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Everything posted by walkerguy

  1. How do I "get lucky"? I got a unique disc didn't I! Yippie!
  2. Choose Sentinel Also commenting about weapons, I had had, by the end of the game, a rifle that was almost 50 energy damage...
  3. If the Exile was the last jedi than she must have been the most powerful jedi ever to reinstate the Jedi Order. Is the Sion/Kreia video normally seen as early as the Harbinger or no?
  4. I'm unimpressed. Anyhow I had NO troubles playing KotOR 2 on Xbox (original). I must be divine or KotORs simply good on Xbox.
  5. Pennsylvania 6 Days Away CNN 2008 Election Center
  6. Hmm, possible with the masses of codes involved.
  7. I suppose, but not when I usually use Fast Reply.
  8. code (eight then a parentheses) should be changed. If you're making a list 1) Aliens 2) Alpha Protocol You don't want to go to eight and be like: 7) Neverwinter Nights Knights of the Old Republic 9) Sith Lords Restoration Project I don't know. Make it &) or something. I had to use ] and Krezack used an extra space. It should just be changed.
  9. What is this? I used no [TAG] code. I did use several bolds, underlines, fonts, etc. (If you've seen my posts on the election thread you know what I'm talking about; this is where it happened)
  10. Awesome Smiley rearrangements, Fionavar. Testing new codes 123...
  11. ROFL Play on Xbox theres like no glitches.
  12. : sad : should be changed to yes! But why have the sad face blue? Also, asking myself, who would actually use a :vader: icon?
  13. Star Wars VII VIII IX are a must. I've seen American Ganster (****1/2), The Kingdom (***), and Bourne Ultimatum (****1/2) recently. Good movies. American Ganster was 3 hours though.
  14. 1) :dazed: 2) :uretard: 3) :close: 4) :fire: 5) I've seen some worship before but heres a good one. :worship: 6) :trash: OR 7) Better dead horse. ;deadhorse; 8] Got to have something this classic. :vader:
  15. :sad: ? Edit: Adding my own... I like it. Smiley Carnival! Gorth. Reccommend switch to Gorth's.
  16. Halo: Ghosts of Onyx by Eric Nylund Book Four in the Halo Series Based around post-Halo 2 era, Spartan-III and Spartan-IIs work together to stop the Sentinels and Covenant forces on the shield world Onyx. (Halo being the weapon world.)
  17. I thought you were Texan, Laozi. *shakes head* A traitor to your people, you should be entirely in agreement with Mr. Sand.
  18. United States Flag 100% Cotton DO NOT WASH Made in China 6747-9802-7654-9876
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