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Everything posted by Sannom

  1. The ending answer reminds me of how all the possible endings for Deus Ex were mashed together in the sequel.
  2. Good catch with the first, especially since it came after the reveal. It's probably a typo, and thus a bug. As for the second, I said "recent", I didn't check four months old interviews. But "she" and "her" were used in the recent livestream and the video diary, so I'm going to go with that right now. Who knows, maybe ambiguity will be the result and the Overlord's gender is a mystery even in game.
  3. I don't think it's a mistake, no. I've checked the most recent interviews and dev diaries that were published before Gamescom, and although the developers never correct the interviewer whenever they refer to Kyros as "he", they never actually use a gendered pronoun for her in their answers either. So yeah, I believe it was meant to be a low-key "Samus is a girl" moment for Gamescom.
  4. Nope, that just means that your awakened previous life has found peace and thus doesn't manifest itself through your Watcher powers. The Watcher powers themselves are still there.
  5. The Scarlet Chorus is profiled on Gamespot : http://www.gamespot.com/articles/pillars-of-eternity-devs-pc-exclusive-tyranny-reve/1100-6442531/ Bloody, bloody faction, those guys. And I mean that in pretty much every possible way!
  6. New dev diary, and there has been a change of plans. Rather than talk to us about the Bronze Age-inspired setting, which Heins apparently didn't have the time to do, we get a companion presentation about Lantry : https://blog.tyrannygame.com/2016/08/10/dev-diary-8-lantry/
  7. Nothing new, but I quite liked Vox Ludicus' summary of the roles our character and the (revealed as of this time) companions will play in the game : https://voxludicus.com/2016/08/09/the-characters-of-tryanny/ Some Tyranny artwork apparently hung in the halls of Paradox's offices : https://twitter.com/PdxInteractive/status/762638437975457792
  8. The power doesn't fade when the game ends, your character is still a Watcher and their powers are still there.
  9. The fourth short story, "Trial by Iron", is here : https://blog.tyrannygame.com/2016/08/05/trial-by-iron/ Featuring Graven Ashe (that was expected) and Barik (that is more surprising).
  10. Now that is a trip down memory lane!
  11. Commando kobolds with fire arrows are the worst. It was great catharsis finally being able to just plow through those monsters after a while!
  12. I just completed The Book of Unwritten Tales 2, a german point & click adventure game. A much better game that its predecessor, even if a lot buggier. The story and stakes are a lot more interesting (especially early on), the big villain is more devious than he was before, the visuals are better, Ivo's clothing is nicer (by that I mean that she's wearing a dress, not a bikini), Tin Lizzy is funny and badass, Wilbur is adorable and awesome, Ivo is pregnant and awesome and Nate's alternative costume is hilarious and a real surprise. My only gripe is this : I do not like Nate Bonnet. By extension, I hate that romance they're shoehorned in between Ivo and him. Hate it. What were they thinking?
  13. I like the bright red crest on top of the blue mullet myself. It reminds me of Sotek-aligned Skinks! And her hair is out of her face, so, improvement!
  14. New dev diary about Verse, another companions (this time from the Scarlet Chorus) : https://blog.tyrannygame.com/2016/07/27/dev-diary-7-verse/
  15. Josh Sawyer has actually said multiple times that they were going to try and design a multi-classing system for PoE 2. No idea what his starting principles could be.
  16. I'm really hoping that Armored Warfare won't be another big business blunder. Half of the company is on that game and it really feels Feargus mostly took the game to keep everyone employed and it doesn't feel right.
  17. The player in Barik's profile is new : https://blog.tyrannygame.com/2016/07/13/dev-diary-6-barik/ Did they start recording VO?
  18. The tone will definitely be serious. We're talking about a world-spanning empire lead by Fantasy Stalin here. A dude who's apparently launched multiple magical WMDs during the last leg of his conquests.
  19. How are you people so unimaginative? That guy is nothing like Vhailor. Alphonse Elric and Barry the Chopper are like Vhailor. The Devil of Caroc is like Vhailor. Barik isn't. He's still flesh and blood under the metal.
  20. The documentary is available on GOG. They messed up the labeling.
  21. I think you are wildly overestimating people's anger over Obsidian's lack of support. By and large, it seems people are praising them for the great support they brought to the game. Multiplayer support and patches aren't the same thing. Why you would think that is beyond me.
  22. No. Warner Brothers releasing an objectively inferior and broken and bug-infested PC version of Arkham Knight is worthy of boycott. Same for that scam that was Aliens : Colonial Marines. But this Confident Aim thing? It's only worthy of angry discussions between nerds on the internet.
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