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Everything posted by Moatilliatta

  1. That sounds way too familiar to me That's just about everyone, Xard.
  2. I still fail to see the link between piracy groups cracking DRM and EA encouraging piracy.
  3. That wasn't the problem. The problem was that my designated green (bravery of 10) soldier who was worthless was supposed to arm an explosive and run up to the commander and take one for the team. It didn't happen. What happened was that I suck at asking soldiers to move up through those floaty stair things and instead of going up to the commander she used up her last TU's on moving two extra squares to the end of the 3 x 3 floaty stair thing, this then lead to the commander shooting the blaster launcher into the room below making a mess of her and the other guy in the room and I had to use the third dead soldier to finish the job.
  4. No. Spore vehicles don't fire from their guns and it looks quite ridiculus.
  5. The first computer that I played games on were the one that my dad wrote his thesis on. I don't know what kind of computer it was but I played pacman clones, commander keen, cosmos cosmic adventure, crystal caves, secret agent, Bio Menace and Wolfenstein 3D. Probably a lot more games as well that I simply don't remember. Later on I somehow got a snes (I honestly have no idea why or when and have never asked) and that was co-op heaven for me and my friend. We played Legend, Super Mario World, The lost Vikings, Street racer, Turtles in Time and Mortal Combat. All good fun. Even later on I got a decent computer and started playing games like BG1 and later 2, Diablo 2 and especially Heroes of Might and Magic 2. I'm saying especially here because it would lead to my friend getting HoMM 3 which lead to us becoming crazy about that game and playing it in hotseat mode. Many weekends were wasted doing just that. I would then over the next few years get interested in gaming as a hobby more and more, part of which was getting acquainted with the internet and through that Fallout (which I had owned for some time as a free game from a gaming magazine) and then fallout 2 and PS:T later on. I actually have a memory of starting up fallout much earlier in my life and being beaten to death by molerats shortly after leaving vault 13. I didn't play anymore after that. I only started getting back to consoles in this generation with the 360.
  6. I had fun with Die By the Sword when I played it many years ago. I'm not sure how well it holds up. Have you played Sacrafice? If not then that is one of the games that ought to be must buy. For the people who care Fallout is free on gametap it isn't DRM free but some people here might not care about that. Wikipedia on DBtS:
  7. XCOM again. I've finished the first base assault in this game and lost 3 people to those bull**** blaster launchers. Still having much fun with it.
  8. That guy must be smoking something. how does circumvented DRM == encouraging piracy? I also like how noone seem to agree exactly how long before release that Spore was cracked.
  9. I'm sure you've figured this out, but that opinion is obviously untrue. The different stages all have something different to bring to the table and they're all lovely and sparkly in their own way (except tribal and Civ which just plain sucks, both of them, sucks.). The reason most people say that the space stage is the most fun is that it is definately the most "harcore" part and will appeal to people who normally play lots of games. Creature and cell stage will appeal to gamers who can watch their girlfriends have fun actually playing a vidya game or alternatively play it with their children/babies/dragons as there will be increased fun from the 3rd party participants. But yeah, get to space and decide the worth of the game there and only there. I'm personally taking a break from Spore, but it is definately a game that I'll return to once I feel like terraforming a race to oblivion again.
  10. Reasonable people probably will when they reverse more important decisions in regards to Securom. Don't expect much before that.
  11. For those with a tl;dr mindset here are the key points: and and
  12. Have you guys seen this? EA has put themselves in reverse and stopped banning people. Also someone tries to sue EA over Securom. Probably won't go anywhere.
  13. I can't for the life of me figure out what PK means. Psychokinesis? Penalty kick? I second this.
  14. Apparently Hearts of Iron III has been announced for 4 days without me noticing. 10.000 provinces sounds insane.
  15. How early on in your current playthrough did it start to seem more complex? I think I'm gonna play through it again soon and do things differently so it would be interesting to know.
  16. How would you even use hairspray? Using it as a makeshift flamethrower like in the movies and games would be incredibly dangerous and if you spray it on the zombie before igniting you need to ignite it before it dries on a living (sorta ) zombie. Sounds difficult to use if you ask me.
  17. Interview: Pete Hines on Fallout 3 Mods and other stuff like the over reliance on showing combat instead of the rest. I don't know if there is anything new in there for you guys but I found it interesting.
  18. Why are they raising the gun-license minimum age from 15 to 18 when both shooters were older than 18? Anyone have any real idea why so much is happening in Finland now beyond the usual "OMG GUNS!" argument? On a somewhat lighter and possibly somewhat distasteful note having your special police unit called "Bear Squad" is pretty cool.
  19. Seperate adventures. I haven't tried them so I can't say if they're good but they do sound interesting: Price of Neutrality = Difficult choice like the ones in the OC but contained to the module and its short playtime. The other one is about raising money through sidequests and there is supposed to be a lot of choice. I imagine it to be somewhat like raising the 15000 in BG2 or something.
  20. What then if you've just killed the priest? "Forgive me father, for I have just killed... you."
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