Stuck between a rock and a hard place in Bloodborne.
I have access to three areas. The first I've gotten all the way to the boss, but can not beat him. I've only beaten him once while cooperating with others and there's usually a better track record than that. Thankfully he's optional.
The second area I haven't reached the boss in yet. It might be the most annoying area in the game, though. The enemies respawn as you progress. I've made my way nonetheless to the second lamp, only to find out that there's THREE $#@%#@^$# NPC hunters a short distance away. Two of them aggroed me simply for entering a room and kicked my butt. I can probably take them with a little more care, but it's intimidating as NPC hunters are some of the strongest enemies in the game. And they won't ever respawn once killed, meaning that at least I'll make some progress.
The third area is probably simply too high a level for me, which makes it good for farming mats. So no real complaint there. But it also is home to numerous illithid wannabes that like to steal my insight. Being that I can't two shot them with the big freaking sword and they have binding spells, they get pretty obnoxious.