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Everything posted by walkerguy

  1. Do you have .torrent players? All I see are "protocols" and "clinets" etc
  2. THE PAIN. WHY WON'T ANYONE HELP ME?! *walkergrunt shoots needles into Gfted* HA HA HA HA !!!
  3. I'm not a spout of reasoning, but D_N never says just why Obama may be so superior, just that Hillary is trash. Oh, and if her campaign is to be reffered to as Billary, then call Barack Obama's "Barackelle". He's married too you know. Also: That monster with a hat is very distracting.
  4. I didn't see them. Sorry!
  5. Im going through several SW characters. Did vader, yoda... boba fett is probably next in a week or so.

  6. Pazaak Cards KotOR Pazaak Card +/- 1 Pazaak Card +/- 2 Pazaak Card +/- 3 Pazaak Card +/- 4 Pazaak Card +/- 6 Pazaak Card +1 Pazaak Card -1 Pazaak Card +2 Pazaak Card -2 Pazaak Card +3 Pazaak Card -3 Pazaak Card +4 Pazaak Card -4 Pazaak Card +5 Pazaak Card -5 Pazaak Card +6 Pazaak Card -6 There appears to be many KotOR TSL pazaak cards... Mine is the simple +1/-1 Also -6 is cheap and useful
  7. Point is we don't need Luxa. I thought Luxa would play a larger role with the Exchange but she ended up messing with the wrong b****. If your exile is male... go screw yourself.
  8. Well we can think lesser of you, D_N. You usually always have such... forceful posts.
  9. Noticed Gorth is user 666... AHHH!!

  10. Nobody likes rodney. lol

  11. Has anyone seen the SG-1 episode called "Wormhole X-treme"? its hilarious.
  12. Iraq... Its almost entirely landlocked!
  13. Upcoming... Indiana & North Carolina ... 13 Days Away! Primaries and Caucuses Results from CNN CNN 2008 Election Center Democrats
  14. Do mine not count? Also switching to lightsaber would make sense.
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