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Everything posted by walkerguy

  1. Just saw Bourne Ultimatum. Needs to be Bourne-oriented.
  2. I saw it early(?) I think. Sion vs Kreia
  3. Thats my scale!!!! ® ® ® Gray Jedi is not an oxymoron, either. Perfectly good term. Your "Gray Force Users" sounds like good material for the youtube comment box, I'm sad to say.
  4. *cleans ears* What was that? Hey what happened to my glass? :sad:
  5. This about covers my view. Don't use the Olympics for boycott. Monopolies are not to be looked forward to. They're not good for us common peasants. :sad: The U.S. pretty much has monolpoly in China with almost all the damned goods get we buy being from them. Stop Tibet Boycott Killings!! *walkerguy is shot* Native chinese don't see Western media. But immigrant Chinese do, and they're the ones protesting against Western media... They are? For every one in Australia that dislike "Western media", I find 3 who identify with it. I guess they are immigrants for a reason, no? Looks like 3 out of 4 such Chinese realise this. I thought Australia was "Western".
  6. Pennsylvania IS NOW ONLY 7 Days Away CNN Election Center Results GET YOUR POLL RESULTS BELOW! CNN 2008 Election Center I'm not even going to elaborate on Obama's recent antics. I'm still for sure #2 for him, but he's soiling himself bad. I hope this doesn't portray his future actions if elected president.
  7. New Zealanders are boss. Who cares for Aussies??
  8. Actually the Prez can create legislation and send it to Congress.
  9. New thread idea: "What is your mother doing?" First post idea: "Getting bailing twine..."
  10. Take your R00fls to the Torture! thread!
  11. Post in Torture! Curse all you who posted here! Especially copycat Krezack!! Ha!
  12. I saw the vid of Sion and Kreia early on in the game, on the Harbinger I think.
  13. No posting, this is just for the poll. Post about torture here: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=49385
  14. Well, torture victims have been known to give false confessions to stop the pain - but I believe that those instances were mainly when the persons were subjected to extreme physical abuse. They just tell you any old b*****cks. Whatever they think you want to hear. the only possible good this could do is if you were abstractedly interested in what people thought you wanted to hear. I should also repeat that it isn't just first hand stuff, or even every single first hand professional I've ever met and discussed it with*. It's also in page after page of history. * Amateurs discuss tactics. Professionals discuss logistics. Old soldiers discuss toilets facilities. Weirdos discuss torture. If they lie torture them again and threaten something besides themselves. No, thats the point were it turns from acceptable to wrong, but still, what are you to do to extract the intel you need? Yes, this is NOT a moral discussion. I've had quite enough of that.
  15. *Master Chief throws he and the computer out of side of the ship to give porn virus to covenant* Walkergrunt: Big guy stupid. Always jump off ship. *walkergrunt leaves and nades some marines*
  16. The poll is more for a discussion about which kinds of torture that you do approve of, not inclusive of those who don't approve at all, which was not my intent. Well whether or not torture has only worked in some past cases I'd still use it if times deemed neccesary along with the other strategies of war.
  17. Air vents suck!! Really they do. Replace your filters once a month!!

  18. Sorry, nick. (about no no option) Plainer: Torture works sometimes, sometimes it doesn't.
  19. Pennsylvania IS NOW ONLY 20 Days Away CNN Election Center Results GET YOUR POLL RESULTS BELOW! CNN 2008 Election Center Under the proposal for Florida delegates, Clinton would receive 47 delegates based on her vote total, while Obama would be awarded 36 delegates based on the "uncommitted" result; the rest would be divided according to the nationwide popular vote total after all the primaries are completed... ( YAY Hillary!) Hillary-Obama showdown continues. McCain gets clear path to nomination as Huckabee surrenders. Next primary is in Pennsylvania, 20 days away.
  20. Torture can result in either failure or success. Both are frequent results of such an unpleasant practice. So, neither views on torture are wholly correct on whether it works or not.
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