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Juodas Varnas

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Everything posted by Juodas Varnas

  1. As opposed to sitting in a soul prison for an eternity? She knew exactly what she was getting there. Sit around in Breith Eaman being smug at the Gods for petty satisfaction. Given the Gods are kind of proud selfish ****, it probably even worked a bit. Oh, she probably thinks that way for sure, but i really doubt the gods give even the slightest amount of ****s about her in her position, if anything it's actually good for them to have her sit there forever, instead of being out there in the world spreading her heresy.
  2. As opposed to sitting in a soul prison for an eternity? Yeah, she'll probably have a higher success ratio sitting in soul prison keeping the secret alive. She told at least 6 people (the Watcher and the party). Someone else might come, a few centuries from then, which is more than she could expect, had she been reborn. Centuries? Since we were the first living people down there for since the Engwithans, i really doubt there will be many, if any at all, people going down there (especially considering it requires the favor from the Gods to just survive the trip).
  3. Think of it like this: You firmly believe in a cause. You devote all of your life to it, fight for it with all your might. Even at your final hour, when your bones are being shattered at the wheel, you'd stay true to your ideals and spit in the face of those who would dampen them, rather than end your pain with but a single moment of hypocrisy. And then somebody just barges right into your prison and is like "hey, did it occur to you that if you do this one thing that completely opposes everything you ever believed in and fought for your entire life, you can be sort of free?" ...yeah. That's Iovara's perspective the way I see it. Also, she begs you not to do it. Doing it anyway seems evil enough to me. That's all understandable, but still stupid. She could've had another chance to fight by going through the wheel if she Awakened later. But being against it she just looked like she admitted defeat, like she just wanted to stay a powerless sore in the eye of the gods. It's a shame there is no option like that to convince her to continue the fight, to promise to find and Awaken her later. What makes you think that she would remember the truth about the gods after her Awakening? The Watcher doesn't But isn't the Watcher's case of 'awakening' kind of special? From what i understood, when people awaken they literally have another completely separate personality and not just random visions like the Watcher.
  4. Wasn't it "The QUIET Slave"? Checked the wiki, in the aliases section it mentions: Quiet Slave, the Queen's slave, The Schemer and the Effigy. But i don't remember him being referred to as the Queen's slave at any point in the game itself, so i've no idea. Now, if you ask me, i think Skaen might be 'helping' Woedica to give her enough power to make her a target for the other gods. I mean, what happened to the other god stepped out of the bounds? Eothas got hammered.
  5. As far as i understand there's barely anyone responsible for the good old Bioware titles left in the studio.
  6. Well, i'm sure that Durance doesn't like you either.
  7. I usually play on the second highest difficulty on my first playthrough (unless the game is a sequel or a game i'd be mechanically familiar already, then i play on the hardest difficulty).
  8. I think she was more obsessed with finding the specific person that burned HER house down.
  9. Life is struggle. Vela might as well learn to deal with the BS from an early age. I'm sure the inanimate steward, Korgrak and the mercenary mindstriker would raise her perfectly well in my absence... Don't forget the Fampyr and 'I just killed an entire innocent family, because some drunk guy complained' Bleak Walker
  10. Bird **** all over your boat if you piss off Hylea? Phew, now i'm REALLY glad i didn't piss her off!
  11. Here's hoping the most important feature from Tyranny will make an appearance: [Glare silently] ಠ_ಠ
  12. Yea, I'm pretty sure there is no running away scenario for that guy. Did he try to attack you every time you returned to that map? I... never returned, i just left for the end-game and completed it. He's probably still running there, looking for you At least it's good exercise.
  13. Yea, I'm pretty sure there is no running away scenario for that guy. Did he try to attack you every time you returned to that map? I... never returned, i just left for the end-game and completed it.
  14. Really? Rescuing her from those backward savages is probably the least evil thing you can do in the quest! Really? With the evil dude dead she could have been a chieftain of those backward savages without any worries. Instead she got kidnapped by some crazy adventurer with no permanent home and probably no skills in baby raising whatsoever. It's all looking very shady to me, but now I guess even every paladin and "Goody Two-shoes" will go and kidnap that poor baby just to have extra content in the sequel. It was entirely selfish on my MC's part. It was one of the two arguably evil things he did in his otherwise fairly spotless benevolent/rational/honest career. He saw a chance to secure an heir and he took it. I don't think arguments that her adoptive brother deserved to die would fly, the man wanted to kill his father because he was a freaking would-be crib murder. The best moral argument I could find is that you wanted to remove the baby from the entire fight and just didn't expect a fight to the death resulting from it. To be honest, i'm not entirely sure i even killed the guy. I might've just ran away, broke the combat and left to finish off Thaos. Though, that's probably not something the game takes into account, right? Since i was probably SUPPOSED to kill him.
  15. Except that MC doesn't live there that much - he\she goes around dangerous places and dungeons all the time smacking baddies. Not a very healthy life for a baby when she can get roasted by a fireball or smth any time. And Grieving Mother isn't always around, especially after the ending. Just admit it - taking that baby is a stupid, spontaneous decision, no matter how much you try to justify it. And it's a criminal and morally dubious act to boot - kidnapping, murdering witnesses, destiny stealing, leaving a whole tribe without a strong chieftain. Pure speculation. Well, once you've hunted Thaos down, i see no reason why the MC would continue the whole adventurer lifestyle, seeing how he's a lord of a keep and such. And Grieving mother (depending on your ending) ends up living in Dyrford which isn't that far away from Caed Nua, so no problems there! Also, it might just be pure speculation, but do you really think the other Three Tusk Stalgaers (literally the most savage and brutal of all tribes) would be ok with some Fisher Crane (who are considered to be soft and weak, by other clans, if i remember Hiravias dialogue correctly) orlan girl being named as their new leader? Also, there's the whole constant human sacrifice thing going on with the Glanfathans in their Blood sands cave, so that's a big no-no for most people, i'd say.
  16. Really? Rescuing her from those backward savages is probably the least evil thing you can do in the quest! Really? With the evil dude dead she could have been a chieftain of those backward savages without any worries. Instead she got kidnapped by some crazy adventurer with no permanent home and probably no skills in baby raising whatsoever. It's all looking very shady to me, but now I guess even every paladin and "Goody Two-shoes" will go and kidnap that poor baby just to have extra content in the sequel. No permanent home? What about the "the finest fortress in all Dyrwood"? Also, the MC might not have skills in raising babies, but i definitely know someone in the party who knows way too much about babies (you just need to hope she won't mindcontrol you into taking care of the baby while you starve to death yourself, hahaha) Besides, if one nutjob decided to make a baby-smoothie out of her, who's to say another nutjob won't get the same idea later anyway? #BabySaved
  17. Really? Rescuing her from those backward savages is probably the least evil thing you can do in the quest!
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