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Everything posted by walkerguy

  1. Hey, can someone tell me how to get a pokeball? I want to give tounge to a small reptile. Oh WAIT! I gots yoda! NM!!
  2. (torrent help please) _iIii

  3. http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?s=...st&p=850698
  4. Spoilers. Daedalus (Stargate) The second generation of interstellar space craft developed by the United States military and its allies. Commanded by Colonel Steven Caldwell, her original mission was to render aid to the Atlantis expedition trapped in the Pegasus Galaxy and defeat a convoy of Wraith hive ships bent on destroying the Ancient city. The Daedalus is Earth's second deep-space battle cruiser and one of three Daedalus class cruisers. Other Daedalus class vessels include the Odyssey and the Korolev. Based on the model of the X-303 Prometheus, the Daedalus was outfitted with the best available technology, including Ancient, Earth, and Asgard technologies. Her first mission was to help defend Atlantis against the Wraith hive ships that were making their way to attack the city in the Stargate Atlantis episode "The Siege, Part 3." The ship's primary mission is now to ferry personnel and supplies from Earth to Atlantis, and then to travel back again, but the Daedalus often stays in the vicinity of Atlantis for some time before making another loop. Key Daedalus Episodes The Daedalus was sent to Atlantis shortly after the discovery of a full Zero Point Module in Egypt, due to the efforts of SG-1 and an Ancient time-travel Puddle Jumper. The ZPM's power was tied into the Daedalus's hyperdrive engines. With the extra power, the ship made the trip in only four days, covering 1,215 light-years per minute. The Daedalus arrived just in time to rescue Lt. Col. John Sheppard from his suicide mission to destroy a hive ship in a cloaked Puddle Jumper. When Hermiod unlocked the transporters, Daedalus was able to beam nuclear warheads aboard the hive ships, destroying them. This method was soon rendered useless, as the Wraith learned to jam the transporter signal. While returning Atlantis personnel to Pegasus Galaxy from Earth, in the episode "The Intruder," the crew discovered a Wraith computer virus on board the ship. The virus was intuitive, learning and expanding over time with the intention of shutting down key systems in order to kill the crew and deliver the Daedalus to the Wraith. Sheppard and McKay were able to isolate the virus in an F-302 and destroy it. In the Season 3 opener, "No Man's Land," the Daedalus goes after two Wraith vessels on their way to Earth with McKay and Ronon Dex as prisoners on board. With the aid of the Orion, the Daedalus managed to rescue Sheppard, Ronon, McKay, and Michael, and destroy one hive ship while disabling the other. She was severely damaged in the battle and lost life support. Unable to fix the ship quickly enough for the crew's survival, the crew beamed a retrovirus on board the Wraith vessel, transforming the Wraith crew into humans. They took control of the hive ship and used it to tow the Daedalus back to Atlantis. Technology Defensively, Daedalus is outfitted with Asgard transporters and sensors and the Daedalus also has a set of ring transporters. Daedalus's weapons systems entail rail guns, Mark VIII tactical nuclear warheads, and Asgard plasma beam weapons to slice through Wraith vessels, upgraded during the fourth season. The Daedalus also carries sixteen F-302 fighters in her fighter bay. The Asgard-designed transporters are usually locked to prevent the beaming of weapons. However, during the first battle with the Wraith, the transporters were unlocked by Hermiod to allow Daedalus to beam nuclear weapons aboard Wraith hive ships. The Daedalus of course also has advanced shields and hyperdrive engines. The Daedalus' hyperdrive enables the ship to make the trip from Earth to Atlantis in just under three weeks, or 18 days. Until the series' third season, it was the only means of traveling from Earth to Atlantis. Layout Bridge - The bridge of the Daedalus is an improvement over that of the Prometheus. The layout is much more open. The forward view port is wider to allow a greater visual field. This is particularly useful during battle situations, allowing several officers to make suggestions about how to proceed further without obstructing the captain's chair. The weapons officer sits to the right of the captain, and the helmsman to the left. Control panels are distributed around the room's edge, to the left, right, and back. The communication screen lies directly in front of the captain's chair. Engineering - The engineering center has numerous control panels, with several specifically designed for the Asgard. Hermiod is typically the Asgard at these controls. Engineering provides a view of the Asgard hyperdrive engines. Flight Deck - The deck consists of two hangar bays. The starboard hangar houses the F-302 fighters, while the port deck is used for re-entry. The entry doors are shielded to prevent decompression. Officer's Mess - The mess is used for food service and socializing. Coffee and other beverages are always available. Edited by walkerguy from original articles 1 2
  5. Person=human/alein living sentient being, etc Woman=human female Female=non-male alein or human You do not go around calling Rodians and Twi'leks women. You just don't.
  6. [Treat Injury] Thats how I do things.
  7. Who says Juhani is a female? Are Cathar really that alike, to have just 2 genders? Same question for all SW characters. Well as far as we can tell, yes. Male and Female. Man and Woman do more relate to humans, as well, yes.
  8. Thats how I play. Do what I would do = LS
  9. Don't like any DS options. When I play, I choose most LS options, leave out DS. For some reason however I was compeled to kill the Hidden Beks gang leader on Taris.
  10. ROFL that sucks. Whats most annoying is doing it over a flash mine. Instead of super quick engagement its super slow... if you had just been patient...
  11. I am sure it does. I do not like it because I am not evil and it makes me uneasy to murder and torture others even virtually. The only time I EVER enjoyed DS was telling the thugs on Nar Shadda to give me their money then jump off a rail. "Get down faster that way"... Edit: ROFL, oops, I said "even".
  12. Jediphile, don't forget the hunter Fortuna (KotOR1)
  13. I cannot use sarcasm and you can, ok, . Oh wait- edit out- there.
  14. dont like DS and have it for xbox so
  15. WotMW! Warriors of the Mandalorian Wars Star character Canderous!
  16. First time I played K1 I said I was a hutt. I never said that again.
  17. #1 new planet to add to kotor3: Coruscant. Probably said a dozen times already
  18. What right do we have to pass judgement? Really.
  19. Thats what I get for not actually having photoshop. Added: Would you like me to switch back to my ridiculous yoda mod avatar? Well I'm signing out, so maybe tomorrow.
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