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Juodas Varnas

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Everything posted by Juodas Varnas

  1. Welp, i just effed my 'soft-ironman' playthrough (i don't think the game is in a bug free state enough to roll an actual POTD ironman playthrough, at least for me) by going down there too early and not being able to get out (or survive down there, cause oh boy, those grubs). But i assume you can't go back with the lift and have to find another way out, at least that's how i understood it from the "Lone Survivor" down there.
  2. But correlation does not imply causation? Is that the joke? Is this a joke? Am i a joke?
  3. Lucky you.Maybe they'll bloody fix the whole importing system by then, cause it's borked to hel and back right now. Yup. Eder is broken, Vela is broken and Aloth is apparantly also broken. I worried how much more is affected. Hell, even the dragonslaying is broken, with this specific watcher i had gone out of my way to NOT kill any dragons and a guy still referred to me as a dragonslayer.
  4. Oh, so you can't romance Maia as a male watcher? Bummer. I've not even found her in-game yet, but i guess i'm not exactly in a rush anyway.
  5. Lucky you. Maybe they'll bloody fix the whole importing system by then, cause it's borked to hel and back right now.
  6. Honestly, i'm kinda pissed. I mean you'd think issues that end up being apparent in the first 15 minutes of the game would be easily caught in QA, Well they did catch them since they admitted 2 knowing about it in reddit post before game came out They just didn't bother 2 fix them before release. Cause really who cares if someone can't play cause of this? I know right? Fixing bugs before game's release? Heresy.
  7. Oh you got the Night Market? I imported with the Night Market but got the bad ending of him doing back to his parents in Aedyr. It's such a gaun damn mess.
  8. Honestly, i'm kinda pissed. I mean you'd think issues that end up being apparent in the first 15 minutes of the game would be easily caught in QA,
  9. Are you even able to recreate everything in the history creator thing? Cause i might have to do that just to get Vela. Feeling kinda pissed, cause i definitely don't remember ALL of my choices from PoE 1
  10. What's the point of pre-loading if you can't run the game the exact moment it comes out?! ARGHH!!!
  11. Hour and a half unfortunately I believe x3 Gosh darn it, i even started making pancakes in anticipation. Damn you Round-Earth! Damn you and your damn timezones!
  12. I just get a gooood cup of coffee and sit with the video game until i start feeling like i'm about to pass out. Then i go pass out.
  13. Honestly, i'd rather not have any romance in the game at all, if that's the other option. Besides, Grieving Mother isn't in Deadfire, so who even cares about romancing companions if you can't romance her?!
  14. I ran my Priest of Eothas with a Flail and a buckler in PoE1, so i see no reason why it should not be the same here. Eder was sword n board as well, so he's probably gonna be the same here. (I also ran Grieving Mother with a Dagger/Small shield, but she's not gonna be in Deadfire )
  15. I don't think Justin Bell or the voice cast can draw though, sadly. I don't expect them to draw. It's all about the time and money. And time is money, so it's all about money squared.
  16. If you ask me, they coulda gone with less voice acting and just crammed a ton of portraits into the game. I never cared for voice acting in RPGs, myself. I like reading.
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