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Everything posted by Moatilliatta

  1. Stuff like the diplomacy AI and everything that can be changed in the files have been improved but it still does suck obviously, just less than before. The Empire TW AI is supposed to be better if I remember correctly.
  2. Theft isn't so much about who gets money but more about getting access to something that you haven't been given access to. @Mkreku I didn't argue in favour of piracy. Also I do believe the analogy holds as the pirates argument is that they need to try it out more than the demo (dressing rooms) allow and it is certainly true that the demos (dressing rooms) don't allow a full test because there are factors that usually doesn't get taken into account (how does the fabric react to rain for example), but that never excuses stealing and piracy is stealing because the only one that is allowed to give you a licence to the game is the store or the publisher or someone relinquishing their own licence. @Killian Kalthorne Which PC games don't have demos?
  3. Aren't most mods designed specifically for the vh/vh difficulty? I would choose that one personally.
  4. It isn't about general tastes evolving but rather that it takes a special mindset to want to explore a mostly meaningless setting and doing meaningless things in a meaningless game. I like those kinds of games so long as they aren't daggerfall.
  5. 30 minutes isn't enough to people who use the demo excuse as games can vary a lot throughout the playtime. Edit: Also the developers or the publishers will care a about giving away too much as it will mean that some people will only play the demo.
  6. Sometimes it can be too hard (according to the devlopers) to find a way to show of the game without giving away too much. That seems to be at least one reason for the no demo approach. I always thought that the way Mount & Blade shows itself off (sandbox with 6 ingame days or 6 character levels) was a very good demo.
  7. I don't know for sure if I'm going to like a new pair of pants unless I try it out in many different circumstances but that doesn't give me a right to steal them. Pirating is always wrong no matter which way you turn it.
  8. Denmark celebrates it on June 5 which is also constitution day which leads to fathers being forgotten about. USA is on the third sunday of June. Edit: Oh, hey Wikipedia is useful.
  9. Only for Australia and New Zealand.
  10. What's the point of this? People who don't feel at ease in either atheism or their family's faith tends to find the faith that fits them easily enough without touching upon them in the early years. I would personally rather keep a religiously well educated household that is completely neutral in regards to religions thereby keeping religion at an individual level. I do think it's admirable of you to try and do what's best (supposedly) for your child rather than what is easiest for you. Edit: Wouldn't your aproach give problems with the amount fo gift-giving holidays in religions?
  11. More a lack or morals. If publishers didn't spend the money on DRM then they would probably spend them on advertising, which in some cases would probably help more e.g. Unreal Tournament 3
  12. So you see yourself as an Objectivist or are you just pointing at the closes thing to your actual views?
  13. "This planet is ours, witch!" It's technically not an intro, at least as of yet, but it beats most other cinematics out there.
  14. I don't remember intros much either at least until my memory is jogged. For example I did remember the AoE: AoK intro when I saw it and Pidesco's link to the Another World intro was a flashback to my youth.
  15. Sounds like someone is having fun.
  16. I'm not even at that point yet. It's just the crappy story and the crappy fludity of the controls and the crappy combat and... lots of stuff that detracts from the game. I'd give it a 6/10 at the moment so I'm hoping it allows more freeform stuff later on and becomes actually fun.
  17. Assassins creed for about an hour and it isn't shaping up too well. I hope it becomes better later on.
  18. The 360 was obsolete the day it came out with its inferior games and its inferior hardware. Come back when your failbox can cure cancer or fold proteins.
  19. Yeah man, I see it now, it's not a proper next-gen experience unless the flagship game consists of 30 minute long cutscenes.
  20. Thanks for the info. Have they given any game lenght estimates?
  21. Since my PC decided to poop all over itself right before games start coming out again I thought I'd ask you failbox guys advice on a failbox game to play in the meantime. Have played: GTA4 Dead Rising Braid Crackdown Have but haven't played: Assassins creed R6: Vegas I've heard you guys rave about Castle Crashers, is it coop or what is it? Also is Viva Pinata actually fun or is Tale just on crack? Also what about the failbox RPGs? Edit: Refinement.
  22. Many of the RPS guys still write for them from time to time. And yes they are all awesome. Edit: This post is incredibly not 'top of the page' worthy.
  23. Wait what? The movies biggest problem is that there is too much focus on that silly romance. I have seen Wall E and THAT is a highly overated movie @The Dark Knight "haters" TDK is only overated by idiots and fools and as such it isn't worth a remark unless you want to risk a shouting match. It is still one of the best superhero action movies ever made though.
  24. @ Taks Rosbjergs way of seeing things is quite typical of europeans. The funny thing is that we tend to stand to gain the most by a free trade republican but we tend to like the democrats nearly all of the time. This is probably because of how alien most of the republican party is to the way we do things and they scare us or something. I for example moved away from John Mccain when he choose Sarah Palin because such a person is incredibly alien to my concept of politics.
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