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Juodas Varnas

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Everything posted by Juodas Varnas

  1. Does anyone know how the Conjurer Wizard Familiars will work? Are you able to choose what kind of familiar you have? What can it do?
  2. Well, if i recall correctly, my Priest of Eothas, diplomatic goody goody two-shoes character, ended up siding with Hylea at the very end. Sending the souls back into their bodies, felt the most... Eothasian choice to me. Giving the poor hollowborn a second chance, rebirth, renewal, felt fitting. For Thaos... I think i just sent him back to the wheel. I really wanted to just destroy him completely or send his soul into that prison, buuuuut you know... Redemption and whatnot. Other than that, my character ended up being... Pro-dragons (mostly because i was playing on POTD ironman and was too scared to actually fight any of them and risk losing the save game, but uhh.... roleplay wise, we can say that... He felt that killing the Dragons was... bad? Shut up!). I ended up helping out the Alpine dragon by putting his soul back together, let the Sky Dragon stay in the temple, freed the Adra Dragon (hardest one to rationalize, because the Dragon was kind of a douche, buuuuut, you could say that as a Priest of Eothas, he felt as if the Dragon should get a second chance as opposed to being imprisoned in a dank cavern under the ground for eternity or until it dies because it runs out of souls to eat). When it came to Llengrath, i did again decide to avoid fighting her/him/them and trade knowledge with them (i did get to keep Concelhaut's head floating around me, but i'm not entirely sure if that's intended? Maybe i missed something in the dialogue, because i'd really think Llengrath would've taken the skull even if we don't fight). For companions, Eder became a member of the Night Market, Aloth ended up hunting down the Leaden Key (with Iselmyr), Pallegina became a Kind Wayfarer, Durance became a crazy naked hobo without magic (as opposed to the crazy robed hobo with magic), Grieving mother settled down in Dyrford (i did not delete her memories, which was sort of a theme with the other companions as well, like Maneha), Hiravias became the "autumn druid", Zahua came back home and united some people or something, Kana became some eccentric drunk back home because he had no evidence for the crazy **** that happened and the Devil of Caroc went into the sea. I don't remember what happened to Maneha. Oh, yeah, i also chose the Crucible Knights (without the Killer Automatons in their ranks).
  3. Hmmmm... I don't seem to have this Portrait in my game after installing the patch/deadfire pack thing. The portrait is cool AF though.
  4. Yeah I feel you. Polish prices were getting a bit better since they introduced polish currency in GOG and its coming to steam as well. How the game will be priced remains to be seen. Tyranny was much cheaper for me, if I remember that right. Well, i'm in Lithuania, so we have worse salaries than Poland with higher prices in euros
  5. Yeah, i guess you're right guys. It's just that it's still kinda expensive, when you live in a EU country with ****ty economy, so you end up having Western European prices with Eastern European salaries
  6. Hey guys, i just wanted to ask if anyone knows the game's price on release? I'm basically thinking whether it's better to just back the game right now for 35 bucks or i'm better off waiting for the game's release and picking it up then.
  7. 2 AM start in my timezone. I'm not sure if i won't pass out until then.
  8. I'd be totally OK with the rods being something more like this
  9. There are no per-rest spells/abilities in Deadfire, plus there is no "long-term health bar", so the only incentive for resting is:- getting rid of injuries, if any, plus - getting empower charges back And it is counter-weighted by: - wanting to keep current food bonuses active (if you consumed some good and rare stuff) So... dunno if there is a need to have some food carry limit. Oh? I guess i haven't been in the loop, because this is the first time i heard about the removal of injuries/per-rest abilities/two health bar system. I'm not sure how i feel about that. I kind of liked those systems.
  10. Both visored and non-visored bascinets! I'd be especially keen on getting myself a Hounskull or a Klappvisor bascinets
  11. Friends don't let friends wear boobplates! I mean, do you really want the entire force of the blow to be redirected DIRECTLY into your sternum (instead of harmlessly glancing off)? But seriously though, i honestly REALLY liked the fact that women in Pillars of Eternity actually wore proper practical armor.
  12. I'm fine with AOE buffs, especially since we have the whole attribute of Intelligence based on increasing the radius of it. Making buffs global would BASICALLY nerf the attribute (and i don't think Intelligence is an attribute that needs to be nerfed).
  13. Rods are two-handed. They are long, like a staff, and fire magical projectiles. What is this thread about? A rod made of wood? A rod... But twice as long. Rods are real short in Pillars 1 How am i supposed to overcompensate with that short stick?!
  14. I'm not entirely sure why there'd be a need to have different types of "pure damage". Isn't the whole point of "pure damage" is that they're not resisted by anything and having different types of "pure damage" would just be redundant or would simply lead them to no longer being "pure damage"? I'm just confused.
  15. Geez, just make "Magic" staffs act like Javelins in the previous Obsidian title - Tyranny. Ranged attacks at long range, melee strikes at melee range.
  16. Aren't those 'sub-classes' and not multi-classes?
  17. You.... Click on that White March tile.
  18. I could totally go for a Wayfaring Concert Pianist class though
  19. I know it's weird, but i kinda wish one of the Chanter subclasses would actually require a musical instrument or something (for a pure-bard playstyle) and basically forgo the ability to attack normally for more powerful chants/invocations.
  20. Wouldn't it be nuts to actually have that, but have it a "hidden option" only if you *spoiler alert into spoiler and put the spoiler in the spoiler* in the End of the first game? I'm still keeping my Priest Eothasian (though i might give him a Kind Wayfarer second class, 'specially since Pallegina will also be one according to my ending.)
  21. Eh, i'd prefer Shapeshifting to be even weirder. Never been a fan of "Shapeshift into an Animal" spells in RPGs. Probably my favorite "shapeshifting" in any videogame were the Chaos Marauders from that old Warhammer MMO that was killed off a few years back.
  22. "Svef is the Aedyran name for a potent narcotic produced from the berries of small shrub that grows in the dry, distant mountains of Tal Kness. Svef produces hallucinations and, according to some, allows users to actually see their own soul." "Whiteleaf is derived from the whiteleaf weed, which is commonly found throughout the Dyrwood and Eir Glanfath. Locals dry and smoke the plant, which grants a feeling of calm alongside an intense lethargy." Which sounds more like weed? Hallucinations and seeing your own soul (made from berries), or calmness and lethargy (smoking a dried plant)? I always felt that Svef is more analogous to Heroin (or maybe Crack Cocaine?), especially seeing the Svef addicts in Purnisc's home. But i won't pretend to know much about drugs, because the only drug i need is my sweet, sweet Coffee.
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