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Everything posted by Moatilliatta

  1. Deus Ex is free on gametap. You might have to sign up though.
  2. About -65 million years. Unless you're willing to settle for the bones and a necromantic reanimation.
  3. Well built levels? Fun combat? Innovative storytelling? Edit: Rule of thumb with HL series is that enjoyment is always a mixture of things.
  4. I funnily enoug haven't had any problems with pirates in the space stage. Timed missions are quite infuriating though.
  5. Who are you playing as? Could you describe how you are being beaten? Hard to help without general knowledge about the problem. You fail. WiC is so last year.
  6. It's a bit naive to just expect regulation to be done with a modicum of responsibility, plenty of examples to the contrary. Regulation is not a magical force that will solve all of society's ills. etc. See, I too can make bad arguments that are more noise than worth. And I'm not even Taks or Guard Dog as I actually believe there is a lot of worth in the way we scandinavians have structured our society.
  7. The king isn't a douchebag. Anyone who thinks so is putting too much weight on his haughty voice. Edit: And his way of talking. My thoughts on the kings is that he is the usual good guy with a problem with facing the real world and instead turns to the one from the stories. I can see three way of him developing: 1) He goes down HARD because that's what happens to weak characters. Unlikely. 2) He shapes up and becomes more likable as the story goes on. Most likely. 3) He magically becomes a better character or nothing happens to him because Bio can't/won't do the above. Not particularly likely.
  8. It's similar except the Biker gang's enemies has changed and unless the police figures out how to fight them properly, they won't be able to. Personally I think it's time to discuss drug politics and judging from Politiken (Danish newspaper) Venstres Ungdom (youth group of the main government party) seem to think so too. It seems to me that attacking them in the wallet would be easiest.
  9. I'm pretty sure that it's pets in general. Or at least the ones that leave their fur all over the place. Kids growing up with pets = Awesome in general. Also she did only talk about using formula when breast feeding wasn't enough. Slug is a woman?
  10. @Pidesco I know what you mean. All I was saying was that comparing Bioware's game writing to books in any way is loosing before you've even argued it as you can't seperate it that easily. A better thing to do is look at the books they've written and compare them to other books. @Tigranes I've said it before and I'l gladly say it again: expecting anything but an elder scrollsy fallout is to set yourself up for disappointment. i.e. don't expect it to reach FO or PST in writing.
  11. Change book to TV-series and you might have a point. Bioware always points out that they see game writing and book writing to be very distinctly different and I tend to agree. Games have more in common with TV-series in the way you write. @Tigranes See Shivering Isles, the exact example Emil mentions.
  12. At times. The hiding some books in the epilogue, while interesting in regards to the game and it's theme, was something that I see as quite bad design. The puzzles could also have used some work from time to time. Still probably some of the best from a indie developer.
  13. In other news: Llyranor fails at reading comprehension. It's ok though as it's a good interview. And, yes, COD4 had a good story as in it told it well.
  14. Why anything but Polish and English? Surely there wouldn't be many reasons to use anything but the original language (polish) and the most cuddled second language (english).
  15. Mine is Moatilliatta [sporepedia link] in case anyone else wants to try the friendlist thing out. Apparently there is also a creature with my name and a creature with a name closely resembling mine.
  16. I think my computer is okay now and I'll get Spore tomorrow. If any of you guys are game and have some not-sucky creatures post your name and I'll post some screenshots of my creatures ravaging yours or possibly the other way around if I suck.
  17. Good Kieron Gillen article on it. tl;dr Good. Get.
  18. I don't see why lore and stuff can't be in menus and similar while said menus are still efficient and streamlined. The BGs for example had cool lore on weapons on the same screen that you watched a lot of other things. It is all a matter of good design.
  19. All this talk of milk have given me a craving for it. Milk is awesome. [/thread]
  20. Choo! Choo! All aboard the whine-o-train! Anyway I've actually seen the movies now and seriously don't get why you guys are complaining. I mean, I do see that I've somewhat seen all the things that the setting seem to offer before, but to complain about it seems to be whining more than constructive criticism. Especially since all Bioware settings are like this. Positives: The armour looks cool and stylish as it should do and haven't in a long time in a Bio game. I might actually look forward to putting on new armour now. Writing seems to be Bioware++ which means that I might actually care about characters now. I'm looking forward to doing that again. World seems well developed from the way they're talking about it. I just hope it doesn't do a Jade Empire.
  21. They do use SecuRom already, you know? I'm pretty sure that DRM in this context means 'stuff that will do nasty stuff to your behind'. Have we heard anything concrete on DA DRM? I would think there is a decent chance that it might be less awfull than the ME DRM if EA follows their current rule of downgrading their Securom DRM everytime large amounts of internet people complain.
  22. Hype is both a blessing and a curse. I do wonder about the people who play one game they really like and then imediately expect the developers to crap diamonds.
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