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Everything posted by walkerguy

  1. A nice naive view, Xard. We should thrive to make sure that our own people are taken care, and those who seek us harm eliminated. A government's first and foremost priority should be to its own people. May that be my government, your government, or Walsh's. Once that priority is satisfied and the country is secured then a government can set aside resources to aid others. I am not saying that the US should not help those in need, but let the US take care of those who are in need at home before those in other countries. Xard meant it quite broadly, Sand. You just can't look out for #1 all the time. Quite so. There is a difference. The KKK isn't backed by our government while Al Qaeda was supplied and supported by the Taliban, the government of Afganistan at the time. As for Iraq we should pull out, take care of the problems at home, and once that is done then fully focus on repairing the damage Bush did to that country. Seconded with Sand for this one. Not realistic there, 'Tigger'.
  2. If a country attacks the United States, causing lost of life and damaging property, then we should go in and make damn sure they don't have the ability to do so again. With 9/11 we should have went in Afganistan, focus on killing every single member of Al Qaeda and the Taliban, then simply leave afterwards. Iraq did not attack us therefore we should not have invaded. You don't live in real world if you honestly think that is doable Seconded with Xard. This part is impossible What about all the innocent whose lives you have ruined due to your dutiful punishment of their goverment? Is it right they're just left right there to die after "the evil goverment" is destroyed? Yeah like what are we doing? He's needed in Afghanistan, let the Turks blow Iraq up.
  3. Thats what probably threw me off, the greek name of the Daedalus.
  4. How are different kinds of sushi cooked?
  5. Well at the restaurant they say "the fine dish made in sheep stomachs". Your sausage from the local grocer doesn't say: "Note: Contains hog digestive system". You're just like yay sausages! Yuck sheep stomachs! Probably... I'm assuming you've never tried sushi then have you? Sashimi on the other hand, does involve raw fish, and is incidentally damn tasty No I have not, but I'm not doubting its flavor. I'm just talking about the catch with sushi.
  6. Yes. Hermia(?spelling) is a engineer buff (of course) on the Daedalus (next generation Prometheus). The team also uses Asgard tech such as the beaming gadgets. Atlantis doesn't tell you about the Asgard because they told you in SG-1 but I'm not an SG-1 buff so I need to watch more SG-1. Thats fine because I have lots of SG-1 recorded on my DVR which I will likely watch later. I've watched nearly all the Atlantis so yes, time for SG-1 till more SGA is recorded! Time to study Norse roots in the Asgard!
  7. Sushi=Raw Fish Raw Fish=Raw Fish Sushi=Tasty Raw Fish= Sushi=Raw Fish Sushi=Tasty & ??? Contradictory! Ahh!
  8. I heard Koreans eat rotten cabbage. As in actually rotten, and its supposed to be a tasty flavor.
  9. GTA:VC over easter? I still have that for Xbox. Didn't like San Andreas. What really made me wonder about Vehicles are the swoops from KOTOR. Maybe they'll have NASCAR?
  10. Thats a little bit extreme. Not every war is neccessarily, say, "just"... just think about the wrong ^ could bring about.
  11. According to this comic the Asgard's name is derived from Norse mythology.
  12. Oh well so many thanks, Xard. The thread is: Expelled from Expelled, The laugh of the day So we should be laughing.
  13. As of this post, "updated 1 minute ago" Iraq
  14. *Shyrke doesn't get his Lada* * All of us * Lets talk about anything thats Vehciles=Alpha Protocol Be nice if maybe a dev would humor us...
  15. A lot of people post a question and never return. So you're staying? :shifty:

  16. I am not spamming the image. You can't even say I'm trying to get a post count up. Why would I want some people hundreds and thousands of miles aways attention?! What could possibly compel me to be an attention whore? I'm just adding to joke. As for stealing a name, thats not uncommon. You stole your avatar. Wasn't that wrong?
  17. Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network and Sharing Center Thanks. The images are of good quality again () I didn't even do anything... But I guess thats good. Also the "cannot display" hasn't happened today.
  18. You be friend?

  19. Still have no gamertag, thats just a joke....


  20. No, it wouldn't . Once the fix is out everyone will agree that the first released was made of lots of fail. It would probably sicken people to know all the cut content...
  21. I said it before, but I dislike G0-T0. Not to mention Mira and Disciple. I havn't had Hanharr yet...
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