch your heart beat, see your aortic valve operate and so on. Had to be practice for an intern, she fumbled a bit but eh, gotta learn somehow.
  4. They really should have followed up with Ramirez. Maybe he forgot to breathe as Foley wasn't around though..
  5. That site where people post the crap they receive is pretty hilarious. Don't they have controls on Xbox so no random being can IM you ?
  6. Should just remove voice chat from games all together.
  7. Never did play Heavy Gear, heard good things about it. But hey, more mech games the better, I suppose
  8. Kill everyone.
  9. And so the endless fight against The Man continues.
  10. More tempted to go back and finish off my BH.
  11. We did have a discussion at work as to what you toss at a stripper here. Can't be $1 or $2 as those are coins now. Course then it went on to potential means of said stripper to collect the coins. My team's good in some respects, heh.
  12. Thunderstorm here, was watching lightning striking the towers nearby. Sadly storm's over with and past us.
  13. It is funny how people do hate other nationalities for things done in the past, understandable but also silly at the same time.
  14. I just ignored the window in general, remember they feed off attention
  15. Hah, nice.
  16. Hmm, this doesn't seem that bad.
  17. Hard Reset is a nice little game with good shooting mechanics and more atmosphere than the AAA titles. Yep, I didn't mean to say it was a bad game or anything. Very short, but I don't think it sold for $60 or something at the start anyway. The atmosphere in the levels is very cool, heh, made me wish I could go into the places. The weapon switching was a bit weird to get used to - 2 guns but with different modes. Probably didn't help that I suck at the game, had trouble with the gorrilas for ages before I figured out that the stasis and rockets work well.
  18. Well beat Hard Reset, plotwise that was a pretty random ending - well, not much plot anyway. Still, good mindless carnage for $4. On to Saints Row 3
  19. Well, at least they can depend on a sense of duty of sorts. This is random, not news - but maybe some might appreciate it ? First part of a series on the development of Warcraft from a developer - http://www.codeofhonor.com/blog/the-making-of-warcraft-part-1
  20. Maybe some speech by Hitler about the economy or something along those lines ?
  21. Aw, that sucks.
  22. Well, I suppose treason is marginally better than incompetence - http://www.cbc.ca/news/story/1999/11/12/csis991112.html Ahhh CSIS.
  23. Easy to say, for sure (Adams' is annoying to read with the snark) but I'm not a fan of enforced politeness all that much. But as Gorgon stated, you'll be trying to make a place where people are both anonymous and relatively safe from any retribution to be a civil space. Rather uphill challenge, it'll probably happen eventually though. I'm not sold on it being anonymous. I have no problems with my name being visible, or at least available in some way. RealID hasn't impacted me in the slightest. I use my real name on social media like Facebook and it doesn't matter to me. As for "forced politeness", I'm not saying everyone has to be polite, I don't care if someone calls me a **** in a game, but discrimination and harrassment are another thing entirely. Well is anonymous now, and on most online games you're just a handle (not sure how things are on the console side). The article by Adams seemed to have that aura of enforced civility where you have to 'earn' a right to speak or get fined for 'bad' (defined by who..) behaviour. Hm, yeah kind of. Some people on the internet seem to have crappy parents or weren't beaten enough as children, heh.
  24. I'll wait and see how the game is then I'll buy it.
  25. Easy to say, for sure (Adams' is annoying to read with the snark) but I'm not a fan of enforced politeness all that much. But as Gorgon stated, you'll be trying to make a place where people are both anonymous and relatively safe from any retribution to be a civil space. Rather uphill challenge, it'll probably happen eventually though.
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