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Juodas Varnas

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Everything posted by Juodas Varnas

  1. I'd personally wouldn't call the animations "rubbish" Because they're not - they're basic. I mean, sure, they're not exactly REALISTIC or HISTORICALLY AUTHENTIC FIGHTING STYLES, but i mean, i don't think they're meant to be. I think that they're meant to be easily visible and obvious from the distant isometric camera perspective. If the game was a third person hack-n-slash, i'd probably want something different, but for an isometric cRPG, i believe they're perfectly suitable.
  2. Hey, we haven't actually met the guy, yet. And although Hylea's priests definitely would have benevolent as a disposition, do you remember how she talked to Pallegina in the first game? That was (unintentionally, I think) really cruel. Gods have very different perspectives from mortals. Already, from the beta, it looks like we're going to see new sides to all the gods. Well, if you ever betrayed Hylea (promised her to do her way with the souls at the end and do something else) you'd see that she's not so Benevolent... To be honest, i think her "vengeance" if you piss her off, might be one of the most devastating ones, at least if i recall correctly. . . Like any mother, she's all kind and motherly, but if you piss her off.... WATCH OUT FOR THAT FLIP-FLOP FLYING YOUR WAY! Hurrah! Now i feel like an arse for complaining so much. I'm really glad the devs are so responsive to suggestions and complaints.
  3. Obviously the best way to pommel strike someone is to unscrew the pommel and throw it!
  4. Agreed. But also, in that general talents pool/tree, there need to be talents drawn from classes other than the martial classes, for example spellcasting equivalent talents. If the wizard can now take a sword & board general talent, the fighter should be able to take a healing/buffing general talent. Self-buffing is already something they have. For healing... Well... How about that Field Triage talent we used to have in PoE 1?
  5. The restriction exist to pay for getting sub-class bonuses...and you are asking to remove it to add even more bonuses? lol Well, since unlike the Wizard, there is no "NO SUBCLASS" option, so what the hell am i paying for with those bloody restrictions? There are sub-classes, it's the god selection. The spell category restriction is in exchange of having a free bonus spell (Eothas gets Firebrand and Sundeam for example) at chosen levels and I guess some themed god spells, like the weapon summon (which deal good damage, well the Berath's greatsword does at least). The Priest class does feel unfinished though. When Josh said he "trimmed" the class of redundancy I wasn't expect it to means he "gutted" the class. I'd rather get the rest of the Priest spells than some random spells from another class that barely, if at all, fit the Priest class...
  6. Makes me wish we could use what Concelhaut learned and become a Lich ourselves in PoE 2 What do you mean that's now what i was supposed to get from that video?
  7. The restriction exist to pay for getting sub-class bonuses...and you are asking to remove it to add even more bonuses? lol Well, since unlike the Wizard, there is no "NO SUBCLASS" option, so what the hell am i paying for with those bloody restrictions?
  8. I'll be surprised if we can keep ANYTHING at all...
  9. They should really just give back all the Priest spell schools to all the deities... Such restrictions just aren't fun, soooo why not instead of restricting certain spells from certain Priests, we would EMPOWER certain spells? Like Eothas priests would have better healing spells (like maybe all the burst heal spells could leave a lingering Healing over time effect), while Magran priests could have some sort of extra damage buff on their spells, while Skaen could have extra Damage over Time on their damaging spells, et cetera. I think that'd be much more interesting and wouldn't turn the entire class into complete garbage like the current system.
  10. From what i've seen and heard you seem to be always better off multi-classing with a Fighter instead of just soloclassing the class.
  11. Honestly, i'd rather have both the Job and Culture to be completely fluff with no gameplay bonuses, apart from the dialogue options that come with them.
  12. Didn't they say in one of the videos that some enemies (like blights specifically) have vision in all directions?
  13. I do find it kinda funny how devs decided to make the classes more "distinct" by removing the universal talents and what not, but then decided to just give Priests random spells from other classes while taking away a huge part of their own kit. . . Should i just start up a new character in PoE 1 to get imported to Deadfire?
  14. Woah, woah, woah, woah! ...No Suppress Afflictions? It was like... One of my favorite Priest spells at lower levels! Losing that spell is just.... Dumb... I'm beginning to dislike the changes from PoE 1 more and more. Let me guess.... No Withdraw either? Yeah, no Withdraw. Is Eothas god of death now? God of Disappointment.
  15. Woah, woah, woah, woah! ...No Suppress Afflictions? It was like... One of my favorite Priest spells at lower levels! Losing that spell is just.... Dumb... I'm beginning to dislike the changes from PoE 1 more and more. Let me guess.... No Withdraw either?
  16. Eothas ? Whatcha mean Eothas ? The guy gets Touch of Rot and Spreading plague whatever. That ain't sun-themed You're thinking of Berath. God of Death. Eothas is the god of sunshine and lolipops.
  17. You don't get to choose, they're learned automagically when you reach levels X, Y and Z. 20171121193618_1.jpg 20171121193621_1.jpg Bummer... I'd rather just get an extra 'normal' Priest spell instead of something i'd probably never use. (Because you no longer get ALL the priest spells when reaching the required level like in PoE 1, do you? I remember hearing you just get to pick a few spells and that's that)
  18. I've no access to the Beta myself, but from what i'm hearing from people about the Priests, i'm kinda worried for my PoE 1 import Eothas Priest. in PoE 1 i used him mostly as an Off-tank Support (high Resolves/Intelligence) with a Flail and Small Shield and he worked pretty nicely. But from all the update videos and the beta streams, it's pretty obvious he won't be viable at higher difficulties AT ALL (despite me playing with PoTD difficulty with him in PoE 1)... Could someone answer a question though? Since Eothas Priests gets the fire-related druid spells, do you get to choose the spells or it's like a completely preset spell list you just get, because i've seen people mention Eothas priests getting the Firebrand, which seems kinda redundant seeing how all priests will be getting summonable weapons already (and ones that actually fit the deity), so i'm asking if there's a choice in it? Would the Firebrand (or other cross-class spells) be as an extra option to choose from when leveling up or is it just "you get it, be happy with it" kind of deal?
  19. Was the Fighter bad? I remember Edér as a fighter in my party basically carrying my party through most of the fights, while the priests and wizards would just get nuked in the first second of the fight I mean, yeah, the Fighter's kit was kinda BORING but i don't think it was bad at all.
  20. To me it just seems that Obsidian REAAAAALLY want you to always be multi-classing. I personally always hated multi-classing in everything Really do not get the logic behind limiting the weapon styles to just the fighters. They should AT LEAST apply to all the martial classes (Fighter/Paladin/Rogue/Barbarian and maaaaaybe Ranger).
  21. Or "don't pick a Godlike if you want to wear a helmet"
  22. And have every single helmet model be modified to fit every different godlike head shape? No thanks, i want the game to be out by 2018.
  23. I really, really do not like the sound (and the whole idea) of dealing less damage to enemies vulnerable to flanking. It's just such a ridiculous thing to have... I'm really hoping that Pallegina despite joining the Kind Wayfarers story-wise (at least in my game) will retain her unique Paladin order bonuses instead of being gimped with the Kind Wayfarer penalties.
  24. Currently summon familiar is a spell, only usable in combat, that summons a random familiar that can fight and gives its Wizard a buff. I am not sure whether it despawns after combat as I lost the combat I tested it in, but I'd assume it does. The buff I got was +3 Burn damage resist (or whatever the new name for damage resist is) which seems rather lacklustre, though I haven't played enough to really judge. At the moment I don't think the ability is particularly good. That sounds woefully lackluster. I was also hoping to be able to choose a familiar a la Ranger pets. Just getting a random one every time you summon it, seems way too unreliable.
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