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Juodas Varnas

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Everything posted by Juodas Varnas

  1. I feel like I remember your name from a Retcon Raider video. (Darkest Dungeon maybe?) Am I wrong? The very same. I quite enjoy Retcon's videos.
  2. Well, i'll be importing from Pillars 1 so it's my Eothasian Priest. Probably gonna keep him Pure-Priest (though i might multi-class with Fighter)
  3. *Shrug* I think the Race selection is enough. It'd be a pretty ridiculous amount of effort to make multiple body types for every single race and then make armor fit them all properly.
  4. Shame. I was never a fan of the way RPGs always handled consumables. Because i'm a hoarder. I just hoard the consumables and never use them (in case i REALLY need them, even if i'm fighting literally the last boss of the game, BUT WHAT IF THERE'S A SECOND PHASE, GUYS? Doesn't matter that i have like a 100 potions in my backpack!)
  5. Depends. I mean, who knows? I might get run over by a truck or struck by lightning on a clear day and die, so i wouldn't get to play on the 8th. But if i don't die in a random act of universal chaos, i probably will.
  6. I think Mass Effect 3 was great! Ok that's a lie, I think it was better than people said, but it is the worst real Mass Effect game. On a 10 scale I would give it like a 7. I refuse to count Andromeda as a Mass Effect game by the way . It was such a let down after 1 and 2 though. Yes, Andromeda does not exist, let us not speak of it. Andromeda was the best ME game.
  7. I wonder if Kind Wayfarer Pallegina will have a modified portrait, with the scratched out suns.
  8. Can I ask you which other choices there were? I know there are these three, but if there are more, please do share! ; - Kindnap the baby. - poison ...was Simion his name? Or kill him in the natural way. - Sacrifice the Baby -Sacrifice the baby for Simoc -Sacrifice the baby and kill Simoc (but why though?) -Take baby, kill Simoc -Take baby, don't kill Simoc -Give baby to a good family, kill Simoc -Ignore the quest Those are the ones listed on the survey You can give the baby to another fam?? HOW?? I have no idea! I can't find it anywhere online. But 44% of people did it. That's why I was saying my Watcher would have done that, but I ain't replaying so Vela is living in Caed Nua now with my companions. Maybe someone else can illuminate. Well, then the 44% of people are good fer nuffin liars! Unless killing Simoc but not stea.... RESCUING Vela is considered as "finding another family" for her.
  9. Can I ask you which other choices there were? I know there are these three, but if there are more, please do share! ; - Kindnap the baby. - poison ...was Simion his name? Or kill him in the natural way. - Sacrifice the Baby I poisoned Simoc(?) and then stole the baby, right before jumping down the death pit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trbBvBx4Ptg
  10. Honestly, i'd just wish that all of the armor pieces would be affected by your selected color scheme for the character. If that was the case, i think pretty much every hat/armor combination would fit relatively well (well, unless you're running around in noble's clothing and a frog mouth helmet)
  11. So you stole the baby to make her into a child soldier? You're horrible. Well......my lesbian Druid/Barbarian Raider wants her legacy to live on! XDDDD Uhh...okay, come to think about it, it is kinda evil... xDDD I mean most people around here try to justify taking her for her own good, that you're taking her away from a place that wants to make her into a refreshing beverage, but you don't even try to do that! Stealing babies purely for selfish reasons. More than just 'kinda' evil
  12. So you stole the baby to make her into a child soldier? You're horrible.
  13. Uhh, Dyrwoodans are pretty racist towards Orlans aren't they? I think the woman who had her child killed by thugs in city would probably be a better choice (no tyrannical nutjob leader nearby either)
  14. I neither drink alcohol or smoke various substances. I make enough horrible decisions in my life sober.
  15. Wait... What are those portraits? Just new player portraits or like ship crew? I must've missed something. It's the Critical role VA thing. I think they are making portraits out of the characters they (Critital role) had for their Vox Machina campaign. If I understood it correctly. I didn't know what they were until a week ago. Yeah, i have no idea what any of that means.
  16. Very informative. Any details? https://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Mirke Note that wiki calls her a companion, but probably isn't. Who knows, she could be Deadfire's Calisca. Seemingly pretty cool companion that gets offed in the introduction
  17. Throwing another 200-300 hours of my life into a video game and then fall into a deep depression afterwards.
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