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Everything posted by Moatilliatta

  1. From the bad spellar on the livblog: So I guess the IGN stuff isn't ingame. Edit: Death to Volo! Mario is a cool dude.
  2. Obviously, since it needs to run on poor peoples computers.
  3. Ha, sorry guys but no K3 for you. From the livefeed: From IGN: On the other hand from the live feed: Edit: Meaning that the MMO will appeal to KOTOR singleplayer fans.
  4. Guess this is what most of you want to know: Room for K3?
  5. And when? I can't sit and wait here the entire night. Damn... *sits and waits*
  6. CoD5 HaHaHaHaHaHA. Come back when Infinity Ward have CoD6 in beta! Seriously now you can give it to me if you want, it would be interesting to see whether they can live up to their own promises. @Willy nilly Supposedly they're two different people. I'm not sure if it makes a difference.
  7. If I remember correctly it is just utilizing splitscreen with online play. Guesting is what Nick calls it here on the forum and I guess it sticks even though the word is horrible at actually explaining what it is. The PC is a runner up at best because it has less option than the lolbox, I can't really say anything else. The failbox has autmoatically working mics and options for cramming more players into less machines. You might not like those options yourself but that doesn't matter as I never argued that it was better for you. And yes as far as I know splitscreen hasn't been implemented for the PC. Valve mentioned that splitscreen is integral to the lolbox so I don't know why they think it wont/can't work on the PC.
  8. @R_N And stuff like splitscreen and guesting and all the stuff that the lolboxites regularly mention are minor technicalities to you? I do realize that the PC might be better for you but that doesn't mean it is better in general. Anyway if you're set on buying the PC version you might want to check out the pre-purchase 10% off on Steam.
  9. It could be extremely great for our steam community as it ought to work well with highly variable amount of players but our steam community is clinically dead. The speed of the zombies probably have to do with the amount of zombies that can be processed at the same time (slow zombies means that more are needed for an equal threat) and because fast zombies might produce a more urgent need for fast coop coordination which is the purpose of the game.
  10. I originally wrote my post without this: "of a relatively close-knit group" does that tell you what I'm on to? I guess you might be lucky enough to have three friends who are interested in this game, PC players and owns a Microphone. Most people don't and as such the lolbox is the generally suggested platform. Lots of coop games work on the PC, like TF2, because the public servers are decent, but we're talking a whole different kind of much closer coop when it is 4 players instead of a 10 man team. Unless L4D is much worse than I'm guessing it is then communication will be important and I don't see that working well on the PC in general. Also see Hurlshots post. I would actually consider getting it for the PC if we could pull some kind of steam community together but we can't.
  11. Pinpoint aiming or not the point of L4D is coop multiplayer of a relatively close-knit group and as such the PC is lucky it's even a runner up. It's hard to argue that the 360 isn't the superior platform for this game.
  12. I played through STALKER half a year ago or something and didn't meet a single crash or bug. If you meet them by now chances are it has more to do with your PC than the game.
  13. Why would they put it on the Steam version only (or close to only at least)? That's some screwed up priorities.
  14. This one seems to believe that DS has SecuRom. Thid one too.
  15. Kinda lacks the easyness of Steam. That's cool, just too bad I haven't seen anything of it in chapter 1. It isn't because I like disliking this game as I don't. Normally I would have expected it to be right up my alley but somehow I don't really enjoy it. I love 2d art and would have expected to like the art in this game but I really don't. Good music always improves a game but the music in WoG doesn't tickle me. I think I might have caught some sort of chronic 'can't enjoy WoG' disease and my doctor would just laugh at me if I told him. Somewhat more cheerily I've been playing through Half-life and I think it still holds up well on the immersive storytelling scale and it's definately still fun as a shooter. I might have had more fun in this playtherough of HL that I had playing through Crysis.
  16. I was thinking Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear myself. Reminds me of the nuclear facility mission.
  17. If noone cares about DRM then why did they change it and keep changing it with every second release or so? Out of the goodnes of their heart? I do like his use of the word cabal to describe anti-DRM people.
  18. Now I feel even more oblivious! I don't feel like replaying the puzzles and don't really see why I should as I don't replay action games to see if I can do better and fail to see why I should do so with puzzle games. Not a big deal though as I never expected that of myself. I might try and get the OCD scores but I doubt that I'll buy the game for those as I'm not a powergamer or overachiever or anything like that. I tend to like stuff like the OCD scored in the way that John Walker (I think) described in the RPS review, where it's fluid in the way that you do not actually try to achieve it but it's something that you realize while simply messing with the puzzle. Seriously trying to reach the goal kind of makes it much more mundane. I feel that this game might fail because it didn't do like Braid and show things from every chapter as a way of showing that it does indeed have new and interesting stuff in every chapter. These kinds of games are those that need to evolve throughout the game to be interesting and still they use an ancient demo-form that doesn't actually show its strong sides, it's ridiculous. Part of it might also be attributed to me having already played all the good physics puzzlers out there (4 or 5 I think) and you can only really enjoy them that many times. Kinda makes the goo balls the only truly inventive thing about the game, and that isn't bad by any stretch but the demo doesn't really entice me with them. Seems to me that the logical way of doing the demo would be to show small amounts of several different goo balls instead of wasting what little time people are willing to give this on a chapter. [/rambling Moat] I might give it another try when i can get it on Steam.
  19. Does it need to be? I don't think I've ever played an adnventure game for the game. Anyway I've now finished the World of Goo demo and I honestly don't really see why people rave about it. It's a good game and such, very well crafted and quite beautiful but beyond that. Is there anything beyond chapter 1 that could improve upon my view of the game?
  20. Evil, nasty man. I've downloaded a demo of world of goo and I'm gonna try and give it a fair chance since everyone is raving about it.
  21. A much underrated game. I just wish I could run it without having to resort to all kinds of tricks. You can buy it from STEAM, with no tricks required. Even the music works. It's amazing how detailed it is. I also think the graphics are hewn directly from Fallout. I too shall recomend the Steam versions. There is even a general faq on the forums explaining in great detail how you can solve just about any problem that you might meet. Best thing to happen to Steam in a while.
  22. About micro-payments and monetizing battle.net: Not anything a reasonable person couldn't have guessed but confirmation is always nice.
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