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Everything posted by E.RedMark

  1. Ok Ok.. How about : This guy for Éder (his name is Charlie Hunnam)
  2. Let me tell you a story : DAO..crashed for me , and it's still crashing for me to this day due to DirectX 9 and optimization of the game itself . I have done 1 playtrough of it that I was able to finish with 1000+ crash . So , I remember Morrigan...I remember the general story and Leliana and yada yada... But I won't be able to quote stuff , since the game left me bitter like hell due to crashing . And everytime my friend get me in the mood..I'm never able to get past Ostagar due to crashing . It just kill the mood to play... Anyway...whining aside lol you mean face claims all of them or just pick one ?
  3. face claims ? what is that ? and thanx for ruining Morrigan for meh..... So Maia = Cass then ?
  4. Except Maia doesn't disapprove of everything and Aloth does. Fenris is too unhinged - throwing bottles, going murderous. Aloth is too reserved for that. Maia is also not girly, Morrigan is extremely girly. I would say Aloth is more girly than Maia. And Maia is more deadpan snark with her own code of conduct and her own morality. I fully agree on Mirke/Oghren and persistent lack of pants. Yes, thats perfect! And both are super smooth talkers. but aren't the companions bugged.....? So..what if they fix it..and it change how is Aloth ? I never saw Morrigan as Girly . I mean she litteraly sneer when Leliana talk about shoes and dress... and yeah..I was shocked seeing her in a dress in DAI..I was like WHAAAAAAAAAAT? LELIANA! Get over here and see this! Buahahahahaaha No..maia doesn't . But she is snarky often...
  5. Ah.. haven't even installed the DLC yet..still waiting for the patch... How about Meredith for Pallegina ?? They are both zealot for their order/faction .
  6. who the hell is Mirke ? And for Pallagina...that's easy ! every Bird Shale stump is Pallagina !
  7. I also..picked Oghren for Seraf.. cose he share two things with him: They both could be Pirate (well seraf is already one , but so does Oghren with that voice) . And they both supposed to make you laugh , only Seraf doesn't but oghren does . Oh wait..they are also both short! and hairy!
  8. nah.. I really see , Maia like Morrigan . She is gorgeous..like Morrigan and bitchy . And Aloth , yeah..maybe not Sten . But..he does have that stuck up..broody ..no nonsense can't take a joke . So..fenris maybe ?
  9. *shrug*.. Dog is bird...and Shale...there aren't that many companions in deadfire to go full cast look alike .
  10. Xoti = Leliana ? (really?) Éder = Alistair Tekehu = Zevran ? Maia = Morrigan Aloth = Sten Seraf = that dwarf that drink ?
  11. She also NAGS SO MUCH even without being married to you. Can you imagine the nagging after marriage? It's suicide! wrong! it's murder...she won't nag..just split you in two...and you still will have to clean up after that !
  12. ya know... HE IS NAAAAAAAAAKED! who gonna ask for a mod to add some Pants in Inventory ? Statue Sized ! So you can run after him and wave them '' For all the gods sake! At least put on some pants ! EOTHAAAAAAAAAAAAA! everyone can see your wee wee !!! ''
  13. yeah.. I'm waiting all right . I did have one playtrough... But I need the patch that fix dialogues and sliders (So should be the 1st patch)...before I can play more..and I'm DYING to play !
  14. depand on what I'm playing . When I made my Amauna , she went druid/ranger...so took a Lioness Spirit animal! and it was awesome! cose you can turn into one , plus you get the ghost animal companion . I also tried the Stag , and Antelope . I won't choose bear , wolf and boar...cose..boriing
  15. funny... from POE 1 : Aumaua: 7 Coastal Aumaua: 1 Dwarf: 0 Boreal Dwarf: 1 Elf: 1 Snow Elf: 7 (3 with Glaswal) Godlike: 10 Fire Godlike: 4 Nature Godlike: 2 Moon Godlike: 2 Death Godlike: 3 Human: 1 Orlan: 14 (5 with Captain Aldmar) Hearth Orlan: 1 Wild Orlan: 1 Male: 7 Female: 12 From POE2 : 44 Godlike 30 Orlan 17 Dwarf 10 Aumaua 3 Elf 2 Human So...really , think if anything OSB is pushing for us to be short..and fluffy . Maybe it's a cc Limitation to that specie ? Or a bug maybe ? I for one....don't care , cose even if Godlike got like 2 heads.....I'm a bit dissapointed in some of them . Take Nature Godlike....the 2 heads make them look more like plants..where they are supposed to have animals traits as well . And none of the portraits could fit the new heads . Btw...what make me think it maybe a bug..cose...I can't do that either with Godlike....you can change head , and hair colors..I guess . And it's not equal...Nature godlike get 2 heads..where fire godlike get 3.....and so on.. here hoping they add heads and customization in either a patch or a dlc .
  16. are you serious? xD I'm always seriouse..when it's a matter of Smoochies
  17. any news on the patch ? I wanna play so baaaaaaaaad..... But with messed up dialogues and stuff..Urghhhhh....
  18. Told Berath to romance me , she gone insta kill..before character customization was worth it..you should've seen the blush on her
  19. The dialogues are Bugged , some of them are missing and some of them are firing too soon . The upcoming patch hopefully will fix that .
  20. I don't understand your problem, all my faction reputation is 5 at the end and I can pick all faction final quest.( Beware Maia will leave if you pick VTC or Huana final quest ). well..my issue is with the 'Ending sliders' . So..if you wanna know , they are here : https://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Pillars_of_Eternity_II:_Deadfire_endings#Port_Maje_Peaceful There are some stuff in the ending sliders..which made me wonder . Hence the question...
  21. sooo..how do you get approval with factions? like just don't do their quest or what ? Edit: To be more clear...in my 1st playtrough , I did as many quest as I could . And end up with princip... So say if I wanna do Huana route , should I just do the quest but make how they end toward Huana ? or just skip rauata and VL quest ?
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