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Everything posted by Moatilliatta

  1. Context you guys. I enjoyed the combat too but that is still far away from making it Bio's best work.
  2. It still wasn't a good answer. Having one medpack left is bliss so long as the designer doesn
  3. And what's up with crappily placed subtitles? I remember Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines where you had to look up in the corner everytime you watched a cutscene. As someone who doesn't use english as a first language, subtitles are very important for my enjoyment of the game and it seems really strange when games seem to ignore or shaft them.
  4. @Gorgon Surely frustration has little to do with individual design choices and more to do with how they're implemented. If it's possible to fight yourself into an impossible position then it's the designers implementation that fails (in general of course) not the ideas behind it. You kinda argued medpack games into a situation that I've never seen in well designed games.
  5. Then people will just stand around until they're healed. I imagine it'll be like VtM:B (It effectively had regeneration as you could feed just about anywhere) where all possibilities are possible at the same time, which was fun, but not much more.
  6. @Brdavs I don't know of any intelligent american that has said that The Surge strategy is feasible in Afghanistan. On the contrary The Surge is successful in Iraq and the General in charge of Afghanistan has to my knowledge held that a different strategy will be needed for Afghanistan. I don't think anything has been said about the british defeatism.
  7. Then you should check the concept art Bio has on their site.
  8. My line of thought when reading it: "Jesus christ why you gotta reference Bioshock?... Oh wait.
  9. Possibly revealed stuff about the first Spore expansion.
  10. Wait this crap tells us that there is a skill system. Those people need to decide. Sounds better now. Edit: Awesome using Adam as the protagonist name, shows that they're trying.
  11. So I've just seen the pictures of Deus Ex in the magazine and some of it looks pretty crap. Some of it fails at being a prequel and looks like somthing that would have been after Deus Ex. The weapon they're showing seems to have forgotten that most weapons in Deus Ex (if not all) weren't particularly stylished. Apparently the police guys also have some serious armour on that doesn't exctly remind me of the ones in Deus Ex. Ain't gonna be the graphics that decides whether Deus Ex will be good though.
  12. @Hurlshot The Paul one did last throughout the game, correct. The Lebedev one wasn't referenced much as far as I remember. Most of them did little except change a bit of dialogue or whether a person is in one place or dead. What happened to Carter if you told him to stay in UNATCO? I seem to remember that he died but I'm unsure. Good example.
  13. In this thread? You gotta be kidding. Anyway I guess they have changed it since EU2 (I don't actually have the expansions, shhh it's a secret). I'd still argue that it's a useless loss of control since they now have that little-helper thing up in the corner that tells you exactly how many merchants you have in the different COTs and there are popups warning you when you loose one. I took a few XCOM screenies that I should get around to posting.
  14. You did get that I was carrying on a joke, right?
  15. @CrashGirl Overrated? More like non-existant. There was no actual choices there we're only different endings and a pat on the shoulder if the NPCs liked your methods. Unless I'm forgetting some part of it.
  16. The point is that the prequel suddenly introduces something that the guy in the original could have used. He can use it but it costs an augmentation slot, why does JC suddenly need an augmentation slot for something that was apparently available before his time? It doesn't make sense unless they have some really wicked explanation that magically fits into the overall story.
  17. This Gamespot video shows Bastila/Silk Fox/Liara/Morrigan
  18. Edit: @Shryke I wonder about that as well. They're either geniuses ore total idiots. Edit2: Alternatively they don't care.
  19. Looking down on EA/Bioware and boosting the Fallouts beyond their actual ability is the mark of a trying-to-be instead of an actually in-the-flesh elitist. Actual Elitists know that the people are weak and can only reach truth through the unequaled insight of a true connoisseur. The first step to being an elitist is to acknowledge your own superiority and only then can you start seeing the world in the clear light of someone who knows how things actually are.
  20. And general healthyness as well as money for the stores. Puritanism, big bucks and sheep mentality. The best argument I've heard is the one about emitting less greenhouse gasses because of less power used. Hard to measure the cost of the added complexity though.
  21. I meant fanbase wise. I don't know much about these things (and I'm still talking about it, WIN) but it seems more logical to put it where you have a large fanbase. The thing that I would like to know more about is how they'll walk the fine line that they need to walk in how much their skill system influences. That's the part they're most likely to screw up as I imagine it is quite hard.
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