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Everything posted by Sannom

  1. Why would you ask for a Morinth choice? It's just a non-standard game-over. It's funny when developpers include it, but asking for it? What's the point? DA2 and like almost every RPG ever. Why single it out?
  2. Also, it seems that Obsidian has been trying to create a Star Wars game in which we play in the heart of the Sith Empire for a long time now.
  3. I would have thought that Hassat was the man with 'unreadable' name for some reason?
  4. If you could even call that a "money sink", at least in BG2 proper. I think by the time you finish the main slavery quest in the slums, you have enough money to bot pay that bribe and pay the money necessary to pass to the next chapter.
  5. Actually, no, that's not the point. The point is that in BG, none of the characters are interesting or developped and so changing the set-up of the party based on the personality of the characters is not something you 'can do'.
  6. Well, this is an "author's game" so to speak, so I guess any DLC would have to be at least written by them.
  7. That's not what the text you quoted said. At all. Obsidian wants to avoid puzzle fights, where there is only one way to beat an encounter, hence the name. They want you to re-think tactics when the one you've been using doesn't work, but ideally there will be a tactic that will work and won't necessitate a complete reworking of the party composition, armament and abilities.
  8. Since when were spears and long swords treated differently in the IE games? Both were affected by strength in the same manner, it was the proficiencies that really affected their power in the long run, and we already know that PE will have those. Mount & Blade? Hey, try every RPG under the sun, it would be just as accurate! Not if the other stats provide similarly interesting bonuses, like more health, better accuracy, etc. It feels like this could be balanced in a lot of ways. That's assuming that the attributes can be augmented throughout level progression, which we don't know. I'm personnaly guessing that talents and abilities will have the greatest effect on combat effectiveness. There can be weapons that are not affected by that attribute, exceptions to the rules.
  9. Have you read the most recent Dungeons and Dragons comic series? Dwarves in that thing literally used Elven parts as crafting material!
  10. I said that the people you hear the most, whichever side they choose in a given argument, are backers. In this case, all sides were backers, one side made good arguments and the developers agreed with them. End of story. The vote idea is stupid because this whole thing shouldn't be run like a democracy. Well, of course not, else they wouldn't have gone to the public in the first place. No. Item durability should be all or nothing.
  11. Oh yes it did, it's the only Elder's Scrolls I've ever played, and I distinctly remembers a 'Repair' option at shops and the possibility to repair one's equipment with hammers. The backers are the loudest group. As for the durability mechanic, I'm not really sad to see it go. It felt like something that was tacked-on to make the Crafting skill useful for more than one character, and I don't really like that, it should be a system that exists by and for itself. How can you come to that conclusion? The durability system was only there to make the give the Crafting skill a systemic use in combat, how does the removal of that means that the game will be more combat-focused?
  12. Even if that were true, PE is far from bring the worst offender : PS:T had seven companions for five slots and the worst offender, MotB, had four companions (actually five, but two are mutually exclusive) for three slots. I do not see that at all. We know that four of the companions cover the basics, so functionality isn't a problem no matter the character the player chooses.
  13. I don't believe Sheick has seen those concepts.
  14. I thought the Dock and Orc Caves section of the game were far worse than the end-game, trudging through the same enemies with no variety and the impression that the developers were just adding padding to the whole thing.
  15. All I get is a disclaimer that they're late. Is that normal?
  16. Coming from a country where 'privileges' were written in the law at some point, perhaps? I know it took me a little while to get used to the 'modern' use of the word after having been taught that the 'abolition of privileges' was one of the many things done when my country brought down the monarchy. You're probably being sarcastic, so sorry for this : I really don't think you need to be very sensitive or 'learned' to realize how that remark undermines Chaz's whole argument. Of course, he's a troll, so he doesn't care, but still.
  17. I was under the impression, from what some have said on the topic, that you are completely blowing things out of proportion on this one. Mind giving a link to that dev chat?
  18. They're not big on any sort of cultures, actually. Video games aren't really on the top list of what they could use. Books are on there, along with basic literacy. As for the last sentence... those societies are patriarcal and sexist, lack of education and social development, along with the violent and loud reaction of the power-holders to any kind of change, are what keeps them this way. Women in the real world can dress however they want, show as much skin as they wish, that's a right they fought hard enough to obtain. Women in video games and any kind of media tend to be designed for their sex appeal, and the targed of that is men. Hence why you have aberrations like the chainmail bikini trope, which makes people scratch their head and ask "What's the point of all the metal?", full-plate armor coming with boob-plates despite those being actually dangerous for the wearer, etc. Those are the things that annoys people the most, I think.
  19. Well, yeah, but that does not make her middle-ground. I mean, you can't compare Cadegund and Isabella, the former wears heavy armor that covers her whole body, the latter mainly protects her upper body with a leather vest, it's like comparing apples and oranges. Let's stay on Dragon Age 2 but instead look at Aveline : Cadegund's armor is definitely more stylised and curved than what Aveline wears. In that respect, Cadegund is a middle ground between the ridicule of the boob-plate and the look of Aveline in her heavy armor.
  20. How the heck is Isabella a "middle-ground"? That lady doesn't even wear pants! She's firmly on the scantily-clad side, and proud of it! A nice middle-ground would be the god-like from a while back, who had an armor with definitely more 'curves' than what I've seen on male characters or Cadegund. Dragon Age? Seriously? Leliana's leather armor had cleavage! Ah! Same here.
  21. No. The 'choice' aspect of a RPG involves dialogue options, but also the choice different path to the resolution of problems and the choice of the tools used to resolve the problems. All those choices should interact with each other, sometimes restrict each other, sometimes expand each other. For example, in Alpha Protocol, playing stealthily is noted by the characters and can lead to some new choices in dialogs, while choosing the right dialog option can lead to an easier stealthy path to an objective. The stupidity of your statement is why I am completely against Bioware ever implementing some sort of 'skip combat' button, as it simply can't improve their games and won't drive them to get out of that tired 'combat, then dialogue, then combat, with no interactions between the two phases of gameplay' formula they've been using for years.
  22. The patriarchy really is an obsession of yours, isn't it? As for the content of your post, there is a huge difference between the two pics : the lady presumably wear armor while Conan doesn't wear any. The most ridiculous part of a chainmail bikini isn't the bikini, it's the chainmail. Having nearly all female characters in video games be beautiful, sexy and appealing = objectification. Male characters are much more varied, no offense to whoever said the contrary a few posts back.
  23. I shall not and I will not. It's just ugly! That dwarf just reinforces my position, to say nothing of the Barbarian lady. Those undetailed faces, on heads glued to a body that is three-times too big for them and detailed in all their grotesque proportions, make for very ugly designs.
  24. If we're talking about Dragon Crown, that thing is more likely to repel both genders. It's so exagerrated as to become grotesque. The poor sorceress is so ugly, she gives sexual favors to a skeleton! And it's not even an animated one! As for the OP : you're paranoïd and you remind me of some idiot who whined because the olympic uniforms stripped all their feminity from women and that they should be better designed, with more room for the curves, comfort and efficiency be damned.
  25. Not fair, one of the previews mentionned both genders when talking about customization options.
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