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Everything posted by walkerguy

  1. I love Kashyyyk (B2). Hate: Dagobah (B2) Endor (B1, B2) Kashyyyk Islands (B1) Yavin 4 Arena (B1)
  2. Ford Taurus! You know, inconspicuous!
  3. Attention Whore?



  4. Alienware is a definite good brand. Seriously, though.
  5. Oh god! I hope Xard doesn't tear me or Gfted1 a new... nevermind.
  6. Vehicles? I know its an RPG, but still, will there be any?
  7. For what they're worth I think they're great. Don't make me chase you off with my Basalisk.
  8. Possible thread win. Not really. Brdavs really only described America, which certainly has problems too... but nowhere near to the extent China does. And anybody claiming two wrongs make a right as Brdavs is is an enigma to me. All the rest follow USA like puppies which sorta makes us accomplices. And nowhere did I state that two wrongs make a right. I marely stated that we should start by marching agains our own "order of things" or atleast against what it`s turning into. Every country in the world firstly and foremostly cares about the rights of it`s citizens. And every induvidual firstly and foremostly cares about hisown rights. The value of a life varies dramatically depending on your passport. Let us not be twofaced now... You can get an exact number of coalition casulties in Iraq, a war (supposedly) fought over 2974 deaths. Howmany of us know the number of palestinians killed prior or post to that? Or how many Iraqis have died? All you get are estimations of "somewher in between 200k and 1mil" lol. And that`s lives we`re talking about, chew on that one for a sec. Speaking of mortgage crisis; how many millions of palestinians are displaced and howmany Iraqis? Nobody givess a toss cos they`re them, and we`re us. Nor does any1 really give a toss about Tibet tbh, but that gets on the agenda cos we like to stick it to China. Sorta like how Kosovo was only sticking it to Russia. The Bear and the Tiger that threathen the mighty Eagle... I wonder what the response will be the next time native amercans declare all past agreements violate and ergo null and void, + cry genocide while declaring an independant territory in the middle of the USA. Oh yea, that`s a local news joke to be laughed at. In essence: any "moral high-ground" (some think) "we" are having in lecturing China is merely a Tibetan plateau worth of BS. Atleast they`re being honest. I as an induvidual can condemn what`s happening there but then agin I condemn a lot (more) of that`s happening right here. To have a "Sand like" stance of how our righteous lberal governments and nations should disown and if possibly topple the "evil" PRC is sorta humorous conisediring the respective track records as of late (and not so as of late) - my only real beef in this conversation. Stop thinking you/we are somehow fundamentaly better. We`re better off. Mostly on theirexpense. But that`s sorta it. Mind you that is no reason to preserve a bad status quo. It is however a reason to tell our politicians to go to heck everytime they say they`re dropping bombs for freedom and to help people and when they`re being hypocritical to the border of having us for fools. China will change on itsown merrit to more suit our (and through for now superior force global) standard. Thoe it does seem like we`re gonna meet them more than half way. But that`s a whole new topic. What?
  9. Your classes weren't called off? Well, be safe.
  10. I even removed the Basalisk. Why was the post removed?
  11. Oh god that sounded gay.

  12. I hated his yacht. My least favorite part of the game: fighting tons of stupid droids then ten thousand mines with nobody having a high enough skill to disable them, even my dems expert with +++ demolition bonus items. I used Mandalore to clear a path through the mines having him die repeatedly. Also I left the turrets up and they helped me kill the bounty hunters. I especially didn't like how I just had to accept this piece of bolts G0-T0 droid. I didn't want the guy. Well at least with the Xbox edition there's hardly any problems. (I didn't run into any glitches.) And welcome.
  13. I can't rely on any of the statistics in this book but for information 1990 and before its For my more... recent histories I have to use other titles.
  14. Hey, n00bs you noticed we're getting off topic? The answer to this thread simply: April's Game Informer and any of the other threads here in Alpha Protocol.
  15. Sliders style? Perhaps.... For those unfamiliar with Sliders click the laughing smile.
  16. Just that they've always been rivals and I'm not seeing the whole picture from the Chinese side. This is my #1 used material: Walkerguy's studies (I use the book edition not online but its the same) Its not 100% up-to-date (1994 or so) but its just one of my resources. I was under the impression this would get you cookies, no? No win! None! Here's the thing - that's not true. In fact, depending on your definition of human rights, most people in the world likely don't give a damn - because most people don't care about politics. As such, anything that has to do with politics (ie freedom of speech, which basically just means freedom of political speech) is likely to be pretty low on people's list of priorities, whereas anything to do with the quality of life (ie the economy) is likely to be very high. Any government that maximizes the things that people really care about is going to receive mass support. That's why the Chinese government has such a free hand to do as it pleases with political dissent - the Chinese people don't care so long as it doesn't affect their quality of life. That's the bottomline, and so far, the CCP has read its people well. Thats a good point:
  17. I had a colby cheese & ham macoroni cassorole yesterday.
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