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Everything posted by Starwars

  1. Agreed on this. I find a queue system to be sorta desireable just at a moment's glance, but once you think about it, it *really* changes the feel of the combat a lot. So I'd say no to a queue system as well.
  2. Definitely agree with lolaldanee. Never understood why we need to be hit with the full force of the epic choir as soon as we enter a combat situation. But it keeps coming back in games.
  3. I don't know. While I certainly couldn't say that the IE music was bad, the truth is that a lot of the tracks melodies', nice though they may be, got really old in my head after spending some time in whatever areas (right now, some of the wilderness music from BG1 mostly comes to mind). Melody is fine and well but I think it needs to be used carefully in a medium like games. Then again, it is definitely how you use it. Torment's music feature a theme that is prominent through almost all the tracks in the game, yet they didn't stand out as being repetetive to me. Guess it depends on how you write the theme really and how you work it into the music.
  4. I also really enjoyed the classical guitar in the Inn, set the tone nicely for a small-town inn. Good choice. I hope there's more upbeat music for the more rowdy taverns in the big cities. Personally I like the more subdued atmospheric music. Epicness is alright but I dunno, I don't want it shoved down my throat all the time.
  5. I've had it happen several times where enemies attacked characters in my rear (ehehehee). Enemies that were triggered by my Fighter in front.
  6. How do you feel about the music so far? I'm quite enjoying how we hear the music in the game, at least the ambient ones. The title screen music is also good. Not a fan of the combat music though as it gets really repetitive in my opinion. I think it's the rythm of it especially that kinda gets a bit annoying. Also, choirs when fighting beetles...
  7. Excellent topic and posts. For me, the first step would try to fix the character models, making them more visible. It's possible that this may lead to a "scooby doo" effect but it's more preferable to have that and be able to see what is going on in my opinion. I think there is definitely room for tweaking this in any case.
  8. How do you feel about the amount of combat currently present in the beta? Personally, I wouldn't mind just a bit fewer encounters in some areas. Or at least, I would prefer it if you didn't run into enemies right off the bat like you do in the beetle area. Allow me to have a small look around first before running into enemies. I know they were aiming for a slightly higher density but I kinda enjoyed it in Baldurs Gate 1 that you sometimes could walk for quite a while before running into something trying to take your head off. Made the world feel a bit more "airy" and not so closed in. What do you think?
  9. Excellent points Felipepepe, agree with pretty much all of that.
  10. I would really love to have an option to toggle volume for all kinds of voice-acting in the game. Combat shouts and the "affirmative" type of deal when you move characters around kinda get really old after a while so an option to mute them would be very welcome!
  11. I'd be glad to have cultures even if they did not change any stats at all, as long as there is *some* response to it in-game. I do not see how it is bad design to have them in and not have them matter much stats-wise. Stats are but *one* aspect of this game, there is in my opinion no need to have absolutely everything you choose be reflected in a big way in the stats.
  12. Some guys on the somethingawful forums I believe.
  13. Great to have an answer, thanks! I think it'd be real good though if you could release an update as soon as you have some of the biggest issues fixed. By that, I mainly mean issues where items are disappearing and so forth because big issues like that are really blocking a lot of, well... testing right now. I really want to test combat out more but my Wizard's griomoire keep disappearing, as well as weapons.
  14. It'd be great to have *some* idea of how often one can expect updates and such to the beta.
  15. Stuff like this is really important I think. It'd be a huuuuge waste of potential in my opinion if players are forced into running around, following story arcs with plenty of plot-locked doors without the abilitity to "short-cut" them somehow or solve them in different ways. Really hope that's not the case with this game.
  16. I don't care at all about how the models look up-close to be honest. They don't look particularly good I think but ít's just such a small thing in the grand scheme of things. They look fine from above when playing the game, that's the most important bit I think. Would love definitely love more portraits though. It *does* create a bit of a weird thing when you customize your 3d toon, and then there's no portrait that looks like it. In that regard, I would prefer it if they just had a very standard paper-doll. But yeah, I wouldn't want them to waste resources on changing it now.
  17. I completely disagree about cutting out abilities. Keeping the player active with many abilities to use might be the biggest strength of PoE combat at the moment and I'm loving that part of it. Plus, with the way resting is set-up, I imagine it will be a long term decision also what to use and what to not use.
  18. I think it's a bit too early here to talk about the difficulty tuning. At least from my personal point of view, there are too many little things that need tweaking (and bugs that need fixing) before I can really say whether I feel the game is too easy, difficult or whatever. What I'm definitely liking is that this game makes me a lot more active than the IE games generally (of course it's different in the big boss fights), I'm doing way more stuff in this. That's a huuuuge plus in my opinion. One of my biggest gripes about realtime w pause systems is that it often leads to developers having a lot of "trash mobs" that the player blows through without much thought. I don't want any trash mobs, I want encounters that activate me. Now, the *rate* of encounters may something that needs tweaking as well. But I really hope that the rest of the game also features encounters where I need to be active. For me, the biggest positive thing in the combat has been exactly that, I need to be active *and* the game actually has plenty of tools for me to use.
  19. Playing some Dishonored. I'm only in the first "proper" mission so far, but I'm not *really* feeling it so far. First impressions are that I kinda wish they had done away with the magic powers, they feel so... unneeded somehow. Fun to play around with I suppose but I would've much rather had it be a "pure" stealth game, just based on my immediate first impressions. The story seem kinda bland so far also and I'm not a fan of the graphics. I love steampunk aesthetics but this game just looks kinda boring. Maybe I'll get sucked in more as I play more. Not bad by any means so far, but kinda meh.
  20. I also agree with this. Maybe give some of the animals just a smaller aggro range. Another thing I really don't like is when you enter the map with the beetles is that the beetles are *right there* as you enter. It just makes it feel like the world is smaller than it is when you can't walk two steps without running into something hostile. Give us *some* space when we enter a new area.
  21. -Character creation is excellent. Very in-depth yet still manages to keep a good overview on everything. You have guys have found a great balance here. -The audiovisual side of everything is great. It feels like an update IE game. Beautiful. -While the combat feels rough right now and needs work, you can see the potential. Love that there seems to be so many options for the characters to keep you active. The realtime w pause was maybe my least looked forward to thing in the game, but if this is polished I can see myself really growing to love it.
  22. -Game looks gorgeous, has a great feel to it. Certainly nails the IE atmosphere. Would love more movement in foilage alá the first demo video from way back, perhaps that idea was scrapped? It's not a huge deal though. -Sound is solid so far. Feels on its way to feeling really full which was always a plus in the IE games. Would still *love* a toggle to keep combat music from playing. I don't mind the music but I just don't like it much when the full choir hits whenever I'm fighting a beetle (not that it's necessarily easy ). Not sure how hard it would be to implement but I'd love a toggle for it. -Inventory takes some getting used to, still not sure how I feel about it. The main interface when you're moving around feels good I think. Journal works well. More icons for items would certainly help. -I'm not sure I agree with others when they say that combat is too *fast*, but it *is* currently quite hard to get an overview of what's happening. It feels like it lacks feedback and I'm having a hard time following the combat log for whatever reason. The speed of it feels alright to me, but I pause often in these games so maybe that's why. Love that it feels so active though, much better than the IE games in that regard. The classes all *look* fun and appealing at least, haven't tried much yet. -Dialogues feel good. EDIT: Also, for everyone who is complaining (not providing constructive criticism), this is still not a finished product. It's not meant to wow you or give you a grand playing experience. It's still beta, and you opt into it by choice.
  23. I would love this on my PC as well, just saying!
  24. If you REALLY don't want the Wasteland 2 key... well, I sent you a PM about it. Cheers for being generous! EDIT: You rock man, thanks!
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