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Everything posted by walkerguy

  1. Once I have downloaded .torrent files I need a player for them.
  2. Do you respect guys? These are disturbing.
  3. I'm 8. Sure I am. lol

  4. Good luck Brittany. D_N should be able to help once you upgrade if he doesn't get under your skin first.
  5. @Nightshade: Enough with your rants against Xbox. The only reason I didn't get kotor for PC is that my PC is unreliable. Yes, Xbox does have faults. But no, I never got stuck on Harbringer, Telos, Nar Shadda, or Goto's Yahct; etc, etc. My damn team didn't talk about cheat nodes and Dantooine looked crystal clear. My game didn't stop because I dropped my weapons, and Bastila's head didn't float when I talked to Onasi. None of your crashing errors happened during my recent playthrough. I play KOTOR2 some dozen more times, get stuck on some planet after 30 hours and then I'll go ahead and tell you about it. Until then, yes, I had a fantastic playthrough and I feel sorry for everyone who has had gamestopping glitches. Stop blabbering and be happy, my Lucky Sarcastic friend.
  6. Despite .torrents being a fine line, I would like to get a player. I can deal with an unsure reccomendation, I'll take whatever risks. If theres a free player out there that anyone knows about... And yes, free. I'm cheapo. Oh? Why don't I google it? Becuase someone here would know better than some search engine.
  7. How good is Bauldur's Gate Dark Alliance II or whatever its name is for the second one?
  8. walkerguy


    Thread necromancer!!
  9. CLICK TO ENLARGE I tried to give him a P-90 but that wasn't going to work.
  10. No! I have the appearance of Bastila! I am Revan! I don't want to look like Bastila! Noooooo!!!
  11. I did it on Xbox. I had no problems in that room though. Sorry.
  12. As of a couple minutes ago "I am 98 years old" hehehe.
  13. Happy Birthday kittycat.

  14. Happy Birthday!

  15. Happy Birthday. Here's babydol's birthday outfit.
  16. Ok I don't speak German. Let us both transltate: Der Dummkopf Politiker! Scher dich zum Teufel Herr Hitler! The Idiot Politician! Go to hell Herr Hitler! I want to know what samm said.
  17. I was just thinking Windows Movie Maker (.wma & .wmv). Video taking straight from your camera is often .avi or .mov (my computer doesn't really do .mov) I don't know if some video mixers save as .avi format but WMM doesn't. All converters cost money as far as I can tell, and the "free" ones have ads on them unless you "register" ($). Overall having only .avi is: Good for raw video footage Bad for Windows Movie Maker Added: I probably won't even add a video, but yeah.
  18. Hopefully my DVR will catch ep. 200 sometime. Sounds hilarious as well.
  19. Superman would have to sympathize you know.
  20. Der Dummkopf Politiker! Scher dich zum Teufel Herr Hitler!
  21. What do you define as over-the-hill? (anyone)
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