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Juodas Varnas

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Everything posted by Juodas Varnas

  1. Oh man, i've not seen this portrait. Was kinda hoping to not have it spoiled. Eh, she's too adorable for me to get mad at.
  2. That one is weird indeed. But I'm more curious about the demon creature, I saw some demon portraits in beta files as well. Wonder what those are. A new race of creatures? It's probably an imp, we've seen some in the short videos they've released, haven't we? What are imps then? https://twitter.com/WorldofEternity/status/953749003010637824 Ok, new creatures then. Judging from the portraits files you can have one on the ship. Yeah, worthless idiot.
  3. That one is weird indeed. But I'm more curious about the demon creature, I saw some demon portraits in beta files as well. Wonder what those are. A new race of creatures? It's probably an imp, we've seen some in the short videos they've released, haven't we? What are imps then? https://twitter.com/WorldofEternity/status/953749003010637824
  4. That one is weird indeed. But I'm more curious about the demon creature, I saw some demon portraits in beta files as well. Wonder what those are. A new race of creatures? It's probably an imp, we've seen some in the short videos they've released, haven't we?
  5. Well, in PoE 1, you didn't have to override anything, just add them to the folder.
  6. I also really like the weirder companions in most RPGs (Legion is probably my second favorite companion in Mass Effect series, after Jack), which kinda makes me wish we had gotten something like a Vithrack or even a Xaurip companion in the roster. However, Eder is the best and i have no idea how can anyone be 'meh' about him!
  7. She couldn't leave the island herself, true, but someone could go down there and talk to her. Which is exactly what happened in the end. And since we descended into the pit with the help of the gods themselves (surely they remembered that Iovara was still down there and able to talk?) they probably weren't all that worried about her potentially spreading the truth. At least not as much as they were about Woedica gaining power. Her punishment looks more like Thaos' personal vendetta to me, the gods really don't seem to care much. And I doubt they would care about her soul getting destroyed either. To me it looked like that Burial island was Woedica's domain. Perhaps other gods didn't even know Iovara was imprisoned there. But more likely they were indeed more worried about Woedica's imminent restoration, so they lent the Watcher their help going there. Makes me wonder, if Woedica was deposed a long time ago why wait so long to restore her? Not enough people living in the vicinity of the machines? Also, I think it's obvious there is no consensus among the gods about anything and they're not infallible. Some gods want to eradicate other gods, other gods want all the power to themselves. Some gods wanted to erase all trace of Engwithans who knew their secrets from the face of Eora, while others were against it. And while they squabble and plot, reluctant/unable to act directly against each other, such mishaps as Iovara's info leak happen. I wonder if the other gods have no knowledge of Iovara being there. Right after talking to her, you do get contacted by Wael. But that's a pretty convenient god. If he alone has knowledge about things happening down there, not considering Woedica of course I suppose he's keeping it secret to the other gods. You also get contacted by Skaen right there at the end. Ahh yeah I forgot about that. Skaen is known to be in league with Woedica as far as I remember. I personally doubt he's really in league with anyone but himself. Definitely has some ulterior motives for working with her, the sneaky bastard that he is.
  8. I can only assume it's a physical manifestation of Wael. Or a Waelite ability. Wait, really? I was trying to make a joke.
  9. What if she went into labour in Act IV? What if the baby was Hollowborn? What if Calisca's sister was so miserable that she killed her soulless baby moments before you pick Hylea's ending?
  10. She couldn't leave the island herself, true, but someone could go down there and talk to her. Which is exactly what happened in the end. And since we descended into the pit with the help of the gods themselves (surely they remembered that Iovara was still down there and able to talk?) they probably weren't all that worried about her potentially spreading the truth. At least not as much as they were about Woedica gaining power. Her punishment looks more like Thaos' personal vendetta to me, the gods really don't seem to care much. And I doubt they would care about her soul getting destroyed either. To me it looked like that Burial island was Woedica's domain. Perhaps other gods didn't even know Iovara was imprisoned there. But more likely they were indeed more worried about Woedica's imminent restoration, so they lent the Watcher their help going there. Makes me wonder, if Woedica was deposed a long time ago why wait so long to restore her? Not enough people living in the vicinity of the machines? Also, I think it's obvious there is no consensus among the gods about anything and they're not infallible. Some gods want to eradicate other gods, other gods want all the power to themselves. Some gods wanted to erase all trace of Engwithans who knew their secrets from the face of Eora, while others were against it. And while they squabble and plot, reluctant/unable to act directly against each other, such mishaps as Iovara's info leak happen. I wonder if the other gods have no knowledge of Iovara being there. Right after talking to her, you do get contacted by Wael. But that's a pretty convenient god. If he alone has knowledge about things happening down there, not considering Woedica of course I suppose he's keeping it secret to the other gods. You also get contacted by Skaen right there at the end.
  11. Yea, she's ok with it if you convince her with your logic. She likes that - the last rebellious act to stop being a cog in the wheel system and free from the gods. Kinda stupid though - nobody will know about her truth if you destroy her soul, nobody will know about her truth if you send her to the wheel (unless of course she Awakens later). So in the end it's only you, your party and Thaos who knows. Nobody will know her truth if she stays in the prison either, seriously, sending her back to the wheel, with the chance that she might awaken one day, is probably the best way out for her! Heck, as a watcher you can awaken people (like you do in White March with the dwarves) and you could easily just tell her that you'll send her back to the wheel, find her afterwards and just awaken her. And BAM, she can continue her pointless crusade once again, just without the inquisition breathing down her neck, instead of just sitting idly in some soul prison for whole of eternity.
  12. Destroying her soul isn't cruel, because Iovara accepts willingly such a fate (if you convince her in doing so). Throwing her back into the Wheel is cruel, because you do it against her will, it is something she doesn't want. Does she accept destruction willingly? I remember pretty high stat checks to persuade her to let you do that to her. Honestly, i felt like i should've been able to at least attempt to convince her to return to the wheel through the magic of my 30ish Resolve stat (heck, you could just have her say "nope" to that) But eh, i might be misremembering things, maybe she does say something along those lines and i just don't remember it.
  13. I recently replayed the ending section of POE - there was no option to return Iovara to the wheel, just destroy her soul, thus releasing her from the wheel entirely. As for Thaos, I doubt Woedica or any other god can undo whatever it is you decide to do. First, there is no evidence in the game that they can restore a completely destroyed soul, gone from the wheel, or restore memories of a soul wiped clean to it's primal essence, which is unprecedented as it is. Second, retconing POE1 major endgame decision by some dev whimsy will cheapen the whole game's plot and devalue time spent playing it. Also, returning dead villains always looks like somebody ran out of ideas, it's always more interesting to create a new villain. Sure you can return her to the wheel. Here you go I'm only saddened by the fact that this is supposed to be the 'cruel' and 'evil' option.
  14. Check the post by FlintlockJazz: But i mean, you're literally able to drag Iovara (kicking and screaming) back into the wheel, even if the whole prison was designed that way (and let's assume that gods can't actually release him), what's there to prevent a Leaden Key Watcher (it's not like Watchers are one in a million, i mean you run into Maerwald) from doing the same to Thaos? All i'm saying is that no matter what you choose to do with him, in the end, i don't think it even matters.
  15. Eh, i think i liked the armor system in the first game, the whole mechanics with penetration, overpenetration seems unnecessarily complicated and just a mess to balance.
  16. That's why I put him in the same prison as Iovara, so he can have an eternity to ponder. And what's to stop Woedica (or anyone else) from returning Thaos to the wheel? Since you know, you, as a measly mortal, can do that to Iovara (though it's considered to be a 'cruel' decision, for some reason? Which is kinda dumb in my opinion)
  17. He is always sent to the Wheel upon death. It's just that he Awakens in his teens each time (thanks to his goddess) and gets back to whatever he was doing in his previous life. At least that's what Lady Webb says. Which brings the question, who's to stop Woedica from simply Awakening him again even if you erase his memories? Or do we somehow perma-erase them, so there is nothing to remember at all? I never condired this possiblity, but now I think I'm going to destroy his soul from now on just to be on the safe side. Who's to stop Woedica from just putting Thaos's soul back together after you destroy it, i mean, it doesn't seem like it's something out of the realm of possibility for a deity. (I mean if Eothas can put HIMSELF back together after being blasted by the Godhammer, what'd be so difficult about putting back together a mortal soul) If Obsidian decides to bring him back, i don't think it even matters what you did with him.
  18. Isn't the whole point of Thaos that his soul is basically perma-awakened and he always keeps his memories upon death? At least that's how i understood it. I figured that was going to end once he got sent back to the wheel. But maybe I doomed the world. Well at least it means Eora won't get boring. Eh, i sent him back to the wheel with his memories intact as well, it was sort of a theme of mine with the character (i refused to delete anyone's memories) Besides, we kicked his ass once, we can do it again, if need be.
  19. This almost certainly rules out any connection between the two events. Content-wise and art-wise, the game's finished by now, that's for sure.I mean Josh did post on twitter that the delay is for bug-squashing.https://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/171833980891/so-why-the-delay *After* the cat was let out of the bag. And that’s Tumblr Well, he posted a link on twitter to the tumblr, which is how i found it. Shut up.
  20. This almost certainly rules out any connection between the two events. Content-wise and art-wise, the game's finished by now, that's for sure. I mean Josh did post on twitter that the delay is for bug-squashing. https://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/171833980891/so-why-the-delay
  21. I now expect story book sex scenes that feature woodcut art and skill checks. So... No more constitution dumping? Nobody likes a two pump chump.
  22. First Katrina leaves, now this? IT'S ALL FALLING APART, MAN! I'm freakin' out!
  23. Isn't the whole point of Thaos that his soul is basically perma-awakened and he always keeps his memories upon death? At least that's how i understood it.
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