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Everything posted by Moatilliatta

  1. There'll be things you wont understand before you've played F1, they're not important except for the feel but then again feel is quite important for the Fallout games. I don't see why you would play 2 and not 1 since there are very few graphical and gameplay improvements between 1 and 2 and as such little reason not to play 1. F1 is even free on Gametap if you can handle its DRM.
  2. It's possible that they'll try to expand upon the amount of hours a game takes with expansions later on for those who can't get enough. I also think I'll wait a day or two to see if early reports say that there is good replayability as It'll need that to be worth $20.
  3. I'm pretty sure Rob didn't mean to say not buying MoW == Death of the entire DnD games industry. I belive he was speaking in general terms that people should be careful that their not buying a product doesn't have an effect that isn't desired with that effect being no more DnD games because the publisher thinks the market isn't there. Don't read something into his post that isn't there.
  4. Are you saying that people should just suck it up, close their eyes and think of England? If they could make it so that a reformat of the hardrive would un-activate the computer as well then I would be completely happy for the most part. A DRM that is just a max of three computers or so active at the same time would be bliss.
  5. So I've decided to do a reverse Troika binge and first up is VtM:B and for once I've decided to try this bug-fix only fanpatch and as such I obviously go to the main site and OH MY GOD MY EYES I realize that some people like these things but can't they hide them in .RARs or something. The real point of this post is to ask whether there are any important or just good patches for Temple of Elemental Evil?
  6. Awesome spaceship. Here is a sort of checklist of stuff that most people (should) find fun in space: Terraforming. Exploring. Watching a planet go from an icy ball of death to a liveable paradise is awesome and many of the planets are different or can be made to be different through plants and animals. Exploring is cool if you manage to find the eastereggs or a really wellmade species. There are other joys like uplifting a species only to terraform their planet to a burning ball of magma that has a very cathartic quality.
  7. I realize that it might be news to you, nick, but Spore isn't an RPG.
  8. Green arrow? In my game the green arrow symbolises the resume game button and not the exit game button. I also have confirmation dialogues upon both exit to main menu and exit to desktop.
  9. You do also get a specific philosophy from going through it and some of those effects might be worth it. I've only tried the warrior one and that one sucks. Useful spreadsheet.
  10. Stuff that are worth it: Creature stage as predator gives your spaceship extra health. Very good. Civ stage using military or religious means mean that you''l be slightly less bothered by eco disasters/ pirates. Slightly worth it. Edit: The rest are crap.
  11. I too wanted to delay and explore until I realized there wasn't anything to explore. Exploring starts in the space stage like everything else does.
  12. What? Intimidation? Isn't Rob McGinnis just saying that DnD games won't be made if people don't buy them?
  13. Hinterland to go gold in about a week. In case some of you don't know. @The Hinterlands is short for an RPG debate. As I've understood it Hinterlands is as much an RPG as Diablo, which is an RPG by the way. Notice that it doesn't mention narrative or anything but simply tells you that you'll have non-generic characters (level), stuff from fallen enemies (loot) and a city to build (build). It'll probably be a different more in depth take on the same subject as Majesty. Edit: A forum thread that you guys might find interesting: The 6 hour game time thing.
  14. A good tip for tribal stage is to kill an epic creature as you'll be able to amass enough food quickly to last you the rest of the stage. Unless of course you're a herbivore in which case you're out of luck. How much time have you spent on tribal? It didn't last more than 40 minutes for me.
  15. I don't which is something I mentioned earlier in the prior thread. Palin is exactly what I don't want. And, no. McCain doesn't look tired.
  16. I don't know. I'm pretty sure the Obs devs could do some wicked embroidery.
  17. Different people age very differently and not all old people can be bossed around. I've known many old people that'll try to give you a whooping if you try to boss them around and I've seen nothing from McCains behaviour that suggest that he is easily bossed around. It just seems to me that judging solely from a point as shaky as age leads to very shaky conclusions.
  18. I just notice one of the names of an area that Morgoth was in, troll country. "We can't stop here. This is troll country." @Nightshape As opposed to other low-graphics MMOs? or just plain ugly?
  19. I imagine it could do well in situations where you are only up against one and since he lives in the country he isn't as likely to meet large groups. Or am I wrong on one of the points?
  20. And what qualifications does Obama have then? Personally I think talk about qualifications are crap as it's just a way of condeming a candidate that you have trouble condeming on valid grounds.
  21. The big news from Obs: Big news are awesome!
  22. Very much yes. I think it would be hard for both of them not to be a change for something much better, in the eyes of a European at least. Funnily enough I watched the debate and came to different conclusions than Krezack and Time about the performances.
  23. I see that they've "borrowed" another thing from WoW then.
  24. European Lazy Irresponsible Troupe of Essayists - ELITE Nevermind that I haven't written an actual essay since school.
  25. Are those WO screenshots with full graphics on?
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