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Everything posted by Sannom

  1. Why would elves not be equal in status with humans? They've been an integral part of the Aedyr Empire for centuries!
  2. I believe you got it right. For example, I'm pretty sure that "Poison" is supposed to be a keyword for an attack, different than the "Raw" that qualifies the damage of that attack, but good luck knowing which ability counts as a "Poison" ability based on the description! For example, there are some monsters immune to poison and Envenomed Strike doesn't work on them (obviously). But the "poison" qualifier doesn't appear anywhere on the description of the ability. Another qualifier I think they could use is a size descriptor. So for example dragons could be subjected to a Prone effect, but it would have to come from a magic source or something equally powerful, not from a fighter's bashing it with its weapons!
  3. A shield is the only thing I can see working with a pistol if they become one-handed, like slings in the IE games. A second pistol wouldn't make sense and would create huge clipping issues, and dual-wielding with a melee weapon would necessitate a system of its own. I can take your purposefully annoying posting style and most of your trolls, but saying that a dev said something when they didn't is going too far. Stop.
  4. The technical reasons were about clipping during the reload if you were using a shield, I think.
  5. I thought that Pallegina got along rather well with Kana : discussing Old Valia, Pallegina singing him an old song she just remembered (nice voice by the way), etc.
  6. Careful there, someone could confuse you with whoever it was who complained that female Orlans being taller than male Orlans broke his immersion or whatever because it wasn't "perfect".
  7. Those are very cool Amegani! The only criticism I would have is that the elven lady looks more like a Records of Lodoss War-elf than an Pillars of Eternity-elf (it's the ears!).
  8. I think Sagani talking to Itumaak is just an indicator that she's so lonely she started to talk to someone who couldn't answer back. As she said in the game to Aloth, her standards changed around year two.
  9. Those changes feel very much BGII-grade to me. It's not yet NWN2-grade though.
  10. I'm really not trying to be obtuse, nor do I argue your point, I'm just really baffled by your specific example based on my own experience, because I can't remember a better two-handed sword than Lilarcor before the end of the Underdark, and that, for me, is past the mid-point of the game.
  11. How does wishing for enemy wizards to be as powerful as mine imply an easier game?
  12. You are very perceptive with genders Infinitron, I personnally am not sure if she's supposed to be a man or a woman I think it's the jaw. But probably a lady, if only to balance the gender ratio a little bit, less sausage fest, more clam party. I'm willing to bet she won't be from the same corner of world than Kana though. Probably someone from the Deadfire Archipelago, so that will probably give her more in common with Sagani than Kana, no?
  13. If only that gap also applied to enemies...
  14. That sounds unfair. Firkraag's dungeon and Firkraag himself weren't the De'Arnise castle or Umar Hills. It was one huge, difficult dungeon! I'm confused, why would any non-paladin give up on Lilalcor before coming back from the Underdark (and even then, the only best choice only has a +4 alteration bonus with no special ability)? The +3 alteration bonus made it work against 95% of enemies and it provided a few immunities to status effects. What two-handed sword was better than that?
  15. Oh no, it was planned. But I think Josh said somewhere that the team had to relearn how to balance spoken lines with description in the text, and didn't get it quite right in some instances.
  16. Even damage? I would be more in favor of something more granular, like the Reflex save of Rogues in D&D 3.5 : all crits turn to hit, hits to graze, etc.
  17. Well, someone forgot to buy some skin to drape over that over-sensitive flesh . I don't think you can do that.
  18. Not to rain on anyone's parade, and not that I think we won't get something interesting for the Stronghold in Part 2, but those look like the regular adventures that we can send our companions on when they're idle at the castle.
  19. Personal idea : the return of Firedorn is a bone thrown into the backer's direction by Obsidian to make up for his original content being axed. Then Obsidian referenced the original controversy by linking the bounty to dragons, sex-changing beings of the world of Eora.
  20. You obviously have to agree to give him the real soul evaluation before you can ask for the armor. I don't know what the requirements for it are, I play in Expert Mode.
  21. If I remember right, you call him out on his hipocrisy, not wanting to see his soul's "record" get in the hands of his superior officers on account that he isn't that person anymore, but still clinging to an ancient piece of armor that isn't even his because of the prestige associated with it. It's obviously a consideration for some people, hence the quest. But even the cipher tasked with the soul-reading find the Crucicle Knight's obsession with the "purity" of their officer's souls to be ridiculous.
  22. I sure hope so, the articles entire tone is silly, but the author used quotes so I am not sure. Might have been Fished In on that one. *Hooks mouth* This is official, the Obsidian Boards are as gullible as the Codex. That whole article was a joke. I mean, Avellone writing for Doom and Cities Skyline? What part of that thing sounded at all serious?
  23. Too many threads here I think. Any mention of something would be lost in the mass and a real nightmare to search for later. SA only has one thread dedicated to Pillars of Eternity and you can get a list of all posts by one member for any specific thread, so searching is easier.
  24. Most of the stories I've read is that installing both break the game.
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