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Everything posted by walkerguy

  1. Walkergrunt goes to a melee duel Krookie: UPS or FedEx?
  2. 1 or 2 or both? Both are weak on story, just light movie-related content you know, not meant to be "serious".
  3. My browser is so corrupted. I had to click "Shift-R" just to see Yoda dance.
  4. I hear it got ruined with the "update". It made it too "combat-ish"(?)
  5. My studies: 50,000 BC-Present Day
  6. I know a couple places but a comprehensive list would be nice. The one rule is that Mandalore must be a member of your party, right? All I can think of right now is: Docks Apartment on Nar Shadda Mercenary Camp on Dantooine
  7. Whoo hoo to you!

  8. My studies resources are not biased but they do center over Japan and do not explain China completely. I am going over history, geography, economy, daily life, etc, etc.
  9. Sooner or Later. *all becomes silent* "Beam me up, Scotty, I'm going to talk to the Chinese delegation..."
  10. What the!! Anyhow, when are you re-doing your house, Wals? Or did you already-?
  11. Wow. You just stabbed yourself (if you know what I mean). I see it as 'China is always militarily active and always is doing something militarily (such as Great Wall or current Tibet)' Seeing it as "Ah no! They kick our ass" sheds better light on the matter. One of the reasons I'm so against China is because I've recently been studying Japan intensely. You know.
  12. No!!!!!!! Retardation abounds!! Redundant. Redundant. DEAD. DEAD. POOY! CRAP! AHHHHHHG! Oh, well. I was getting no help anyway. SYSTEM ANOMALY REDUNDANT RETARD RUNNING BLASTING OFF TO KHIRE >> ENTER ANOTHER COMMAND_
  13. Are you calling him unintelligent? He's a candidate for the presidency!!
  14. It will also be DEAD. I want to see if I can actually get results, please. You can understand that it would BE DEAD. It would also become redundant because of the "Creative Endavors" thread, however different they may be.
  15. What gives you that idea*? My post in that Eddo thread?? * of me being "one sided"
  16. Mind you I'm using the Nazis for comparison very broadly. I don't mean Chinese are Nazis. I'd call a Japanese a Nazi before that (for their collaboration) and I haven't even gone there. And I won't. I'm glad for my video games! Yay!!
  17. *sigh* I wouldn't have liked the Nazi regime either. It has nothing to do with different cultures, its distasteful regimes we're talking about. The U.S. is "distasteful" in its own way as well, so I suppose its a matter of perspective on whether or not you like a culture.
  18. Reply: Im Walkergrunt now!!

  19. ^ Wrong I bet nick_i_am is cooking up some "brilliant" response...
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