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Everything posted by Moatilliatta

  1. Gabe "Sexy" Newell said that he didn't want to at some point but that doesn't necesarily mean anything as it was EA or MS that he was asked about.
  2. Can't be too bad, can it? Don't think it is true though.
  3. Yeah, it became somewhat mechanical after that.
  4. @Pop I can't say whether the AI in civ4 reacts specifically to troop movement. I do know that something similar has happened to me and I seem to remember that the AI keeps some kind of tally on the player which will lead to mass attacks if the player becomes too strong. @Gorth According to reviews there are some absolutely annoying decisions throughout the game that makes it worse than S:SoC and it supposedly doesn't have quite the same charm. It is still supposed to be a solid game though.
  5. This forum seriously is like sitting on a merry-go-round. Neither of the provided videos seem to want to play for me.
  6. The problem with that line of thought is that we're not dealing with average people in RPGs but the super supermen variety. Being pissed off by it is taking it a bit to extremes though.
  7. Playing X-COM on my third ufo-crash mission and only lost 3 men. I'm really gonna recomend the steam version of X-Com 1 as it holds up well today even if its interface is a thing of nightmares.
  8. Noone said anything about gamplay except Hurlshot who correctly atributed the birth of the FPS genre to Doom. I'm personally not clever enough to say whether Doom did anything new compared to ultima underworld or how its gameplay was new and innovative.
  9. Are you serious? Doom had such EXTREME next-gen things as (taken from wikipedia): Height differences (all rooms in Wolfenstein 3D have the same height) Non-perpendicular walls (all walls in Wolfenstein 3D run along a rectangular grid) Swaying of the weapon (in Wolfenstein 3D the arms stay fixed in front in the screen no matter what the character does), this gives the impression of fluidity while walking or running Full texture mapping of all surfaces (in Wolfenstein 3D, floors and ceilings are not texture mapped) Varying light levels (all areas in Wolfenstein 3D are fully lit at the same brightness). While contributing to the game's visual authenticity by allowing effects such as highlights and shadows, this perhaps most importantly added to the game's atmosphere and gameplay; the use of darkness as a means of frightening or confusing the player was an unseen element in games released prior to Doom. I don't know how many of those things were pioneered by Doom but to say that it was technologically the same as Wolf3D except with multiplayer has no bearing at all.
  10. Those aren't expansion packs but stuff packs which are even more useless packs that only add new objects instead of actually new features. Another realworld inspired stuff pack is called "H&M Fashion Stuff". The funny thing is that I once thought that the original The Sims was at the edge of crazy and now I've found that they can do even worse.
  11. There have been many different stories about EAs support but most of them in my experience has been positive. The biggest problem seem to be that it's a pay line that you're calling.
  12. Not quite. There have been studies that show that the perception of beauty is altered when drinking and that people find other people in general 10-25 % more attractive. The effect also seems to last 24h in males even if they're no longer drunk.
  13. Then you haven't seen the xpacks for The Sims 2. Most of them just adds even more stuff to the already existing parts. I personally would like creatures that make tunnels underground.
  14. Not to mention that it was a technological marvel for the time, if I remember correctly.
  15. He didn't say anything about a stalemate. All he said was that neither side can really prove their claims and hinting that both sides are overreacting. Also I'd like to see your argument for game DRM being ethically wrong.
  16. I couldn't play it all the way through because the game would make my key commands "stick" so I usually ended up in perpetual rotary motion.
  17. Bought X-COM on Steam last night and played a bit to get used to the interface again. Gonna play for real as soon as I make time. Edit: Oh and finished Max Payne 2 which is way too short.
  18. That almost makes me want to grab a few screenshots of X-Com which I bought from steam yesterday.
  19. Because they spend a lot of money? I don't think anyone has given an official reason but some of it might be because microsoft wanted them in Microsoft games rather than Ensemble as people in general know the former better.
  20. 6 I'm on my laptop which has a very low amount og GBs: World of Warcraft, Max Payne, Max Payne 2, Morrowind, Warcraft 3, Majesty. Why not The Shadow of Death?
  21. Max Payne 2 is a bit narrative heavy in the beginning but is shaping up nicely now.
  22. While we're on the subject of awesome games on Steam I've noticed X-com being there and people who haven't tried at least the first one (X-COM: UFO Defense) should think about spending $5 on it for their own... education or whatever. Always check the steam forums for whether it runs properly though.
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