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Everything posted by Sannom

  1. I still believe that Dungeon Siege 3 had the best ending slides of any game that Obsidian ever produced, although that was also because there were few choices to be made and they rarely interacted with each other. Although it also had the problem of some outcomes being somewhat hard to predict, even if they were perfectly logical. For example, keeping the cyclops in slavery was a **** move, but the ending slides made it logical as an extremely cynical "The Legion first" decision, as the prick in charge of the factory gifts a lot of equipment to the Legion as thanks for their intervention in this matter.
  2. Are you the same guy who loudly complained about this a few months back? Anyways, it looks like Obsidian listened to you : http://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/156893948066/weapon-proficiencies-are-in-but-are-the-weapon According to this tumblr post giving out a few details about the Proficiency system, it looks like we will be able to design our own weapon groups.
  3. I think the counter wasn't set right, it's counting down to 10 AM in my timezone (CET, that's 9 hours ahead of PST right now) rather than to 10 AM in the PST timezone.
  4. Kana has five siblings if I remember things correctly, including multiple sisters. His mother and his sisters are part of the army, and his father is a renowned architect responsible for the construction of the fortifications of their capital's port.
  5. The second image from the right is definitely new, right? https://twitter.com/jesawyer/status/805682655551438848
  6. ​ Tyranny has its Wounds system, which is basically the Health/Endurance system of PoE. It works rather well in my opinion, even if I would prefer to have that, plus the Wounds system of Pillars. Also, the UI isn't as intuitive. I have been successfully brain-washed by Pillars of Eternity, I always forget to pre-buff! Although there is also the fact that I don't have a lot of buff spells yet. Really? How so? I haven't seen a lot of them yet, but what I've seen didn't feel particularly interesting. Okay, now about two things that I'm interested in based on my time spent on Tyranny : - design a better enemy AI for handling my support casters! Seriously, down to Barik and Lantry against three enemies, I won the fight because those idiots kept attacking Barik, with his heavy armor and high defenses, and totally ignored Lantry, who kept Barik alive through a rotation of Healing Wisp and Erase the Record! - no status effects on Graze. OK, this one I think we should discuss. Yay or nay? On the one hand, it really makes you feel the Graze, but on the other hand, I sometimes miss PoE's gentler approach.
  7. I feel pretty confident or maybe partially deluded that Brian let slip in a stream last month there is at least one more secret NPC companion. Speculation on the official forum is that we will be able to rebuild Cairn like we rebuilt HK-47 in KOTOR 2. Make of that what you will.
  8. I got really worried for a bit. Bloody Americans. Don't you english use the same convention?
  9. Not a kickstarter, but according to the Fig newsletter, a new "mystery" campaign should be given a "laucnh rock" on the platform today. I'm expecting something big, probably from one of the founders. EDIT : I was wrong : https://www.fig.co/campaigns/jazon-and-the-dead
  10. The last words of the narrator on this video, "How could we have known that the fate of thousands would rest in your hands?" Isn't the answer to this provided in the video itself, because that's part of his job as a Fatebinder? Seems a little silly to not know that. I think that nobody expected the situation that arose around that specific Fatebinder : two Archons in charge of the conquest who hate each other and allow for a rebellion to arise (the rebellion's leader in one of the gameplay videos even imply that the Voices of Nerat helped them to thrive), forcing the Fatebinder to take an even bigger role than they usually do.
  11. I don't know and I don't care. Pre-order has become a toxic, horrible practice and I'm never pre-ordering anything ever again. Please do the same. Buy it Day 1 if you want (I probably will), just don't pre-order. It's not like they will run out of stock, because 1) the game is relatively obscure and 2) it's only on digital distribution platforms!
  12. A human with a pig's head. There are also goat-people, rhino-people and shark-people.
  13. Welp, it's official now, the arlesienne is back on the road : https://www.facebook.com/beyondgoodandevil/photos/a.168617863187768.35250.131546723561549/1068744866508392/?type=3&theater
  14. Well in French it's a common diminutive for "Florence", so it may have been better for me!
  15. Oh my god! I actually failed to notice that pun! Punny names galore for that game, that's for sure!
  16. Welp, I don't know how many years it's been, but it's back, another tease for l'arlésienne as we say in French, good old Beyond Good and Evil 2 : https://www.instagram.com/p/BK2aRqvAC2S/ Maybe a last hurrah from the Guillemot brothers before Ubisoft get bought out by Vincent Bolloré and they get kicked out?
  17. I'd agree, but I don't believe Obsidian will go for a slightly thinning. Having seen what they did to the magic system, or the hacking job to the spells lengths (curse that putrid fart that is the slow-mode), when I hear "let's cut something" I have no optimistic view on the matter. The spells' length have been reduced to avoid pre-buffing, not to make it easier or more streamlined. As for the magic system, I agree that it must be changed for the druids and priests, they have none of the limitations that Vancian casters usually have. Agreed, it would be best if priests and druids could get a specific magic system like what happened with the chanters, ciphers and monks. When it comes to Vancian casters, at least the Wizards still have some limitations (four spells of each level available at a given moment and spells that must be gained through leveling or grimoires), the druids and priests don't have any!
  18. I didn't think of hugging the right wall, that's a good trick. I used my rangers to keep the sporelings out of the fight (Tangling Roots is an awesome high-level power, by the way) and just focused on each tendril after the other. I probably had scrolls of defense against whichever mental attacks the Radiant Spore used.
  19. Didn't Obsidian use a lady journalist to voice the light switches in Old World Blues?
  20. Priests probably won't work the same way in the sequel, so I don't think we need to worry about this.
  21. In the recent Obsidian PAX panel, they specifically mentioned putting in the option to start a fight against an enemy who was just too powerful to beat (I'm guessing one of the Archons), which had QA ask them why they put the option in. After that, they decided to remove the option or at least made taking the option not result into death.
  22. Yep, on Paradox's Twitch channel : https://twitter.com/PdxInteractive/status/772794639594168322
  23. It's too bad that Brian Menze's concept-dolls don't work well with varying size, I'm pretty sure that Graven Ashe is supposed to be much bigger than that. At least he was in the video dev diary released a few weeks back.
  24. So, Infinitron, is it better now that Mikey Dowling has taken over? I personally feels overwhelmed by so many gifs!
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