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Everything posted by walkerguy

  1. Pennsylvania 5 Days Away CNN 2008 Election Center Yes.
  2. Let's drop it - the miscommunication. Let's get back to Bastila's floating head.
  3. What Jedi masters? I see nobody in episode III killed by Anakin and the Clones but younglings and padawans.
  4. Whipping or branded with an iron is not the same as being killed.
  5. Cruel and Unusual? Nah. I would rather be shot than injected, though. If I murdered nick_i_am or something you know.
  6. George Lucas said 4,5,6 were the "middle" back in the 70s. I suppose hes not up to "finishing" the story.
  7. No it is not, not practically. You can use the word as that. But the usual idea of luck is mystical nonsense.
  8. Sorry, but the Jedi were not corrupt, except Anakin. I agree with Xard dark side is the infecting virus, though I see what qt3 means about KOTOR2. Also, Xard, Vader/Anakin only destroyed Palpatine. Can't assume the Sith is therefore simply fully destroyed...
  9. I was LS. That explains it. *bright shining light* Oh - and Luck is an illusion, DN.
  10. You're a science farer and yet you beleive in luck?
  11. Have no idea what this is about and I'm afraid to find out. Must state that classic sterotype though... BLONDES ARE DUMB
  12. Ahg! No lectures! *squeals and runs*

  13. No problems were manifested in my Xbox, thank you. We're parasite-free over here. Phoo to your mods, I don't need them. K3! K3! K3!
  14. I know. I mean it looks like a poet wrote that, not a musician. Not bad.
  15. You mean wiping out some jedi kids? Thats all he did. And maybe some minor jedi, padawans, and Mace Windu's arm. Besides that nothing. Unless we're talking post-III & pre-IV era which I know nothing about.
  16. Is this poetry or music?
  17. Don't care if its "the truth" just don't call people "bitter" his comment is completely devoid of any strategy and is a sign of weakness. The Sith... I mean the U.S. cannot have a weak president.
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