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Everything posted by Moatilliatta

  1. I had some kind of silly romance dream once that led to me hunting zombies in a very arcade game-like area, like a maze.
  2. So is there a planned price for AoD? And have they talked about demos (I'm assuming they'll have one but still)?
  3. Mount & Blade is a hack & slash sandbox game where you lead armies, simple. You can still try one of the most recent versions as shareware and I highly recommend it. It only has so and so many ingame days or so and so many levels as a shareware demo but it does give a good impression of the game. Taleworlds Edit: Screw Oblivion, Mount & Blade is the definite horse combat simulator and anyone that says otherwise is on crack.
  4. Oh hey look an actually interesting analysis of Spore by one the obviously bought out reviewers writing about it in his free time and explaining what I (attempted to) explain a few posts ago: Take it away Kieron Gillen [/thread] Edit: I really wish I had a way with words. But like so many other things it takes too much practice.
  5. Spore has never been about filling out each of the five stages. At least not the last three years. Spore is about designing your creature through tutorial phases until you reach space. Each phase is about designing specific aspects of your creature and aren't supposed to be a whole game in themselves. Whether space is large and good enough to be a game isn't something that I can say.
  6. Pixies fullproof method to getting womenz: 1) Be honest about just how awesome you really are. 2) ? 3) Lots of babes.
  7. What I've been trying to say is that from what I can see from the article there is zero lies in it and there is no reason to suspect anything. Clear enough? If people here don't like Spore then I think it might have something to do with people jumping on the hate train without actually trying to understand what they're hating. Or perhaps I'm wrong and will have to admit that when I get the game. who knows.
  8. I'll be trying this when I get my primary computer back. That Wikipedia image is painfully accurate.
  9. Guess I'll have to double post. One problem that lots of people seem to mention is that it crashes a lot and doesn't have an autosave. That was the main problem with Simcity 4 and it makes me nervous.
  10. So if everyone who writes in english is bought why is Spore getting scores like 8 and 9 instead of 10? Edit: Wait a second, Swedes that like JRPGs? The horror is unimaginable.
  11. So have you even read it or are you trying to live up to your signature? It being Alec Meer means that it is worth a read to see whether it is good or not. It is.
  12. It would also be interesting to know opinions on the sequel as that one would have lost the newness factor. I for one can't wait to make a carnivore species whose goal will be to devour the galaxy1. 1Or as close as it can get.
  13. And turned out quite horrible as a game. Unfortunately from what I've seen of HR it doesn't do enough to give actual fun gameplay to these games.
  14. This thread has turned quite funny in a sad sort of way. The author of the review is Alec Meer who as a games journalist is quite good. For those who are still clueless Alec Meer is one of the four regular writers on Rock, Paper, Shotgun.
  15. So you guys don't seem to like the kind of game Spore is and somehow it becomes news that you don't like it? Since this thread might as well become useful I'll just sneak in a good review.
  16. The problem with that line of though is that they don't do it because of a lack of respect but because they care. I do get what you mean though as I've always kept very strict rules about my own sphere of privacy.
  17. I still have this one unopened since I haven't finished G2 properly. Unlike you I think that I'm going to like it.
  18. With what? I think I already made my point. While the GBoR is interesting in pointing out the flaws in the industry I also think we tend to blow things out of proportion since we're a relatively young industry that is used to things happening fast. Thing is, things will change if it actually means enough to the consumer because video games is a market and it will regulate itself over time. I'm no economist, but I've seen stuff like this before and even EA has seen the effect of completely squandering your customer goodwill, which is why they changed themselves somewhat.
  19. So... did you buy ME from the EA store? And yes, there is a reason why I'm asking that question.
  20. The BG2 environs were quite spectacular use of 2d but I wouldn't call the art direction anything but average. If I look at them now they appear quite bland.
  21. Doctors should have the right to choose unless it is an emergency where time matters. My problem with this sort of thing would be information. If a doctor refuses work because of bigotry or something equally ridiculous then I'd like the opportunity to know that and avoid that particular doctor.
  22. Am I really the only one who thinks it's a bad idea to turn it off if you don't know how to do it in the first place? I mean I do get that people have an irational hatred for the thing but it is actually there to protect your computer.
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