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Everything posted by Sannom

  1. The bandits you kill near Gilded Vales actually have a note which mention him. I think you have to find that note in order to know the password. If that thing is in Raedric's hold, I would be ready to bet that this is somehow the work of Raedric's wife, or at least that she commissioned it.
  2. He wasn't fair to his wife though. The mothers of Hollowborn were supposed to be only exiled, not executed. In fact, he didn't even kill her because of the Hollowborn, but for her continued worship of Eothas.
  3. I went with Raedric, but to call him "harsh but fair" is stupid. His management of the Hollowborn crisis was cruel and short-sighted. But I couldn't shake the impression that if he didn't have to worry about Korsk, he would become less harsh and less inclined to hang people from Gilded Vale, and that once the crisis was over, he would become a more respectable leader.
  4. Well at least you're not a hypocrite. But still, you're getting worse.
  5. Come on now, we don't know the "why" of the "ewwws" yet. Luzarius, on the other hand, has been very specific. Multiple times. So yeah, I say that dubbing someone as the female equivalent of Luzarius after such a short history of posts is premature.
  6. Just because you say you're sorry (you're really not) doesn't make the offense go away. I'm (we're?) tired of your obsession for having every female romance option in video games be the kind that can work as a super-model. Please don't talk for me without my explicit authorization. I don't "need" to see a video game's female character as a beautiful woman to romance her. I still wish you lived on Venus when Mother Venus was head of government. Now that is uncalled for! Three kids, not five.
  7. If you're talking about the Aloth thing, your character didn't swear, he used a crude, vulgar word for "having sex with". But I understand your confusion, I have the same problem with a common swear word in my language when it's used in its original meaning as a nickname/common word for an intimate part of a woman's anatomy.
  8. I can't imagine them having a sedentary culture with palaces and the likes. Sagani mentions at one point that the Pale Elves sometimes come to Naasitak when winters are at their roughest. A sedentary culture probably wouldn't do that.
  9. If that were the case, then there wouldn't be any reactions to the Godlikes whatsoever in the game, rather than less that what some players believe there should be. Durance not reacting to a Fire Godlike doesn't feel weird to me. I mean, according to Pallegina, the reactions to her being a Godlike of Hylea had nothing to do with the specific deity she was "blessed" by, but everything to do with how she looked weird and how she was sterile. Being a Godlike doesn't make you special to those who follow the gods, it seems. Durance not reacting to a priest of Eothas is weirder, but then again, he's done with the purges now, and given that he's on a quest to get back in his Godess's good graces, it seems normal that he only has strong feelings about other priests of Magran.
  10. The thing with the D&D gods is that although they all give their own personal touch to their portfolios, they still represent concepts that are universal and they are a necessity for the good working of the universe. PoE's gods are different. As constructs of kith, they fatally mirror the belief of the people who created them, even if those people genuinely intented for those constructs to help give them purpose. I think Skaen is probably a good representation of that difference. His portfolio feels strangely narrow compared to that of other gods, and I believe that's because he's the product of a culture who believed in having strong, "worthy" individuals ruling over others, but still recognized the possibility for abuse. So they created Skaen, who doesn't want to change the status quo but is only meant to remind the ones with power that they aren't above everything and that the lives of others kiths matter.
  11. You don't need to get to the end of her quest. She tells you a story about one of the elders who was reincarnated into a polar bear, and the huntress who had to recite half of the elder's deeds while running away from the beast.
  12. South Park used it, yes. As for the rest, see Gorth's answer above.
  13. I'm pretty sure the first Dozens member you meet when you enter Defiance Bay tells you that he and his ilk often congregates at the Adventurers' Hall. Also, I'm sure I heard a few disparaging comments about the place from Justicars in the streets.
  14. +4 weapons are only available in the Adventurer's Mart after you get out of the Underdark. You mean the sling? Good job doing any significant damage with that thing.
  15. You didn't have a hand in this, did you (just in case : I'm kidding)? That's only interesting when they go all the way and really limits your ability to customize your companions even after you get them. Think Planescape : Torment or most JRPGs out there. What were you expecting? You, sir, are obsessed and should let go.
  16. Any map of the stronghold, not any map in general.
  17. I'm not complaining. Well, okay, I'm complaining about the Lich thing. Those suckers were covered in all sorts of protections against weapons and were resistant to magic, but you couldn't bring those down like you could with any other mage because the spells necessary were level 5. +3 Daggers and Halberds, I think, are only found in huge quests that takes a lot of time and pits you against very dangerous foes. Respectively, the Astral Prison and the Unseeing Eye, respectively.
  18. A number of monsters are immune to damage from weapons with an alteration bonus inferior to +3. Plus I believe that the spell to make a mage immune to the same is also relatively low level. They're still immune to spells below 6th level though, which makes a number of parties useless against them. And your proposed solutions are about as good as the good old exploit of resting in the next room to dispel all their contingencies.
  19. Ah, incomprehension then. Sorry, my bad, I think this one rests (heavily) on me. I was more thinking of an hypothetical scenario in which Obsidian wouldn't promise to have the game fully voiced but would still try to do it anyways; being free to not use some VA if it turns out to no longer fit with the dialogue.
  20. +3 Weapons are needed. So are 6th and above level spells for the liches. Spells which won't get past their magic resistance any ways. You need something with fire or acid damage to get rid of trolls. You need a thief to open locks and efficiently detecting and disarming traps. Fighters are the most weapon-restricted of all the classes if you want to really take advantage of their main class feature.
  21. 4) Rewrite the convo and don't use the VA. Seriously, how did you miss that?
  22. 1) Backstabbing is rarely useful, and in the rare cases it is, Celestial Fury is definitely not needed. As for 2), 3) and 4), all those things could better serve a fighter or ranger. a) Couldn't tell you, I was taking you literally. And yes, that sword still isn't generic, since she's one of the rare non-dagger weapon with a speed factor of 0. b) See above.
  23. They're backer NPCs. Only the spot with a purple light are actually important.
  24. You're right. Instead, it meant making a Beeline to the temple district after Chateau Irenicus in order to get Celestial Fury, which is about 5 times more powerful than the generic short sword that Renal Gives to Non-thieves. Why would you give Celestial Fury to a puny thief? Also, that sword was not generic, where have you seen another weapon in the entire game that had a Speed Factor of 0? Also, the more +3 weapons the better.
  25. More VO? I mean, "big city" basically means "something on the scale of BG2's Act 2", and that was more than half the game! That feels way too ambitious. Another possibility : Obsidian likes giving a voice to their characters, and the more the better? And since VA doesn't come with animation in the kind of game that PoE is, it isn't as taxing on the amount of content the developer can create. I mean, sure it's probably not easy nor pleasant to waste all that VA, but at least it doesn't mean that you have to build the dialogues and scenes around what VA you already have!
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