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Everything posted by walkerguy

  1. *Marine 1 is aboard the human frigate Saturn awaiting transfer to a secret UNSC facility* Marine 1: *yawns* Damn, I wish I had some cheetos.
  2. *yawns* This guy is as bad as Stein. What a little ass and whiner. Whoever made the movies were idiots to be sure but this guy doesn't need to be a drama king over some stupid documentary. What is meant to be funny anyway? Expelled from Expelled? The lord privy joke? I'm being perfectly open, but I don't see the humor.
  3. Okay. I still have problems 1/2 the time...
  4. Nah, Im pretty sure it looked fresh (unrealistic, she had died some time ago). Could be the Xbox version is fresh blood.
  5. I know. Those were the supposed reasons, though. Very well, Azarkon, you're correct.
  6. No, Jebus is some sort of "oh my" comment. Not used in my part of the USA.
  7. What story will be related to Trying to add story with game. What to know: Meadevil era. A World War event happened with "the Alliance" versus empire of Durran. After war, Durran is nothing but villages but the Alliance also becomes weak. Durran becomes stronger and is renamed Khire and some of the leaders of good guys, Freedor are worried. Oron and Castine, also in the Alliance are dormant. Khire works behind the scenes and begins infiltration of Freedor via bribing a senator. Large (Australia size) island is in middle of planet (say planet is half-size of earth for distance figuring purposes) This island is Stalvert and becomes another target of infiltration. Stalvert should easily fall to Khire troops* (*no special name yet) An elite Freedor scout/commando is on his way in his ship to trade @ stalvert with his young son and notices various Khire ships. Meanwhile a humble senator in Freedor brings his concerns to the senate where they are at best delayed, worst ignored. Story ends here except for a bit thats to rough at this point to add. Anyway: Locations Freedor * "good" people country Khire ("former Durran") * "evil" country Oron (working title) * old ally of Freedor Castine (working title) * old ally of Freedor Stalvert * peaceful island nation Planet x (working title) * (medevil story not too important) Cities/Provinces Baysteer * capital and seaport of Stalvert Dorbriar * Freedor province with the bribed guy Freedor (working title) * capital freedor province Freedor city (working title) * freedor capital city Freentor * province nearby Dorbriar, represneted by a "good guy" who spies on the "bad guy" in Dorbriar (several other locations to come) People final=won't change Jonns (final)* senator trying to convince senate of Khire's evils, minor province* near capital (*working title) Tierney (final)* Freentor province, friend of Jonns 2 unimportant senators * friends of Jonns Douglas * bribed guy from Dorbriar Valorin * Chancellor of Freedor Senate Venicent (final)* senior senator ignorant of Khire evils & against action against Khire Yasin II * king of freedor during Durran Wars* era (*working title) Captain Bulnir (final) * Khire officer working with Douglas Arnold * the elite scout/commando guy Cain * Arnold's son Other Arnold & Cains merchant ship is called the Ingold (final) Freedor is a "Monarchial Republic" king with a senate; senators are genrally the governors of provinces Dorbriar is no longer above suspision with all the Khire "merchants" & "immigrants" Douglas worried Anything else need to be known? I could supply a copy of the story so far, PM me. Also: I'll add a rough map that I just took 5 minutes in paint to make...
  8. How do we find Bin Laden, then? What should we have done with Iraq? Not the point that the US did it. The fact the China is still doing it.
  9. "This one is machine and nerve and has its mind concluded... ...this one is but flesh and faith and is the more deluded." -- See what I did there? It's trochaic! LOL C'mon Bokishi declines, give Cortona to pixie Halo RP looks like it'll be real funny!
  10. Of course Iraq was invaded "for national security". Nobody is denying that. That fact is so blatantly obvious I thought it unnecessary to post. Whether it is accomplishing that goal is another thing. I am against the war, but support the troops, for they are doing their duty as I would if I were in their place. Are you trying to say the U.S. is wrong because more people died? Al-qaeda attacked the Twin Towers! Iraq appeared to be the source of the problem as well as the fact they were threatening Iran with weapons of mass destruction. Just asking to be invaded. Besides that, one may think the war was for oil (see prior posts). What does China does for oil? Long story short they kill forests, ocean life, trade with terrorist governments, etc, etc. Not opinions, facts. They don't work responsibly either. The United States wishes to drill oil in Alaska, but to soon be hampered with the inclusion of the polar bear as an endangered species. Just an example of a responsible government. What China is doing- is wrong.
  11. Blood on Onderon Thug district/cantina area Where Onderon officer was murdered nearby a refuse pile/ broken droid 2 cases of blood!! each time very fake looking bright red
  12. It has happened again. :sad: Attached: My Internet Added: And yet again just then!!
  13. On-line. I changed the position of the device as well (external USB device - direct connect or via a single or double plug USB extension cord). I know one of my 3 USB ports is damaged. I cannot connect through that. Also, one of the other 2 seems to provide a poorer signal than the other. I'm using the "best port" now. Also, I've noticed that if the device overheats (4-6 hours use) it disconnects. Once Windows informed me that it had "malfunctioned". After cooling it down, it always works again, however. Not only long use but also placement of the device in the sun would expedite an overheat so I must beware of that. I'll see if it gives me more of these problems and report whether or not it does. Note: I've been browsing more than just Obsidian and the problem only occurs on Obsidian.
  14. Testing now... *disconnects...*
  15. I'll try to be more open to Vista. The backward compatiblity is what kills me. Apparently as seen your compatibility list, ( as long as none of them are []) Vista is starting to shape up.
  16. Very well. I will work on improving things and report the results.
  17. Deadly_Nighshade Latin Taunts Level 68 Arch-Mage walkerguy Latin Taunts Level 1 Nub
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