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Everything posted by SonicMage117

  1. Welcome to the Obsidian forums mate, Where most threads are clickbaity!
  2. I am not as optimistic as the rest. I won't be satisfied by word of mouth or gajeplay videos and simple tweets. It will not be til I play the game in which my mind will be put to rest of it's quality, ad that is all. The tweet, means nothing to me until I play the game for myself but not giing to get my hopes high and hype up any possible failure.
  3. I'm hoping is more unlinear than Tyranny.. but that doesn't mean it will be. I suppose this would be the wrong place to ask as we are all fanboys of Obsidian here
  4. That would be balance breaking. Revolvers are always overpowered in games... the only difference would be magazine clip but even then causing unbalance.
  5. Just wait... there's more As you gain more powers, you'll "accidentally" stumble upon new passages. Good luck!
  6. It's fine with me if people wanna refund it, although I'm super passionate about the game, I understand that everyone has different tastes or different experiences than me. Also, most people won't admit that different pc's can have completely different reactions or counteractions to running a game, meaninf that a game that runs perfect on my pc can run horribly on another and such is the fact. It's none of my business how anyone spends their money and vice versa. This is a great thread, seems to have brought about some controversial argument but... for the right reasons. I just want more walls of comments because I like to read and I think this is the perfect thread for an honest argument on both ends. More and more people will see this thread and it's obvious that the OP has gotten even the most stubborn fanboy's noodles cookin. We're all fanboys here
  7. Skyrim for me... Every time I'd join a faction or try to complete a campaign, a quest breaking bug would happen. I got sick of it eventually and just gave it a negative review and uninstalled.
  8. Very good thread. Yes, Tyranny did some things better and I'm surprised they did not think of it. Obsidian would do well to follow it's example. Mini-map and artificial party lighting would be worthy editions, unless they are encouraging players to carry torches and memorize uncharted territories
  9. https://youtu.be/hOwIQNA9A8I Really looking forward to both of these. Braven is like a male Tomb Raider it seems. Jason Momoa is a cool dude .
  10. Prepare to get flamed! People don't like my posts which are generally very positive, I expect them to hate yours and either tell you that you're wrong (even with proof), or that there is no need to post this as it may discourage future fans and that this could be a private matter. I should mention that I haven't really noticed any bugs myself so perhaps Obsidian bugged your specific copy. Yeah, that's the ticket! Anyways, glad to hear your experience as your choice is your choice and we as the community have to like it and read it either way but it looks like you may miss out on a buggy sequel .. but a penomonal buggy sequel nonetheless so. Yeah, take that!!!!
  11. I don't usually spend alot of time gaming but... Prototype 2 (courtesy of ShadySands). It's an open-world sci-fi action game... It's sorta-like Saints Row 4 but without all the tackiness and stupid cringe-worthy stuff. I'm 10 and a half hours in because I couldn't pull myself away from it. It has that erriness of Darksiders, that serious-tone of Watch Dogs 1 and the main character is pretty cool. You are James Heller, a former marine who loses his fam to an air-bourne virus, he gets the virus but becomes a carrier and now has powers... In the vain of Megaman games, each boss you defeat gives you it's ability... which I love! You feel powerful because you are but the game seems to have no problem throwing things your way, whether that means waves of enemies or mutants more powerful that me. You also get perk points to spend from completing side-quests and skill points to spend when you level up. Permanent upgrades from hunting certain enemies. Maybe the one of the coolest things ia that you can take any person's form by eating (absorbing) their bodies. The characters are great and the story makes sense, you get a fictional New York city called New York Zero, at the beginning of the game, it's nice and beautiful but as you progress you start seeing the affect the virus has on the atmosphere, the weather and so on. Out of any of the games that ShadySands has given me, this is quickly becoming my favorite!
  12. Check out The Enchanted Cave 2, you may like it!
  13. I believe you must deal more damage with the fighter if you want the enemies to sse your fighter as the larger threat. Then they will attack the fighter.
  14. The combat in the game looks great, like a nice mixture of Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines and the newer Castlevania games. Not a bad thing
  15. I think he is a pastor by day, a game jounalist by noon, and perhaps a rapper/clubby by night. Perhaps that might explain it, the hat with a jacket blazer and t-shirt with board shorts and tennis sneakers is pretty common in the Americas.
  16. I don't think that rpg's are more inclined to feature voice acting in the present. Most rpg's, whether Jrpg, Western rpg, isometric rpg, rpgMaker still are text based and only partially voiced if at all. It's really only the bigger budgeted Action Rpg's that are fully voiced from my knowledge and I see quite a bit of newer rpg's. The thing is that bigger budgeted rpg's are very few compared to smaller rpg's these days but I'm looking at console and pc market. It would surprise me if someday the majority or even half of the rpg's in a year were fully voiced. If the person playing is disabled, I would understand but for people to complain about a game being bad for the sole reason of not featuring voice or expecting voice from a genre/game just because we have the technology to provide so, does not somehow impress a standard or legitify an expectation. The core rpg will still always require some reading and I suppose that's why the rpg's whom do have full voice acting still also have the text to read as well.
  17. I have Fable Anniversary on Steam and from time to time I try to get into it, just can't seem to though. Not sure what it is, I think the combat s wonky and not fun. The U.I needs refinement (not sure if the original is different) The world feels shallow, yes. I do like some things: The art style, the way things like sunlight and combat affects your appearance). The overall experience of Fable feels unnatural and I can't seem to figure out why as much so. Never tried the 2nd or 3rd game so I cannot comment on those. I'd be interested in a Fable 4 or a new single player focused Fable at least. That Fable Legends looked horrible to me.
  18. Actually, the one on the right really reminds me of something I saw off the Prince Of Persia trilogy. If elves use magic, I suppose they could manipulate the temps around them to wear whatever they please.... even if nothing.
  19. It is indeed but like any other game developer, Obsidian most likely looks at Pillars 1 and says "We wish we would have done this differently than what we had, perhaps the game would have been much better for it". Regardless of it's success. Maybe things they didn't put in the game because of time restraint or thungs they kept out because it simply didn't fit. I probably sound like I'm knocking Pillars 1 down but I'm not trying to. I know they're "happy" with the game but that's not the point.
  20. When we compare the tonal differences, yes, it does impeccably make sense. You see, Pillars 1 has a muted color pallette... the forests are dead green, the game itself is covered in dark blue hues, dead greens or wooded browns. So it's a semi-opressive vibe to begin with. Deadfire on the other hand has sunlight beaming across the golden sands, the waves of the ocean and the beaches with a sense of open-ended discovery. Point being: The two games are polar ooposites in vibes and that is with good reason. In sense, Deadfire has everything pointing to "Fun" from its alchohal breathing ogres to ship sailing while Pillars 1 is just all around depressing with hints of dark humor. I am not at all sure to assume this but I think they chose to go this direction because they regretted that Pillars 1 was "too" dark in that way. Maybe I am wrong and they just wanted to do something different but it doesn't appear that way, it seems like they wanted to improve the first game in every way upon the sequel without it straying. It's telking that they knew they could do some tonal variation better. I am really happy with what I see from Deadfire, I don't think I could be happier with the changes they are making with the tone which ultimately dictates the type of humor and thereof amount of it.
  21. Tbh, I love everything about Tyranny's combat.... would love to see another game with its combat but in a different world, an open world isometric cRPG would be great! The only thing I didn't really like about Tyranny was the word map and the travel system. It was more or less small hubs than a grand world and the map interjecting always seemed to break the pace of gameplay.
  22. I really don't know who would buy Pillars Of Eternity expecting voice acting or not expecting to read a book worth of dialogue (or two). That should be an instantaneous given... and perhaps instinct at this point. However, I always welcome voice acting, even if not particularly well versed because sometimes it's easier on the eyes you see and makes the ears work, see? Anyhow, I think well written dialogue is the greatest power a game could have. It can make the game worth leaving or worth playing. That may just be me.
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