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Everything posted by walkerguy

  1. Use "print screen" and attatch a picture of the error so you can be helped easier.
  2. lulz face Funny stuff.
  3. I say again, sad face. (lol)
  4. @DN: The point is PI ALREADY ****ING COVERED THAT! @dol: Thats the point of this thread, lol.
  5. Just wanted to add what they always say-
  6. Where the hell is the pie now? I want some.

  7. Whah whah boo hoo! Oh wait. You were lucky. Have fun.
  8. Hello, dear user.


  9. You know, all of those winks
  10. Thats what my grandmother said... uh, nevermind.

  11. Penal colony on the moon, after a while, we'll have oil!
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