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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. You'd be a moderate Muslim, I think that's the term they use for them.
  2. I doubt they want a carrier group off the coast.
  3. Should have left Gaddafi in power, I guess.
  4. Suitably positive previews. Also, tutorials are for the weak.
  5. Heh, Ginger Lynn on WCNews, never would have imagined that - always impressed how that site has kept going over the years without any actual WC games.
  6. Some Privateer-esque MMOG, I'm guessing.
  7. Maybe he's dead ?
  8. I have to disagree. I fail at being sarcastic
  9. http://www.gog.com/n...a_game_for_free Get Realms of Arkania 1+2 if you do a survey.
  10. Sleeping Dogs' ending sure was everything stuffed in a nice package.
  11. Well, not so much a deadline as just deciding to focus on it on the list.
  12. Far too much on the go, MWO, GW2, EVE, and Sleeping Dogs. Must at least get Sleeping Dogs done before I get Borderlands 2
  13. Glassdoor comments on game companies They might be all spiteful, bitter people like me but you never know.
  14. So tacked on MP for some games, I guess.
  15. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-09-05-ubisoft-ditches-controversial-always-on-drm-for-pc-games Good God, now their games will have 100% piracy rates. Related - http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2012/09/05/ubisoft-drm-piracy-interview/
  16. Halo really stands out on that list.
  17. Got Sleeping Dogs so far it's pretty fun - I'm not very good at the fist fighting though, got my butt handed to me in the 'Stick Up and Delivery' quest fighting them. Endless countering seemed to sneak my past it. Still the environment is fun to move around in and the combat is fun when I get it working.
  18. Not seeing why the keyboard and mouse not changing that much is a bad thing, it works well enough.
  19. Trying to finish Caesar IV and got stuck again. Damn Prosperity rating is stuck at 87 and no space to plank down villas and the legion of attendant services they need. Guess I'll have to restart but eh, will do that later. Going to replay the first two Broken Sword games as well.
  20. Well meant athiests. If you want a good laugh read the athiesm subreddit.
  21. Well, if they're anything like the ones online, I can see them losing the breeding game - who'd want to mate with jerks
  22. Wanted to play this weekend, but no digital copy out so I went with Amazon. Looks like Thursday of next week or so, bah!
  23. Interview with Cecil about the new BS game - http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2012/08/29/charles-cecil-on-broken-sword-5-ancient-myths-movies/ Hm, more Knightly conspiracy type stuff.
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