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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. I don't think someone asked the question: why do people don't want romances in game? When you get a book, or a movie, or any other media and it has a romance subplot - which is pretty common - are you like ewww, there's a romance here, disgusting? Do you advocate for any media in work to not have romances? Even if you have some sort of fictional work that in your opinion could do better without a romance subplot, I'm pretty sure it's about the subplot's quality and not the fact that in presents a romance. So if I take a point that good romance subplot enriches media experience in so many ways, why some people consider it so strange that I would like it in a game? Ah right, this line of thinking - wonder why it's so common. You need positive reasons for something, not negative, which is why I asked the question that prompted your passive sniping there, heh. Romance in games is always cheap and rushed out - consequence of the game not really having enough "time" and/or the designers just being garbage at it, I suppose. My experience with ME, DA, KOTOR didn't really feel more enriching if I hooked up as opposed to not hooking up, I guess there were some sappy lines though.
  2. Here was my thinking from the previous page - http://forums.obsidi...80#entry1200360 I guess it might make one's character fleshed out, given the relatively short time frame a game's plot runs through they always seem rushed and just tacky.
  3. Why do people want romances in games anyway ? Just curious.
  4. Would be nice to have a bit of Hitman in RPGs, well with a tad better AI.
  5. Well, war with Iran seems less likely under Obama, so it'd be okay if he won. But never know.
  6. You two seem to be arguing two separate things.
  7. If they're in you should be able to kill them and deal with the consequences of that - ideally playing like it's a game of Postal shouldn't work in towns/settlements with guards and so on. I doubt it'll happen though, PR storm waiting to happen - "People donate money to a game where you can MURDER innocent CHILDRED", etc.
  8. Borderlands 2 is pretty fun, my friends didn't rush ahead of me too much just made it to Sanctuary as Axton. So far so good, usual shoot n' loot, although I'm finding I run out of ammo easily (guess I can't aim). And yes, I found that slot machine and got blown up by it
  9. That's a pretty good cartoon, heh.
  10. More well known ? Maybe, but seems they're well known for wrong reasons around the 'net and whether or not it's ambitious, well who knows, they're all a relatively big gamble. I'm not too hopeful on Kickstarter becoming the way mainstream games get funded, given they have publishers and the overall nature of KS.
  11. How does this differ from Double Fine (didn't Schafer start the fire for KS?) or InXile or to a lesser extent Revolution or Jensen (in terms of dollars pulled in, anyway)? It's good to see but not exactly the dawn of a new age or something. Just find this a bit too over dramatic, heh.
  12. Heh, if they have some evil gay guy in the game I can see them getting heat over it. Outrage is fashionable these days, after all.
  13. What on Earth are the Russians doing here ? Or is that some other CIS you're speaking of ? Such an odd thing to demand, but oh well.
  14. I have a sneaking suspicion this will be a non issue for Obsidian. I'm hoping there's a Sie like character though.
  15. Then it's not even a revolution, as it's been done before.
  16. Malcador


    Meh, I guess it was ok. I did chuckle at the 'If you got fencepost errors I feel bad for you son, I got 99 problems but I solved 101'
  17. Hah, usually my friends say 'oh sure we'll play co-op' and then they just burn ahead of me due to them having more free time.
  18. Now Kickstarting Project Empathy - A Next-Gen Modern Party-Based RPG (and we DO mean "party"!) Your party will consist of one thousand characters of every race, gender, religion, sexual preference, height, weight, psychosis, smell, taste and shoe size! I think that'd make easy money - just put it in space with blue aliens.
  19. Eh, not really into this "why not?" approach to things - you end up doing a lot of stuff that's a waste of effort, just because.
  20. I feel alienated if they don't include a passive aggressive character.
  21. Don't really see a pressing need to include one as you can just create an avatar whose gender matches the one you do and there you go. Unless you want people to react to your PC being a transsexual - probably only negative reactions will come, thinking on it. As an aside, I'm not really understanding why you would feel alienated by the lack of this option anyway.
  22. Working over my resume (read : adding more lies) as I'm getting ready to job hunt before they tire of me around here. Crappy skillset too, so maybe going back to school might be an option, heh.
  23. The game doesn't exist as of now, so maybe just relax a tad.
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