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Everything posted by Moatilliatta

  1. I doubt that Bioware tried to accurately portray China. JE is extremely fantasised wuxia.
  2. Comes out while my PC is broken. I'm not very lucky vis
  3. JE isn't bad as such it is just incredibly uninteresting as the few good characters (e.g. girl with demon) seemed short and ended quite abruptly and wasn't explained fully. Similarly the writing seems to want you to care for things/beings that it hasn't established a valid reasoning for you to care for. If anything was bad in JE then it was mostly the execution as many of the ideas are grand. I think I can mention at most one idea that just stinks and that idea is unfortunately much worse than what Bio usually sends out. @Xard I did say best Bioware art direction. Though which directions is it that you think is much superiour?
  4. Best part of JE was the art direction. Best Bioware art direction by far.
  5. System requirements: Preliminary System Requirements: * OS: Windows XP or Vista * CPU: Pentium 4 at 2.4 GHz / Athlon 64 2800+ * RAM: 1GB * Gfx card: GeForce 6 Series with 256MB VRAM or higher, or ATI X1650 (or HD2400) Just about anyone who upgrades relatively often should be able to run it.
  6. Hey now, WoD is a genius so you've lost before the debate has even started. Don't be a sore looser. @WoD I've tried searching my memory for my mystary combo and I think it was just paralyzing the enemy and then using spirit thief to heal yourself. The AI didn't know how to break the cycle and you then had all the time in the world to beat him.
  7. Moatilliatta


    Depending on how things go you might very well need more than one book to pass the time.
  8. It stops being fun when you find a combo of styles that the AI can't beat.
  9. Mirror's edge is linear but with multiple paths. I can smell the awesome! All of it sound quite cool.
  10. Briosafreak's blog mentioned it at some point and I've heard it said about Arcanum.
  11. Poor teachers? [Rant on] I'd say poor students that actually pay full attention as I was one of them and it is incredibly annoying when some idiot is playing games next to you.
  12. ITT: Old goofers playing it tough.
  13. @ Killian "I ought to have picked a shorter name" Kalthorne Not the same. If they would take over Valve they would either have to accept less DRM (because Steam has less) or they would have to change the way Steam does things which would mean bad PR.
  14. Heh. I'm currently using a chest of drawers for a table for my laptop. I would think that we follow the ideas set by the makers because it is an authority that we can follow and feel correct. I would probably use a table if I could afford one without giving up something else. The case of the whole is this a rack for magazines and can it be used for other things thing that you
  15. Not if they want to look like they're reformed and "good" now. EA has realized that an extremely ****ty PR is extremely bad and they're trying to balance between being darkness incarnate and someone who makes good games that people want to buy.
  16. The functional approach doesn't work for love imo. For survival of humanity, f*** around would suffice, but love has too many drawbacks to be regarded as nothing but a necessary foundation of community.Also, if you view it from your "evolutionary", (sorry, but: pseudo-)scientific angle, why would you differentiate between emotion and chemicals? Sure about that? The reason we form family units is probably because our babies take a long time to become even remotely self-sufficient. This is obviously pseudo-science as I don't actually know anything about this subject, but it does seem resonable. Or do we have examples in the animal world of mothers taking care of babies for 1.5 decade before the baby is reasonably self-sufficient?
  17. Which means that you're part of the gradual eventual change that I was talking about. Systems that screw over the consumer aren't stable long term.
  18. Isn't it possible to contact the publisher fro a disk replacement?
  19. Because using a system created by angels for angelic pruposes isn't something that dark nasty beings of deceit do. Also they're bigger than Valve and want to be able to decide what is important for them instead of relying on Valve. It is quite simple really.
  20. I wonder if they think this will help anyone. Why should a big publisher or a big developer suddenly adhere to this if they didn't before? Gamers will buy the same things they did before this bill of rights and the only thing that will change video gaming is the slow crawl of eventual change. @SteveThaiBinh I doubt that the EA store damages digital distribution much since there are many other very good platforms like Steam and Impulse and at least steam is better known than the EA store in the important circles. While EA likes to say that it has changed a lot they're still nasty beings of darkness and deceit.
  21. Anyone know if it is released on any direct download platform (steam, Impulse etc)? Also how is the second game Silent Storm: Sentinels? Anyways that Alpha Protocol sure is looking good.
  22. Maintaining? As in the regular updates or something that someone with very little coding knowledge doens't understand/know about?
  23. MGS1 and 3 should be playable purely for the stealth action (or at least 1 will I haven't actually played 3) if you're not into japanese stuff. I don't like the japanese either but I love MGS1 for the gameplay.
  24. My point was that it need not be a glorified chatroom as that is just the dominant MMO form currently on the market as established by Everquest and refined by WoW. New MMOs could attempt to change that if that is what they want, but all to often is it about snatching the crown from WoW instead. Edit: Noone ever said Funcom were good coders.
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